Christine Pullen



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
I am an ex nurse who always wanted an irish setter but never had the time or space to devote to I have three and consider myself very lucky indeed!!! They are all boys and we show two of them, the eldest, Merlin and the youngest, Harry, the middle boy has been sick since the day we had him and recently has been diagnosed with megaesophagus.We are lucky enough to live in a country setting with good walks all around.

Comment Wall:

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Christine

    welcome to ES hope you enjoy it is a great site

    mybe soon you will have some photos of your lovely red boys


  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Welcome to ES Christine!!!

    Like Martina I hope we will soon see pictures of your lovely boys

  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Christine,

    Welcome to the site! No doubt, see you at some shows this year!

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Christine

    your photos are realy nice

  • martina mckeag

    Thank you christine she is my life just love her

    hope your boy is feeling better

  • Lois McCullough

    Welcome to ES Christine hope you enjoy the site - it becomes addictive!! We moved from Banstead to Pluckley a few years ago and have friends in Leatherhead - Headley used to be the place to go is it still good dog walking country?
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Nice pictures!!!
  • Marjolein Bogaard

    Happy Easter Christine!!

  • Alison Ashley-Turner

    Thank you:-) 
  • Tina Clamp

    Hi Christine your red friends are lovely. Loved the picture of the one laid on the computer. lol. x
  • Tina Clamp

    MY computer screen broke so i had it repaired. Long story. lol. x
  • Tina Clamp

    No by a big fat owner dropping it on the floor and damaging the screen. lol. x
  • Christine Kent

    Riley is just 2 and he has always been ok with bikes until he reached the age of 2. Someone said dogs go through terrible two's like kids. oops just realised you may not have read my thing about Rileys bike chasing.  As you have males perhaps you could give me tips. Thanks for accepting my friend request.
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Christine!!! Have a great celebration with all your Reds  :-)

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Christine!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi lovely photos of your boys (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine, yes my Finlay is ill, he was only given 6weeks in december he has a bone tumor in his leg, but apart from having a ear infection at moment( trying to get drops in ear is fun) he's keeping well, he's no different then he always is just cant have such long walks, it's heart breaking knowing he's ill and i might not have him for long he was only 2 in december

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Christine, Finlay has had tests, x-rays, bone biopsy, the first vet wanted to amputate straight away in december, but said it wouldn't save him just give him a bit longer, i wasn't too keen on that as biopsy was inconclusive other vet said hang on as he wanted to get second opinion from a specilist, and Finlay seems to be confusing the vets as not acting like he's ill, they advised after looking at everything to leave him at the moment as he having a good quality of life and reconsider his treatment later on, he's just on some medication, so fingers and paws crossed he will keep well, he is such a sweetheart (",) 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine, your right they go straight to our hearts, you will soon get experince as you have three boys, it is hard when he looks so well you just wonder whats to come,vet said a second biopsy a bit later would more then likely of shown a positive result but taking more bone could of caused a fracture that wouldn't heal and they would have to amputate, i think i have choosen the right course for Finlay he's still happy and enjoying everything like normal, i had never heard of your boys illness till i joined here seems a few dogs have same thing, you just want them to be well, i was lucky with my other boys no major illness, except Paddy did bloat at 12 1/2 it was sudden after i feed him a different food i was at home took him straight to vet, she said because of his age he wouldn't survive the night the operation or the anaesthetic and wanted to put him down i said no try the op he pulled through and he was with us for another year, sorry i seem to have gone on a bit, Ellen (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine, yes i think we are both in the same boat lets hope both boys stay well for a long time, no i've never shown my boys, always thought i would of liked to, lots of people said i should of with my first dog but i dont drive so was never practical, a ES member traced Muffins pedigree for me as he was never registered i was pleased to see he had some very good dogs from the 70's in his pedigree as even i'd heard of them, but being on this site makes me think it would be nice, i'm going to see if any local shows and just go and have a look, i would enjoy that, i did see the photos of your dog at crufts on the floor Finlay would be just like that, in our house that pose is called chicken chest every time he does it he expects to be fussed, to me all my boys have been beautiful i've loved them all but there is something special about Finlay, my daughters are grown up so most of the time it's just Finlay and me, i think we could both talk for England or should i say type for England (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine, sorry to hear Jack not to well hopefully the antibiotics will do the trick, whats wrong with Harry why did he have stitches? Finlay very well at moment it's easy to forget he's not well, there are a couple of schools around here he loves all the attention he gets from the children on there way to school he even lay down on grass this morning so this little girl could get a better fuss of him, he is a big fuss pot, i'd like to see a show not sure about entering Finlay, think he'd be like Harry and play to the people watching, but i think it's a nice hobby to have, he's taken all his soft toys out in the garden and now lying between them in the sun, loves lying in the sun, only thing is i've got to run around soon to take them all in before i go to work, hope the boys are better soon,                                take care Ellen & Finlay  xxx         

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine, hope the steroids work better for him, Finlay once had a cyst on top of his head, vet said leave it for couple of weeks then he would see how it was and take it off, but before we went back Finlay bumped it on patio table it scabed over then a week later droped off leaving a little bald spot, he is a strange dog but it saved a little operation, he's in the garden arranging his soft toys in the sunny spots as a said strange dog, but i love him, have a nice weekend, Ellen & Finlay (",)

  • martina mckeag

    Hi Christine so sorry to read that you lost your dear boy thinking of you all

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine, so sorry to hear about Jack, i didn't see it i've only just come back on as Clare has been putting some photos on for me, it must be the hardest thing to do, it rearly worries me about Finlay, he's been asleep most of the day but now wants to play in the garden, give the boys pleanty of cuddles, you all need it, sending you cuddles from us xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    How are you, thinking about you and the boys, Ellen&Finlay xxx

  • Susan Stone

    Hi CHristine, so sorry to read of your loss! I know how you must be feeling, especially as Jack was still a young dog. I read that he had been ill for some time but had coped reasonably well. I am sure he had a very full life and enjoyed it while he could, the final decision you took was an act of love. I realise I am very fortunate that Bramble, despite being 12 years old, is allowed to have a bit more time with us. These moments make us realise just how much they mean to us. 


  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine,

    glad to hear from you, reading your message i shed a few tears Finlay came over for a cuddle and a lick of my face it's like they know, your right it is nice to hear from other people on here they do know what your going through as everyone has been through it at one time and we all know how upsetting it is, because we all love our dogs so much, as you said particularly as you had to do so much to help Jack, i'm sure it's a comfort to still have Harry and Merlin, i'm affraid i'm not very computer literate, i dont e-mails, i didnt know about the private messages untill someone sent me one and i just tend to reply when i get one, we can keep sending these messages as we said befor we can type for England, was lovely your vet sent you a note, that was kind, do keep in touch, take care, love Ellen&Finlay xxx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine, hope you had a good day with your little grandson bet it was lovely to see him and the rest of the family, i didn't do much at weekend just went for a couple of drinks saturday after work as the young lad i worked with got a promotion but that ment he had to move to a different betting office, i'll miss him we worked together for 3 1/2 years got on well i think it was because he was same age as my eldest daughter.

    sorry to hear you are not well, it's good your husband can donate a kidney it's a big thing for both of you, you will have to take it easy. how did the boys do at the show? i can imagine it was strange being there without Jack. My first boy died while i was out such a shock to come home and find him, couldn't get out of my mind that he was all alone, Paddy wasn't well so took him to vets they said he might not last long but they kept him in said they would do there best for him, about 2hours later got a call to say he'd gone again i wasn't with him, they left me in 91&2004 and i still miss them both, which is  why i waited over 5years befor i got my little sweetcheeks it's just so unfair he's not well. think i know the web site you mean she said i should put something on about Muffin & Paddy i mite do. I'll have a look on youtube but it doesn't always work i think as i only have a dongel (pay as you go internet) it's not as good,

    Take care Christine, give the boys a cuddle from me,

    Ellen & Finlay xxx

  • Lynn Spencer

    Christine, thankyou for your message.  I'm hoping you're feeling a little better but it certainly does take time.  We now have an English Setter puppy who is just 7 months.  Delightful but naughty as I think all Setter puppies are.  She thinks the world revolves around her (lol). 

    Have just had a look at your photo's.  Beautiful.



  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Christine,

    When we lost Megg, my Irish girl Tess was so very sad, for many, many months but she did slowly come through it.   It wasn't until I felt she was completely back to normal before we thought of getting another pup, around 15 months.  Then she didn't like or want Grace.  I was devastated but thankfully she came good & accepted Grace.  After all, we got Grace for her as I didn't want her to be an only dog anymore.   Tess & Megg were babies together so Tess had never been on her own. 

    Your dog will come through this too;  I guess some seem to take longer than others. 

    Hugs xx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Christine, love the new photos, hope your ok, (",)

  • Carolyn Evans

    Hi Christine - I have not been well, but hope to be at Windsor on Friday. Willmexplain then. Look forward to seeing you.xx
  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Christine

    Thank you for your friend request. Your words make me feel as if I have connected with a kindred spirit. I am sincerely sorry your Jack has died. I cannot imagine your heartache. I cope very badly with my grief even though I believe the same as you, that my beautiful animal children have come to me to know unconditional love.

    You say you were naive 5 years ago with the breeder from whom you purchased Jack. I have been even worse. I never imagined that a registered English Setter breeder would specifically choose the runt of the litter for me, knowing about Beau, Hammer and Rose, not tell me the puppy was the runt, lie to me about the litter, and subject my poor little Annie to such trauma. My Annie was a tiny, malnourished, innocent baby girl. I do not believe there is justice when dealing with Canine Control Councils and the RSPCA but hopefully one day in some way the breeders of Jack and Annie will be made accountable for their dishonesty and their cruelty. xxxxx from Susan and Hobson


  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi only just seen George's other photos dont know how i missed them, he's so sweet (",)

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday, Christine! :-)