Claire Prangle


Chippenham Wiltshire

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
I grew up with setters, My mother had them all her life, but I did own my first one until 1992 when I decided I would like to start showing and my mum and I bred our first Heathclare in 1995, since then I have had several JW's & stud book numbers and B.I.S and my lovely Spirit with 2CC's.
I also had the pleasure of awarding CC's for the first time in 2008.

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  • Tina Clamp

    We have shown mia at the matford centre in a lot of the shows that have been held there. It is usually my daughter Louise that shows her. We just go to cheer her on. Love your pictures.
    bye for now
  • Rodney Drinkwater (BRABROOK)

    Lol cant believe how nerves i got last week, Teaming up with the boss tomorrow!
  • Tina Clamp

    hi Claire
    Just had a look at your photos, the puppies look a bundle of fun. My daughter is at the Matford Centre this weekend in her official capacity as a commity member of the Plymouth and district ringcraft that are putting on the show. x
  • Maggie Smith

    Hi Claire just looking at the puppies - they look super. I am sure you will have such fun with them. I don't need to say it but - enjoy!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hello Claire,

    Many thanks for your friendly welcome!
    I will put some pictures of my dogs, I am too proud of them to do otherwise, but I have 2 problems here. The first one which can be solved soon, is the fact that my husband - David McIlveen-Wright, is the one guilty of passing on to me the ES site addiction. As I couldn't access all the ES site pages as non member, and David being 24/7 connected on this site, I had to join in order to enjoy all the wonderful pictures, videos, comments, forum, etc. David has put many pictures of our dogs on his page, and now I have to find some that he has not yet used...

    My second problem, and this one if more difficult to solve, is the fact that I am still grieving the lost of my oldie (9 May 2010). I do not expect anyone to understand me, but I am still crying my pain every day, the condition of his departure preventing me to grieve properly. In short, I put my trust in the vet instead of listening to my wise dog. I just cannot forgive myself my lack of intuition. I have pictures of him all around me, on my computer front page, desk, fireplace, everywhere in my own room, but I am not ready to share them right now.
    It is not an excuse Claire, but I still need a bit more time... sorry.

    On a more cheerful note, I saw the picture of your little man going to Sweden... what an adorable little man. I am sure he will be very happy there, but it must be hard to part with such a beautiful puppy ... You have some fantastic pictures Claire, and I really love the one on your profile.

    All the very best and have a great weekend
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Oh Claire, I am so sorry to hear you have lost your Beautiful Chance in March. It is bad enough to loose them, but so young ... it must have been devastating. I guess you know too well about time being a great healer, since you mentioned that you grew up with Irish Setters, but time can go so slow sometimes....

    Thank you so much for your gift ... my first one, so a very special one!
    Have a great weekend and a big cuddle to your 3 bundle of joy!
  • Rodney Drinkwater (BRABROOK)

    we can have the same hair cuts now my new adopted sister, lol
  • Rodney Drinkwater (BRABROOK)

    Thank you for the pics Claire,
  • Rodney Drinkwater (BRABROOK)

    Well have been waiting all week for your photos Claire, in the end I copied of the one who did put them up on this site lol.
  • RAISON-LAFORGE Dominique

    Meci pour ce commetaire, mon setter anglais à eu 15 ans cette année !!! je l'adore !!!
  • Peter Hennig

    Hi Claire
    thank you very much for your note it was a nice suprise
    cheers Peter
  • John Tuer

    Thanks Claire, It's a great site and the folks here are lovely.

    Charlie is our first Setter and Ive learnt so much already. Most of all it turns out he isnt quite as nutty as we thought he was :-)

  • Elena Nagornaya

    Hello Claire!

    Thank you for your comment about my sweet Lilu! You did a beautiful portrait of our wonderful daddy, Lilu is very similar to him :)

    best regards from Russia
  • jacqueline lockett

    Hello Clare, thanks for your birthday wishes,glad you like the pics in the throes of getting more
    they grow so quickly don't they can't believe they are 8months old now and has mad as hatters
    I love your photos they are just gorgeous and no matter what age they are they are such wonderful companions
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    YooHoo Claire - Good Morning from sunny, happy downtown Perth! Saw your light on, so just checking in to see you are alright?
  • Rosie Dudley

    Hello Claire, thank you for your kind words for the photo of Fairuby Lionheart, he is alas not still with us. I still continue to have his line, through his litter brother Fairuby O'Donovan Rossa who was the sire of Loughantarve Glenross and his litter sister was Fairuby Layla.
  • Debbie Neale

    Hi Claire,

    You did make me laugh out loud - the picture is my daughter with Riley. I can only wish my hair, skin and physic was that of a 14 yr old!! lol. It's kind of funny to think that people looking at the photo will think i'm young and gorgeous like that.

    I know nothing of showing dogs, I would love to but we don't have the time really as my daughter is a competitive swimmer and takes all our spare time going to competitions with her. So at the moment, Riley is a much loved member of the family.

    I popped onto your website, the photos of your dogs are adoreable too. I love the way you see similarities between the breed whereever they are or whatever they're doing.
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    So nice to see a group of Irish setters. You are very lucky to own three beautiful ones. From which breeders are they ?
    Kind regards.
  • Paul Garland

    Spelling mistake corrected
    Have a nice day
  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Claire,
    Thank you for this information, I didn't know it. Do you also have a webpage ?
  • Jennifer E Bennett

    Red Ribbon
  • Susan Stone

    Thank you, Claire! It was just the perfect setting and perfect weather - plus enough time available for taking photos.

    I see the UK is in for another good winter!

    best wishes for christmas


  • Dee Rance

    Thank you for the cake Claire...just what I need. Another year older, perhaps not wiser....All the best Dee and the gang....

  • Carmen Lorenzi

    Hi Claire

    thanks for your nice comment about Scott!:-) We are more than happy with him:-)

  • Jean Lippett

    Were you really up at 3am, Clare, or is my computer on international time again? How lovely that you're having a new litter.
  • Jenny Ronnebro

    Love your profil photo, Claire!
  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Claire! All the best Barbara
  • Rodney Drinkwater (BRABROOK)

    Happy Birthday Claire
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Claire;o))
  • martina mckeag

    Happy Birthday Claire
  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes

    Happy Birthday, Claire. Hope you have a wonderful day. Enjoy it all!

    M XXX

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Claire!!!! Let us know how did your 3 beautiful red heads choose to make this day very special for you  :-)
  • Joan M Cox

    Happy Birthday Claire, Hope it's been a good one!   Same date as my Dad's (He'd have been 99 today!!! LOL!!
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Claire

    Thank you for you lovely thought I was so very thrilled you could have knocked me down with a proverbial fact I found it difficult to stand up at all...still floating...

    thanks again Dee and the gang

  • Rachel Millan

    Hi Clare,


    Many thanks for your congratulations.



  • Marie Quinn

    Hi Claire,


    Thank you, taking your advice.



  • David Stalker

    Hi Claire, This is rather out of date but I not so long ago read that Chance had passed away, how sad. What happened? Dillon is beautiful and full of himself as the best looking dog in Windlesham!! Anyway reading your comments and looking at pictures you seem to be as busy as ever with so many setters All the best David
  • ereni

    Thanks for your comment.

    I ve been trying to leave the black and white pic on your page, but it failed..:(.

    Reni and Isis


  • martina mckeag

    Hi Claire thank you for the friends invite your dogs and photos are lovely
  • Martin & Sally

    Hi,  we are fine just took a small break.  Starting to book shows again so should see you soon.

  • martina mckeag

    Thank you Claire for your lovely comment on Shannon

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Claire, some rearly lovely photos in your album (",)

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hi Claire, many thanks for your lovely words about Mac, not sure what he will become but he is a real handful for sure!!!  :-) we love him like that anyway. We are both learning the Dog Show business, and my God it is easier to go to the university and have a degree than learning this trade :-(  Fortunately we have plenty of fantastic people around us!!!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Claire , i've always loved setters i could look at there photos all day and they make me smile too, i'm keeping fingers crossed my Finlay is staying well at moment hope it stays like that for a long time (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Claire, thanks for the friends invite, didn't see it until after i sent message, i'm in a world of my own (",)

  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Claire! Wish you a great day!

  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Claire;o)

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Claire!!!  have a terrific celebration, lot of fun and of course plenty of big licks from your beautiful 3 Reds  :-)

  • David Stalker

    Hi Claire, Thought I should drop you a note to say that Dillon passed away over the weekend. As you may remember he developed epilepsy and the medication had not initially been overly successful, more recently progress had been made but the side effects had resulted in intestinal problems. He fell sick on Thursday and despite the vets best efforts did not pull through an op on Saturday. Not even seven, so a short life, lived to the full, the undoubtedly; and didn’t he know it most handsome dog in Windlesham has gone to meet his brother your “Chance”. I’m sure they will have a ball or at least chase one. We are all hugely upset but with the passing of time we will be able to tell stories, laugh and cry with the endless fond memories and devoted love he gave to us all. Best Wishes David

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Happy Birthday Claire, hope you have a good day (",)