Dudley Duke of Lancester


Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
3 years
About Me:
Adopted 11 year old AKC Irish Setter who lost home due to foreclosure. Very arthritic. Have rehabed him with good diet, hydrotherapy and lots of love. He's tall, handsome and regal. Attracts attention wherever we go. Gentle & kind with people but easily frightened of other dogs. Is still capable of 45 min walks on soft ground. Soon to turn 14 years old. Unpredictable, fascinating, playful and very stubborn.

Comment Wall:

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Welcome to ES Dudley!!!  and glad to read you gave a nice home to your oldie. We love oldies on this site, so please let us see plenty of pictures!!!
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Julia!!!! I bet Dudley will share the cake with you.... :-)
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Julia this is an interesting question about a dog being afraid of thunder... my field trial was afraid - very afraid since his early age, but it is extremely rare to have thunder in Northern Ireland, not sure we have it even once a year... MC was also afraid of fire crackers and all those noisy bang bang party gadgets. Darwin my show dog is absolutely not concerned about any kind of big noise as long as it is not just beside him... not sure if being a show dog or a field trial is relevant? I would suggest you to open a blog with this question as we really have some interesting debates on this site.
    Also, to open a blog about this toy you are mentioning, this seems very very interesting. As a psychologist of course my first reaction was - B.F. Skinner and his pigeons experiment, but our Setter friends are so clever and playful I am sure they will enjoy it. Will do some web search now ... :-)
  • Christina Gray

    I am sorry to have missed you, too. When Stephen and I talked in Louisville I realized that you could be a very good home for Birdy. You can see her here (scroll down to Russell's Mythodical GetN Birdy) http://mythodicalirishsetters.webs.com/ourdogs.htm . Her mother is one of the few living dual champion Irish. Cassie's dogs are generally very moderate and extremely kind; she has no kennels, so they are house dogs.You might try finding her under members an send a friend request (Cassie Allen). If you are an Irish afficiondo, she is a great contact - very straight, with a good eye.


    I don't know if Stephen managed to take any pictures of Se, but you can see him on the Mythodical website under "photos" - He has his own album (Mythodical Ruadhan Seaghdha) as well as the one called "Indianapolis" (a show we went to in the middle of winter).


    Dudley is a handsome old gent, isn't he? He is lucky to have found you!

  • john murphy

    thanks for friend request..you have a handsome fella...enjoy
  • Barbara

    Thank you for your friend request and your comment. I am glad you liked my photo. You have been in Vienna many times - for holiday? Hope you like this small Country. Unfortunately I have never been in Atlanta, but twice in other staates of US. Are many IS in Atlanta? I love Irish Setter and therefore I think here in Austria are to many ...

    Sorry for my bad english. Please cuddle Dudley from me. All the best Barbara

  • Eunice Marott

    not many IS in Sydney or Australia for that matter. In the 60's and 70's very popular but people do not understand them therefore the breed has slowly deminished. Good in a way because it seems now people who should have them do have them if you know what I mean. Years ago you would see them lost or wandering the streets.
  • Barbara

    Hi! Oh you have "Salzburger Wurzeln" :-) and you read and speak German! So I can write in german? Though I live in a Flat (at least for now), but (am Rand von Wien) only 5 minutes away from the big "Wienerwald", so Tiny and I are twice every day for a walk in the Forest and she can run and romp enough - I am sure more than many others. And she is at office with me every day.
    Vielen Dank für dein Kompliment (Augenweide) - es freut mich sehr, dass dir meine Photos gefallen. Liebe Gruesse Barbara
  • Carmel Murphy

    Hi!! Glad to answer your question!! RUA is pronounced as you would in english really!!? and is the Irish for red or red hair. There is another word for red in Irish, Dearg,(pronounced JARIG) but that would be for the colour red as in fire engine red!!! Not a linguist, so hope this helps;o))
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy you are enjoying the photos of my reds here in Ireland;o) I lived in the US in the 70's for about 7 years but I still lived out in the countryside(Upstate NY) Urban living and me dont go well together;o)) Love your Dudley;o) A very handsome red boy!!
  • Cornelia

    Hi there, thanks for your comments; when I carried Joy donw the stairs she was only 1 1/2 years old and probably two kilos lighter than now - my backpack was pretty empty :-)). Balance was the bigger problem! joy also likes to drink from fountains:-)), Cornelia
  • Sherry Miller

    Molly here had a lovely long limbed stuffed monkey but the two Labs next door made it into mince meat so we are looking for another stuffed monkey for her .  She loves her stuffed babies...but that ball and her Lamb Chop (why did I not get a spare Lamb Chop) are now her favorites...carries them both at once and tries to roo roo with them both in her mouth to get  us to chase her .  We love following Dudley's adventures....what a wonderful gentleman he is...and I do have a soft spot for our older gentlemen Irish Setters ...he is sure looking great and looks to be enjoying his life with you all very much.  Is the puppy picture of him?  it is the one thing I wish we had of our Miss Molly...a real puppy picture!
  • Sherry Miller

    Glad the vet thinks it is just that Irish" I will show them for leaving me! " instead of health problems.  I know that worry all too well as it was not long ago we had the two older gentlemen living here with us...got to the point someone always stayed home with them when we traveled. Sort of nice that we can all travel and take Molly to Doggie Day Care and Kennel at night..she loves that Doggie Day Care!  Miss her terribly when we are gone but also know she is safe and busy and will come home and sleep for first 24 hours.  Afraid our Miss Molly is somewhat of a social butterfly! along with her endless hunting games. 

       How lucky you are to have that puppy picture of Dudley...and wonder if that toy is his security blanket as he has had it so long?....Molly here attached to my beach towel ...so that goes to kennel with her.  Afraid we indulge her a lot but also enjoy her antics which keep us laughing and smiling .  Soft toys are her main love here...but seems she thinks the more in her mouth the better....bones she hides which is hilarious to watch her worry if they are hidden well enough...moves them over and over before finally eating them..no idea why but it just is Molly. So much we wonder about when she reacts to something out in the world...like she knows that and likes it but we can only try to put the pieces of the puzzle that is Molly together part way.  This Irish lass has just been a perfect addition to our lives....and we are so lucky to have her.  Sending Dudley a Molly hug.

  • Barbara

    Hi Julia! Ich habe gerade deinen neuen Blog gelesen. Hohl in zu dir und gibt ihm ein schönes Leben. Mit ein wenig Geduld gewöhnt er sich bestimmt gut ein. Viel Glück. Barbara
  • Cornelia

    Thanks for your very nice, comment on my Joy! We are very happy with her :-). 

  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Julia!!!!  Wish you a terrific celebration  :-)  What about this new red friend of yours? tell me more about him please  :-)

  • James Doran

    Hi Julia, so glad you and Oscar have 'found' each other. He will have a great life with you. I always remember your Dudley when i recall that lovely verse you posted in tribute to him. Best wishes.

  • Barbara

    Belated happy Birthday Julia! How are you and your new red "kid"? Best wishes Barbara

  • James Doran

    Delighted to have your friendship,Julia. Sincere regards & Best wishes.

  • James Doran

    Hi Julia. Not sure if it's your Birthday or Dudley's Anniversary? Hope you're having a good day with Oscar either way. Best wishes.