Kimberly Simmons


Coshocton, OH

United States

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Grew up with Irish Setters
About Me:
On March 10,2013 an 8week old puppy named Dougal blessed our lives.
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Kim

    Sorry I'm a bit late in thanking you for your kind comments about my English Setters, Hammer, Misty and Hobson. I did not have a break over Christmas and had to work every day except for Sundays and the public holidays. I can't wait to see a photo of your Yorkie. I wouldn't allow him to come to bed with a dirty beard either. I wish you the very best with your new Irish Setter puppy. The Setters with spots have stolen my heart. I own horses too, a purebred Arabian named Hallmark and a miniature horse named Charlamayne. Wishing you the very best for 2013. Susan, Hobson and Misty

  • rob winemaker

    Hi Kim, thanx

    He's doing ok but we won't know for sure for at least 2wks till the next set of xrays.

    The issue now is that he chewed through the bandage and into his leg so there is risk of infection. He destroyed his cone head so .... I've been taking him in every other day to redress and check the wound and the $ is adding up. He's feeling fine  but mostly cooped up and his brother is paying the price too because of the isolation factor. No romping. Convince an Irish of that.

    I'd rather have snow now and save the floods till Spring. When do you get your pup.


  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Kim, Thank you for your comments on my photos. I haven't been able to access the internet for several days. Discovered the cause .. Misty chomped on the connection lead! Yes, I am ruled by the paw, hoof and the beak but I wouldn't have it any other way. I cannot wait to see photos of your new baby. Puppies are so precious. Best wishes xxxx

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Georgina, thanks for the inquiry, am just about to announce on my blog....It's A Boy!!!


  • Dianne cook

    So cute Kimberly your new little Irish as your photo now:)) wish you both well. Take care Dianne Flame, Ruby and Poppy x
  • Howard Glansfield

    Thank you for your invitation. I hope things settle down on ES soon!

  • Kenny Jarvis

    Thank you Kimberly

  • john murphy

    Thanks for request Kimberly, hope you'll have fun with your expected nee arrival. The reason the grass is so green here is because it rains constantly :-(
  • Finding_Beau

    I really like your profile photo, Kim. Not long to go now until your new puppy comes home. Susan

  • Gaby Clayton

    Thanks for the welcome :) 

  • Rhonda Fisher

    Thank you for the friends request. Looking forward to seeing your new pup when they arrive. The waiting is worse than the wait for Christmas. All the best Rhonda, Kerry and Murphy.

  • Dianne cook

    Aaah I think I'd still do a litter of puppies Kimberly lol. From memory a 2 1/2 year old is hard work !! Yes grandparents Hmmmmm....still absorbing it all and our daughter in law had a girl yesterday too, they named her Eleanor our son, like his father has a deep love for Mustangs....pray he didn't name the baby after a car lol.
  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Kim, Thank you for your beautiful words on my blog for Beau, Hammer and Rose. These meant a lot to me. Sam survived the hurricane and is back every day. Misty is terrorising him. I'll have to add a photo of little Charlamayne too who is Hallmark's mate. Not long to go now until your baby arrives. Very exciting! Keep well. Susan xxx

  • Alice Victoria Markham

    awww thank you , glad to know its not just me that loves the breed as much as i do :) best wishes alice & oscar 

  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Kimberly,
    Thank you for all your kind comments on my photos. Sadly some of these dogs have now passed away.....
    You must be getting really excited now, not long to wait for your own Red?
  • Gaby Clayton

    Hello, thank you for all your comments on my pictures of Finn :) 

  • karen chesher

    Hi Kimberley,thankyou for your friendship request,im always happy to have friends who share my love of these wonderful dogs and  im looking forward to more photos of your new puppy

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Kim, Thank you for your comment about Misty and Phoebe, and I believe they are cute too, totally biassed. Best wishes from Susan, Hobson and Misty xxx

  • Lynn Spencer

    Hi Kimberly,

    Just saw your very kind comments on my English puppy Grace.  Thankyou.  I also love that 'cuddling daddy' pic.  Her Dad had been away in the UK for over 3 weeks & Grace would spend half the day just staring out the window, waiting for him.  The last week I think she sort of gave up because she wasn't doing it as much but when he came home, she would not leave him.  He's been back one week now & she still follows him everywhere. 

    Do you have your gorgeous red puppy home yet????  Will check for photo's.


    Lynn, Tess & Grace. 

  • rob winemaker

    Thanx Kim, sort of like Beauty and the Beast.
  • rob winemaker

    Seeing as I am a compu-idiot and she takes and posts all the photos of the fellas and because she is a woman, she ALWAYS knows what I'm doing.

  • KC and the boys

    Thanks for friend request Kimberly - enjoy your little red addition. I took the plunge 3 years ago (after obsessing over Irishes since childhood) and took on my first 8-months old pup. It was a baptism with fire but I haven't looked back. The second 8-months old has just joined the clan... Best, Catherine

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day (",)

  • Catherine Carter

    Happy Birthday! And on top you have your new pup now! :-)
  • Jacque Bayne

    Hi Kimberley

                  Is that a little baby red one I see? I had a litter of 16 red ones last year .One went to South Carolina

  • Sandra Zivanovic

    Thank You Kimberly for wishes. Kind regards from me and my reds

  • rob winemaker

    I saw it Kim. Thanx. and congrats. That's a very good looking puppy. Makes me want 5 more.

  • Daniel White

    Thank you Kim.  My old girl has a beautiful white face.  I feel sad that she is getting on a bit now.  I am thinking about whether to treat myself to a red baby this year, but don't want to disturb Red's retirement.  We will see....

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Kimberly, how is Dougal doing, into everything i bet (",)

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Hello Ellen and Finlay : )  Dougal is fitting in nicely...and yes, our toilet paper roll is on the vanity and the waste basket on the back of the toilet or else he was pulling toilet tissue down the hallway every chance he got! lol  He just trotted in with my tennis shoe (trainer ha ha) in his mouth!  And another thing, as soon as I get a male IS, my Yorkie comes in heat....ugh! That's driving him nuts!  I haven't been able to get any interesting pictures lately, but he is really growing. Almost 15 weeks now. We went on a long walk on the bike path the other evening and that wore him out for bedtime. : )  Hope all is well there. Kim and Dougal : )

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Kimberly and Dougal, sounds like your having fun, they love to get your things and run off with them, Finlay's favorite thing to run off with was mobile phones if we couldn't find ours we just looked in the garden they were usually there and he used to have a thing about tea towles, he's a lot better now, every time i get the camera out Finlay runs and hides he does the same when he see's me with his brush, but we wouldn't have them any other way, Ellen and Finlay xxx

  • James Doran

    Thanks for the Birthday greetings Kim. I see Dougal is having a great life with you. Best wishes.

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Hi Kim, thanks for commenting Kasia's new food. I'm trying to give her as much as possible raw meat (she still eats dry food). The difference in her appetite is gigantic. No food lying in the bowl. I think to change completely to raw.

    Some new adventures of Dougal?

    All the best

    Ania + Kasia

  • Darice Houghton

    Thank you for welcoming me! Darice

  • Undine

    Hi Kimberly, the horses on my page are "Queen" Zenyatta and her second foal, a colt .

    Zenyatta is a famous racehorse from USA, she is in "Pension" now.

  • Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H.

    Hi Kimberly,

    So many lovely pictures ... Congratulation !!!

  • Baileys' Page!

    Many thanks Kimberly! I am just trying (and failing) to get to grips with the site. Dougal is such a cutie!.Hope to post more pictures of Bailey soon ). Looking forward to sharing with you all.

  • Baileys' Page!

    Thank you for your lovely comments on Baileys photos. How is your Dougal doing now?. The expressions on his face are very like my Baileys-and he is very mischievious nothing goes on without him sticking his big nose in!!. Tina x

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Kim, Thank you for thinking of us. We are all "hanging in". I cannot believe that Dougal is now 6 months old! He looks a beautiful boy. Misty is now 2yo. I still haven't written a blog for her but hope to be able to visit ES soon. Have had a lot going on. Take care of yourselves. Susan xxxx

  • Baileys' Page!

    Hello Kimberley. Thankyou for your lovely comment. How is Dougal doing?.Been up to any Mischief lately??.Tina and Bails x

  • Finding_Beau

    Dear Kim, Thank you for favouriting Khatalyst's blog. I am also pleased you enjoyed the horse video. Best wishes from Susan xxxx

  • Angela H

    Thank you! I just lost my Irish girl in June. Lacey would have been 13 on Oct. 23rd. I'm hoping to find another female puppy (with some Meadowlark in her). I miss her so much. Please keep me in mind if you hear of any litters on the East coast, I'm in PA.

  • Jo Ottinger

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes, had a wonderful one, went to Monterey, CA and walked the dogs on the beach, great food

  • rob winemaker

    Hi Kim,

    All pretty good here. How's Ohio? Rooker did get hurt about 2 wks ago playing frisbee. We're not sure how without xrays but it seemed to be his spine or back. He's doing ok but the vet put him on the DL till after New Years. Since he's feeling better, he's starting to drive me nuts. How's Dougal progressing and did you ever put in an invisible fence?

  • Debra Wiesner

    Thanks for being my friend, Kimberly.

    I want another "sweet potato head"!!!!  Everytime I see a setter puppy I think the same thing..."they're sooooo cute, I want another one!"  But then my husband and KC bring me back to reality, as KC would never tolerate another dog in "his" house.  He's our only child and spoiled.  Oh well...that's what we get for bringing him up that way.  He likes to think he's the alpha dog but we remind him he's "not."  Enjoy the holidas, Kimberly and Dougel!!!

  • Howard Glansfield

    Thank you Kimberley,


  • Mike

    Hi Kimberly, Thank you so much! You are right, the pic. of Dougal at 7 months, looks a lot like Gunner.

  • Mike

    Hi Kimberly,

    Thank you for accepting my friend request and the comment on Gunner!

    You are right about the people and the information here. When trying to find a new puppy, I stumbled across this site. It was very valuable in obtaining information and helping me in making my decision to get an IS puppy.

    Thanks again and hope to see you here more when you have the time.


  • Mike

    Hi Kimberly, It is a wonderful site. When looking for, and waiting on Gunner's arrival; I read all of the forum posts, to learn all I could about the breed. All the information has helped me tremendously with Gunner. Everyone here is so nice, I love this site!

  • Marie Szychowski

    Hi Kimberly, thanks for the friends invite, I thought the photo of the cheeky beggar cleaning up the plate WAS Oscar-no, it was Dougal (I assumed mine was the only one with absolutely no table manners)-gorgeous property you have in Ohio, my husband has a old school friend who now lives in Costa Mesa, is this close to you? I don't know much about America except the TV shows.

    Dougal is taller and lankier than my Oscar who is a bit chubby and shorter but I  think just as curious especially around fish-he fixates on my daughter's Siamese fighting fish.   

    Again, many thanks, Marie,x