Rita Wilson


Co. Donegal


Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
3 red and 1 red and white
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
3 years
About Me:
I live in Co. Donegal, Ireland and I am owned by 3 Irish Setters; Ole, Hector, Rosco and 1 Red and White Setter called Banan.
We dryland mush with our dogs as they love nothing more to run.

Comment Wall:

  • Catherine Carter

    Hi Rita! Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy it here! I noticed you have lovely photos of mushing with your dogs.....something I would love to do one day perhaps with mine!
  • sammi pease

    Hi Rita...nice to see you here...!!! I don't live far from Thetford forest where they run the huskies in the winter....it's sandy and flat and great for it...so I am seriously thinking of having a go with the girls....but tell me...do they walk on the lead well for you after they know how to pull you along like that..???? That's the only thing I'm worried about.. and how often do you take them out in harness..??? Best wishes and enjoy this site..Sammi, Abbi and Lola..
  • Carmel Murphy

    Welcome Rita and "boys"!! You will have even more fun on the internet now;o))))
  • Carmel Murphy

    Look forward to seeing the 3 boys in a year or so working together!! I'd say Milo would love to have a go too!!!!! He is a very strong dog!!!!
  • Mary Walshe

    Hi Rita, Wow love the pics! Thanks for sending me the site info and addy, I will love browsing here. Hope you and Hector are okay I read Trevors comment just before closing time,hope alls well!
  • Mary Walshe

    Red Ribbon
  • Carmel Murphy

    Rita dont forget to add photos of your new red and white boy Banan here too ;o)))
  • Cheryl Gorey

    Hi Rita, can you tell me what dryland mushing is? I've never heard of it. cheers
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Rita
    Hope that you don't mind me asking, but I wonder if you could give me a hint as to where you got the harnesses from for your dogs. I have tried to find them before, but without any success, When I kept the Akita's I thought that I would love to have them pull something, with me attached, but now would just like to try the Irish out with a bike..
    Hope that you don't mind me asking. All the best Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Hi there Rita
    Well I couldn't have asked a better person, I will have to think about purchasing something, because my pension may not stretch to the amount just at the moment. (We have some shows coming up soon).
    Will definitely put them on my Christmas list though, can you tell me why the harness for long distance against the X back one???, is it because of the hight that it will be coming off a bike??? only thing is that my 'kids' don't have anything wrong with their backs, (I see that this type of harness is for dogs that have a bad back), maybe a lack of brains but nothing wrong with the backs....Thanks so much for the link I will definitely appreciate any advice, that you can give me, I may be old, but want to get the best for my guys..Thanks again Dee and the gang
  • Dee Rance

    Ah well I will try and get myself together and will hopefully be in a position to get a couple of them in the new year, do they come with a manuel????....will need lessons on how to 'mush'.......ha ha....;o))
  • Kay Donnelly

    Love your photos! The dryland mushing looks amazing! The dogs look so happy!


  • Thor Erik Pape

    Hi Rita. Sorry for a late answer but are you coming to train mushing or hunting or both? As you probably know I have been mushing myselv for about 40 years.  Do you have a plan to arrive Oslo,Torp airport? There is a lot of places. Let me know and I will help you. Are you on Facebook? Nice webside. Thor Erik
  • graham edwards

    loved the photos.

    never seen setters pulling a cart before, looked like they were having fun.

    is it common in Ireland or are you one of a few.

    Cheers from Queensland


  • graham edwards

    thanks for that, I don't think it would be a sport that will catch on in queensland, or at least I hope not, because of the heat. but it does look really exciting.

    it was a trip to Ireland a couple of years ago that kindled my Interest back to setters.

    we showed about 25 years ago but droped out and the dogs passed on. but now the interest is really back and this site doesn't help, looking at all the great pictures and videos available.

    all the best


  • James Doran

    Was that your boys doing the mushing at the game fair at Shanes castle recently?
  • Kay Donnelly


           Hope everything is OK with Rosco. What a terrible time you're having.

  • ereni

    Hello Rita, thank you for your nice comment.

    How is Rosco?

  • Bryony Burns

    Hi Rita! Thanks for the friend add! What beautiful dogs you have! Love your photos!
  • Catherine-Marie & Tiffany

    Hi Rita,

    thank you so much for accepting our friend request we hope to share so much with you on our I.S. journey

    Much love Catherine-Marie, William & Tiffany 

  • Zoe McAnally

    Rufus also suffers from this conditon & he has also had the operation at 9 months old after his stomach flipped, he is now 3. We were told by the vet that he will never get rid of this condition & we will always have to put up with it, its a very tiresome process for owner & dog. We had tests done to also reveal that he was gluten intolerant. So we have now changed his food to James Wellbeloved dried kibble, 3 small feeds a day & nothing else, light exercise an hour after or before feeding. We have the odd bloating spell, so we use infacol to release his wind & also rub & wind his belly. But, he is doing ALOT better than before. I hope that rosco's condition eases & starts to get better soon :-) xo
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Hello Rita, long time no news from you and Rosco, hope the bloat problem is just a distant memory now. :-)
  • Carmel Murphy

    Happy Birthday Rita;o))) Great seeing you and the boys yesterday at Killykeen Forest Park, where I almost got to see the boys doing their dry land mushing;o)))))))
  • Chantal McIlveen-Wright

    Happy Birthday Rita!!!! have a great celebration ... a birthday mushing treat?
  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday Rita. Hope you had a wonderful day. Sincere regards. 


  • john murphy

    happy birthday Rita, hope you had a nice day
  • alison lennon

    Hi Rita. Its been along time since I met you.  You came to pick up your new little puppy from the gwendariff kennel.  What did you call him. That must be about 3 years ago.  I am sure he is lovely.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi looks like your dogs love the running (",)

  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday, Rita! Hope you had a nice one.

  • Zdenka Badlikova

    Thanks Rita I do love yours pictures as well..xx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Rita, just looked at your photos, lovely photos of all your dogs, looks like they have great fun mushing (",)