Chantal McIlveen-Wright


Coleraine, Northern Ireland

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Two again. Darwin (17/10/2004) and Mac (born 1/6/11).
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 1996
About Me:
My love story with Irish setters started in 1996 with the most wonderful IS ever - MC, a field trial with Monroad ancestors. I was so lucky to have this very special and clever boy!!! Unfortunately, I lost him in May 2010, a couple of days short before his 14th birthday.
In between, in January 2005 came very handsome Darwin, the sweetest nature possible, Irish born with Thendara gd-parents. Recently we had a new addition to the family, Mac (the holy terror), born the 1/6/2011 from Sumaric Mr. Jingles and Thendara Vanilla Ice.

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  • Frances Mason

    Thank you for the welcome message!
  • Ellen Turberfield

    Thanks Chantal, Finlay has helped greatly by chewing up the wraping paper and trying to eat my chocolates (",)

  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Thanks Chantal for your warm comfort. It was wonderful time we spent together with Bajka, and later her children Kruszynka and Pielgrzym.

  • Marzenna Barczentewicz-Kus

    Thank you, thank you, thank you !!! <3

  • Vicky Smith

    Thanks Chantal, for your lovely message. I will do my very best!! ;~)  Cheers!!!

  • Kristina

    Thank you Chantal! Flora climbed into my bed for morning cuddle and kisses :)

  • Nikola Zrilic

    Thank you, you are very kind.

    Best Regards

  • keller cathy

    Merci beaucoup Chantal , j'aimerai bien que le temps passe un peu plus vite !!!

  • Claire Prangle

    thank-you for the lovely comments on my dogs

  • Kathleen Peters

    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Chantal.  I am sadly without my Jilly today, who is at Country Club Kennels while I am visiting with family.  My parents' rescue IS, Duchess, was sure to start my day off right with lots of morning snuggles, however!  :)

  • hilary snodgrass


    Yes it is difficult being patient when i could look at the Twoacre pups every day on the webcam - even when we were on holiday abroad! Husband thought it was big brother for dogs!!

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Morning Chantal, hope all is well in Coleraine, with you and the boys (",)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Bet he's having fun at the shows, yes Michelle's dog does look very handsome he does well at the shows, i've never been to a show i'd like to go and watch, i've been told there is one in Birmingham 2nd September think i'll go along, vet does think Finlay is a miracle dog, only problem he had was a ear infection, got to take him soon but just for some more medicine they give him the once over, but keep everything crossed for him, hope your boy does well at the shows, let me know.

  • Jan Kooy

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Chantal. I haven't been back on since i joined, and I really must work out how to put some photos up of my dogs! As soon as I have some free time, I'll do it! Loved looking at photos of your dogs.

  • Elizabeth Linder

    Thank you for the nice note Chantal.  I will enjoying posting pictures of our new pup, Dizzy, when he comes home in a few more days!

  • Eileen Olivares

    Thank you Chantal! I think she's very cute too! We took a bit of a risk as we bought her without being able to see her parents, not even in photo ... It's not so easy finding an Irish Setter in Mexico ...

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, congratulations on Mac getting his Irish Junior Champion, you must be so proud of him, give him big hugs from us in Birmingham, or should i say rainy Birmingham, but it dosen't stop Finlay wanting me to go into garden to play with him

  • schwung irish setters

    Thanks,soon I'll put some pictures on the site

  • Judith M. Meek

    I accidentally found this site while surfing the net last night.  What I saw, I really like.  I'm going to go  back in and really go through it. 

  • Belinda Littlemore

    Thanks Chantal!

  • Cornelia

    Thanks for the nice comment :-) - we are back since about a fortnight due to bad weather - photos will come! Promised! But not as many as last year - again due to bad weather. Have a nice Sunday still, C & J xxx

  • Lois McCullough

    Thank you Chantal for Birthday wishes a great day spent with a long lunch and retail therapy couldn't ask for more!! 

  • Rebecca

    Thank you for your birthday wishes, Chantal.  We had a lovely day here - the weather was superb!!  And to make the day complete, the first wheat field of the season was harvested on my birthday, so the dogs had a nice walk through the stubble that evening.  Luna can't go far - she's very weak in her hind legs - but she loved it, all the same :-).  Take care.

  • Catherine-Marie & Tiffany

    Hi Chantal,

    thank you very much for the birthday wishes, we all had a great time, thanks again.

    Also just a quick question, Tiffany seems to be getting a little over weight any tips on how we can reduce this...thank's for your help 

    Have a great day

    Catherine-Marie, William and the lovely miss Tiffany xx

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, i commented on Davids photo of Mac, and he told me he did well at the shows, you should be proud of him, well done (",)

  • Benny and Pia Hansen

    Thank you very much Chantal for the lovely comment on my page :-) I wish you good luck with your own beautiful reds.

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, it's nice for them to do well in shows and then just be normal dogs. My sweetheart is still doing well the vet  doesn't know what to say anymore, he shouldn't be here but he is, they have even got second opinion from a specialist who agreed with them, sometimes i hope there wrong as i dont know how i'd cpoe, give Mac a xtra hug from me

  • Jaqueline Sterrenberg

    Evening Chantal
    Thanks for the wishes. I am sick in bed with bronchitis - some birthday gift. However Freddie is here to entertain me with his weird & wonderful ways. He has this strange way of dancing round in circles on his hind legs when I carry his food bowl outside for him to eat - must try & video it. I have a photo from last week - on his new bed; will get my daughter to upload it tomorrow. He is a year old now - you can see earler pics of him on my daughter -Simone's profile
    Kind regards
  • Fiona Batty

    Hi sorry it took so long for photos having problems uploading, thank you for the welcome.

  • Fran Griffin

    Thank you. I have indeed been spoiled rotten.  See my facebook page for details.  I am sure Jamo will reveal all when things are ready :-D  Chuffed to bits I am :-)

  • Jelena Kreitmayer

    Thank you Chantal! It has been a really great one, and Lego got to eat quite a few cupcakes ;))
  • Kleine Jägerin

    Dear Chantal,

    thanks a lot for the birthday wishes :-)

    Cheers, Kristin

  • Carmel Murphy

    Thanks for the Birthday Greeting Chantal;o)))

  • Cornelia

    Oh thanks, Chantal! Nice that you had a look through the blogs - part two will be up this week :-). I hope you had a lovely holiday and find it not too hard to get back to your normal routine. All the best, C & J xxx

  • Monique VIRY

    Merci pour votre gentil commentaire. 

  • Lesley Bland

    Thank you :)

  • Finding_Beau

    Hi Chantal, I've sent you a message but also wanted to thank you again for your kind words about my boy, Hammer. xxxx

  • Lianna Murphy

    Yes, I visited all 14 puppies last night,, they are 4 weeks old and I am in Love!!  Too early to pick, but will be call him Rudy..(Rudolf).. for the holiday.  We hope to have him home after Christmas.. Thanks for asking

  • Ricky Clay

    Thank you for the welcome , we have uploaded a couple of pictures of Amber , 10 weeks and 5 months 

  • Jacky

    Hi Chantal, you left me a birthday wish last year. Thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply, haven't been on for ages. Jx
  • Catherine Carter

    Joyeux Anniversaire , Chantal ! :-)
  • Anna Kazimierowicz

    Happy Birthday, Chantal! Have a nice day with your boys:-)

  • john murphy

    Happy birthday
  • Ellen Turberfield

    Chantal, wishing you a very Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day. Ellen&Finlay xxx

  • James Doran

    Happy Birthday Chantal, mon amie. Hope you had a lovely day.

  • Kimberly Simmons

    Happy Birthday Chantal! Hope you had a great day!.....Kim :-)

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, just seen you were signed on, hope all is well with you? Everything here in Birmingham is good, Finlay asleep , me watching tv, take care Ellen x
  • Cornelia

    Hi Chantal, Nice to see you logged in again after such a long time. I hope all is well and that you and your family are having nice beach walks even if this summer was a bit rainy. All the best, C & J xxx 

  • Ellen Turberfield

    Hi Chantal, I'll try and pin Clare down and get her to put some on for me via her laptop as I have a tablet and I think I need to have a phone that can send them straight to tablet, I took him to have his photo taken last week as they had a special offer on, trouble as we got out of the car it started to rain so not sure how photos will look, going back Saturday to pick them, so keep your eye out for some. How are your dogs? Can't belive Finlay will be 5 just before christmas (",) take care Ellen and Finlay xxx
  • Catherine Carter

    Bonjour, Bonjour! Comment ca va ? Je suis ravie de the revoir ici !