Fiona Batty



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
7 Months
About Me:
We have recently bought our bundle of joy and loving every minute of her.

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  • Fiona Batty

    Arr thank you she has been extremely lively this week! She has a very kind and loving nature though.

    Your setter looks very relaxed, lovely eyes.

  • Suzanne Davies

    Best of luck with getting the new photo's then.  We always say tired setters are good setters!

  • Fiona Batty

    Yes your right, she has her moments bless her! she seems to have days when she will rest, then today she hasn't stopped all day, she is very good though just busy! mind you she is only 9 months, I saw someone comment on here today saying they calm down when they reach 5 years old!