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There is alot of competition for the best seat in the house!

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Views: 107

Comment by Elizabeth Ball on May 10, 2012 at 6:55am
This has reminded me about when we first went to our Breeders to meet the pups and parents of Bella.  Having had a nice play with the pups and mum we then went into the Sitting Room with the Breeders to have a good chat about ourselves and the dogs over a cup of tea.  The Breeders sat in an armchair each and Mr B and I sat on the sofa.  In comes Dad full of waggy tails, cruises past the digestives on the table, and has lots of fuss from Mr B and I.  He then proceeds to get up on the sofa between us, very cute.  He then slides along the back of the sofa so he is sitting behind me.  Then over a period of about 5 minutes I am periodically pushed in the back so I slowly nudge forward on the leather sofa, being the mannerly sort I say nothing.  Eventually with one last shove from the front paws I end up falling off the sofa clutching my cup and saucer, to which the Breeders reply is to advise me that I am in his favourite seat. Ha ha, silly me.  We could have seen that as a warning I suppose, but fortunately my girl is much kinder and prefers to share a sofa and have a cuddle rather than evict the unsuspecting. 
You have a lovely looking pair of dogs here, do all dogs love to have a good nosey at what is going on outside?
Comment by martina mckeag on May 10, 2012 at 9:09am


Comment by Ellen Turberfield on May 10, 2012 at 2:26pm

So funny and true, it made me laugh (",)

Comment by Rhonda Fisher on May 10, 2012 at 5:09pm

What a welcome Elizabeth, at least Kerry would give you the stare first. They are such characters.

Comment by David McIlveen Wright on May 10, 2012 at 6:17pm

do those poor dogs have to share a chair?

that's really cruel! ;-)

Comment by Anna Kazimierowicz on May 11, 2012 at 2:35pm

you have beautiful and clever dogs!

brilliant text!!!

Comment by Suzanne Davies on May 14, 2012 at 4:56am

Actually David they don't always share the chair because the retriever lays on the window sill!  He did this when he was small and still does it although he now hangs off and we have to push a towel down the radiator  so he does not trap his leg or paw.  Unfortunately this blocks Finn's view out of window so he has to sit up to see out :)  I will have to post a picture of him taking up the whole bay window like a very large ornament!


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