My family and I have had Irish Setters my whole life. We currently have an Irish Setter, our fourth, and an English Setter, our first. Quincy, the Irish Setter, will be 11 years old on June 1, 2009; Sophie, the English Setter, will be 10 years old on June 3, 2009. They are the most loving dogs in the world. We found out today, April 19, 2009, that Quincy has bone cancer in his left hind leg. It is a very sad day. He hopefully will have 3-6 more months of a happy and relatively pain free life. He is a beautiful boy and I love him very much. He has been there for me through good and bad times and has always been by my side. My parents love Sophie and him dearly.
Update -- We were forced to put Quincy to sleep yesterday, May 4, 2009. He was 10 years, 11 months and 3 days old. The cancer was so aggressive that his leg had swollen up 5 times the size of a normal leg. I understand from my parents that he was crying Sunday night and kept falling yesterday when he would try to walk. At some point, his leg would have broken and we obviously didn't want him to be in that kind of pain. He was also having some trouble breathing so the cancer may have already spread to his lungs. Our whole family was there for the procedure and we brought our English Setter, Sophie, to be there with him as he went to sleep. The vet recommended that it would be good for her to be with her best friend as he went to sleep so that she would better understand what happened to him. It was so hard to go through the situation but I'm happy that Quincy is no longer in pain and is now resting comfortably in heaven. He was surrounded by family and friends as he took his last breath. We loved him so much and he will be missed greatly. I will update this page with photos very soon. Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and support.
Welcome here Adam. Very sorry to read about your Quincy. I do hope you can enjoy some more time with him and that the cancer does not grow quickly. I have heard that sometimes with older dogs the growth rate can be slower.
Wishing you all the best!
Susan frmo Switzerland
Welcome to the site Adam, I hope you enjoy it. I was very sad to read about Quincy and my heart goes out to you. These reds have a way of getting right into our hearts like nothing else don't they? Cherish every moment you have left with Quincy he is very precious. I wish you and Quincy well.
Best wishes,
welcome to the setter site adam hope you enjoy it.its so sad to hear of quincys illness and i wish you both well.enjoy the time that you have left with him.
Hi Adam It's a very sad time when we have to say goodby to a member of our family because that's what they are,, but what we can do for them we can'tdo for our selve's I lost one of my lad's[ dog's] from cancer & had no idea he had it untill the week before ,,we thought it was just a cough when he went to the vet's it had spread all over,,,,to late,,, you are not alone ,, I also let my dog's see their partner's straight away & stay with them as long as they want to It's us that take badly,,Look forward to see your photo's Thinking of you all,, Take care PAT xx
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Wishing you all the best!
Susan frmo Switzerland
Best wishes,
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