I have been training dogs since 1969 and bought my first Irish Setter in 1970, He was a great obedience dog, but not very good quality otherwise. I have since purchased Irish Setters from Sue Seaman and Carol Newman. Have finshed several champion and many more performance titles. I am now showing my 14th and 15th Irish in obedience, rally, conformation and agility.
This is my high flying Irish boy Ch. Soraj Chances Are CD RE AX AXJ NAP NJP. Chance is a blast to run in agility, but it is a bit daunting when he is so high in the air over jumps. Never know where he is going to land.
Hello Jane!
What a great photo of your setter doing agility, looks like he´s flying. My setter also loves agility, it´s so much fun.
Good luck in the future!
Jane, when you open your page you should see a little white envelope near the top of your browser. If you click on that envelope you should be able to compose, send and reply to any message. Good Luck!
Did you see the recent agility video added by Fran?
I love visiting your dogs!
Judi and Annie
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Excellent photo in your profile! Nice to see you at this site. Hope we'll see more as brilliant photos.
Best regards
welcome here :)
Greetings from Poland
Agnieszka & Conner
We also have
had one super ! our first setter BIRDY.
A real pleasue !
Annie is ready to meet you and your great dogs!
What a great photo of your setter doing agility, looks like he´s flying. My setter also loves agility, it´s so much fun.
Good luck in the future!
Did you see the recent agility video added by Fran?
I love visiting your dogs!
Judi and Annie
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