Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Lynne Murray Hogsflesh's Blog (7)

Bargain fulfilled as promised

Dear all,

I cannot find the words to describe how much I did NOT want to have to write this blog....but we recently read some very ugly & serious allegations here about ''copyright infringement" from one of the ES members. For myself I am not bothered as I am nothing to do with Discover Dogs & any any claims that I "stole" & published someone else's images are defammatary at best & spurious at least. However the lady actually… Continue

Added by Lynne Murray Hogsflesh on April 18, 2010 at 4:29pm — No Comments

ISAE & Setter and Pointer Spring Field Trial

Yesterday the ISAE & Setter & Pointer Club held an Open Stake at

Six Mile Bottom in Suffolk, England; the only setter breed not running

was Irish Red & Whites, so we had Irish Red, English & Gordon

setters running, although the English Pointers were in the majority

& took both the awards.

The dogs were working French partridges & the birds were sticking very close to ground as it

was a very cold day with a bitter Southerly wind, so we… Continue

Added by Lynne Murray Hogsflesh on April 15, 2010 at 9:04am — 6 Comments

Barbara's flowers.....at last!

Well fellow ES Crufts Get Together guys n gals....as you know Interflora let us down badly by not delivering Barbara's bouquet to Crufts......they did subsequently deliver A bouquet to her but not of the quality she deserves.

So today, finally @ ISBC we got special flowers for a special lady...Barb was gobsmacked & delighted.

Below L to R are: Diane Bridgwater, Barbara, Lynne Murray Hogsflesh…


Added by Lynne Murray Hogsflesh on March 27, 2010 at 3:26pm — 7 Comments

Barbara @ Crufts

So far we have raised £78 for our Barb to show our appreciation of all the time & effort she puts in for us to enjoy....Thank You Barb from us all.......:))))…


Added by Lynne Murray Hogsflesh on March 15, 2010 at 9:47am — 8 Comments

The Clannad Cocktails went to their new homes today...bye bye babies :( & :))))

cosy babies.JPGThe babys have gone all over UK today...to Kelso, Scotland, Lancaster, Warrington, Essex, Worksop, Rutland & soon to Orkney & London......have a good life little ones :))))

Added by Lynne Murray Hogsflesh on March 12, 2010 at 3:27pm — 3 Comments

Clannad Cocktails are now being served....

Our lovely Brits gave birth to 10 healthy babies on 13th January so now here at Clannad we have 6 additional little girls & 4 boys. They are adorable & I am getting no housework done at all! The pups will be 8 weeks for Crufts weekend & they would love to join Auntie Barbara's get together group but they haven't quite qualified yet.........next year perhaps?…


Added by Lynne Murray Hogsflesh on January 31, 2010 at 6:31am — 5 Comments

Poorly boy...

My young dog, who is only 2 years of age, has just started to have great difficulty 'wee-ing' over the weekend & has had to be catheterised 3 times now to empty his bladder. His urine isn't too acidic or alkaline, tests negative for blood, or crystals or bacteria, a little protein in there but not so much that it worries the vet. He is desperate to go to the loo but just manages a dribble or two.....in an older dog the vet says she would immediately suspect prostrate trouble but apparently… Continue

Added by Lynne Murray Hogsflesh on October 26, 2009 at 2:28pm — 8 Comments



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