Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Unlike some of the Irish Setters here, Chester does not appreciate water. He loves playing in mud, but will walk around a puddle of water every time. Well, today at the dog park, he ended up in the river. I didn't see what happened, so I don't know for sure how he got in there, but I think he must have fallen in as he was running along the riverbank. Its possible that another dog was running with him or towards him and he zigged instead of zagged - LOL.

Anyway, after I heard a splash, I looked over and saw him swimming for shore. Too bad I didn't have my camera with me.

Dakota, my springer spaniel cross went for 2 or 3 or 10 swims while we were there ( I lost count).


Views: 21

Comment by Gene on August 19, 2007 at 9:03pm
LOL! Poor Chester. I had a dog, Killian, who would jump over rain puddles in the street and on the side walk. He's the only dog I have ever had that didn't like to get his feet wet. Every other one would/will plow through the mud/puddles you name it.

Why is it you never have your camera and the times you need it most?


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