Hello again, Setter friends. Well as many of you know I was moving from Spain to the UK with Spirit and Dream. Well we moved back in November last year to the cold but to a more larger dog friendly country.
My 2 Dreams have never seen so many larger dogs or a more doggie friendly nation. Trust me i know what ive expirienced.
We go grousing and Dream has chased and seen his first deer here in Yorkshire. Sheer bliss.
Sadly Spirit didnt adjust to the move as well and appeared lethargic. Then he got very dry skin and lost weight.
When we went to the vets he was diagnosed with leishminsae.
Dreadful illness. And a terrible time for Me and Spirit.
Anyway to cut a long story short, ive had to buy the medication in Italy for a 3rd of the price it is in the UK. The vets here dont really know about the illness because the sand fly doesnt excist here.
I have been injecting Spirit twice a day for the past 20 days with Glucotime and he is on aropirinol tablets probably for the rest of his life.
He is recovering slowly but surely, fingers crossed and with a name like Spirit he will get back to his usual self soon. There is no cure just medication.
Anyway just thought ide let u all know. Anyone out there know anything i could learn from them would be great or if someone out there needs info get intouch with me.
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