I'm really ashamed to present you the best bitches from the french championship. The CACIB went to the bitch from the left ( 4 years) !!!!!!
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Don't forget Catherine that in France they must follow the FCI standard not the English one and the new standard does have ideal sizes included as directed by the Irish Red Setter club in Ireland and the Irish Kennel Club;
BUT these are ideal sizes!!! Whereas now in France they use their own sizes and any dog not within 'their' sizes as directed by the Red Club, is not allowed to be awarded an Cac or Cacib!!! The Red Club gives this directive to all the Irish Setter judges to follow or be put out of the club!!! and banished as a club judge;
That is their way;
I knew there was a maximum height for dogs and bitches but having re-read some the Red Club explanation.....where on earth did they get the idea that the Irish should be a square dog????? I have certainly never read anything like this and most of my books go back to the beginning of the Breed and the writing of the Standard in Ireland!
No Susann, they always judge like this....go on the red club of France and have a look at their Breed Standard and all the detailed explanations and drawings and measurements.....they THINK this is the nearest to the Irish Breed Standard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Carmel Murphy on June 16, 2009 at 12:21pm
Catherine could you please tell me which french word should I look for on the Red Club site that tells me about their breed standard!! I could not find it!!? Sorry but did not take french in school!!;o))
Comment by Laura Kolbach on June 16, 2009 at 12:30pm
standard here: http://redclub-france.com/standardmorphologique.aspx
special measurements here: http://redclub-france.com/aproposdustandard.aspx
Comment by Carmel Murphy on June 16, 2009 at 12:45pm
Thanks Laura!! I dont remember seeing those on the RedClub site but I shall look again!!;o)
Hi there all have come into this one a little late, my humble opinion on this kind of thing is....shame on the judge, as well as everyone else concerned, if a dog came under me, that looked like that, a) I would not place it, in the show, and b) after have a quiet word with the owners, as to their responsibility to keep a dog fit and healthy, and that dog does not look fit and healthy...it looks like something that has been starved, breed standards don't actually mention what the dog should look like only a weight. I saw a dog yesterday that weighed 30kl (supposedly) but he looked very much like this poor animal, the dreadful thing is, the vet reckoned that he was OK.
Comment by lyn hathaway on June 17, 2009 at 3:07am
the picture of these 2 poor dogs will not go out of my head.
I have just been on the French site, don't understand a word, except the weight and hight standard, my bitches are heavier than the dogs should be, and as for the hight as someone else said like Britteny Spaniels. Just read everything on this subject...something should be done as to starting a new club in France, as for the judges, they should be at a standard of competence of FCI judges, why should France be away from the rest of Europe, they should comply with the European Standard......F.C.I. that is what we all comply with, ALL....and as for this poor wee bitch...she could do with a few good meals, and yes BOTH of them seem to be scared stiff of their owners, perhaps not pets......just a working tool....(I have seen collie dogs with auction stamps on their rear end at a farm sale, couldn't stay at that sale, I was so disgusted, selling the dog like a tractor. Disgusting.) As for giving them away as prizes, SHAME ON THE RED CLUB words fail me, and that is something I rarely have.......
Well Dee maybe do what I have just done and send a protest e-mail to the RedClub!!! Whether they even look at it is another question!! But I had to write! I have also added my feelings to the guest book of my own club's website www.irishredsetterclub.com Carmel(very upset setter lover)
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