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Happy Birthday sweet Yelly (Lordly Yelly 10 years - 25/11/1999)

Our little Yelly became the doyen at McBirdy! That is now 10 years she shared our life with equal kindness, gentleness and tenderness.
Lordly Yelly is the daughter of Ch Lordly Scrappydoo from our friends J & R Struyf-De Groof. Scrappy matched my type setter and I wanted to get a puppy form her to start a breeding line. We had to be patient, but in late 1999, Yelly came join Lordy Unci her girlfriend and her little Yuelynn of McBirdy at McBirdy's.
Yelly gave us 4 litters (30 pups) and all have inherited her gentleness, the constant good mood, her balance that has shaped the image of McBirdy.
She gave us a beautiful line McBirdy: Buzz & Bumbee of McBirdy, Ch.IB Cheyenn of McBirdy, Ch Dundee & Dicey of McBirdy, Ch.IB Fletcher of McBirdy, Ch Frisbee of McBirdy, Eileen of McBirdy, Heaton of McBirdy and many others to follow ....
Lordly Yelly has recently become great-grand-mother. With his great grand daughter Idgie, her granddaughter Frisbee, his daughter Cheyenn, so we have a line of 4 generations at McBirdy!
Yelly is in perfect health and we hope she will still stay at McBirdy our dear companion for many years.

Views: 39

Comment by Myra Thomas-Rhodes on November 30, 2009 at 6:20am
Gorgeous babies, both of them! Very huggable.
Comment by Esther Siegrist on November 30, 2009 at 11:04am
wonderful picture of the 4 generation! and a little to late: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Yelly .
Comment by philippe.deram on November 30, 2009 at 1:17pm
Joyeux anniversaire Yelly, ta progeniture est superbe et je sais aussi douce que toi ma belle ; je te souhaite encore de nombreuses années, dans le clan Mc Birdy.
Comment by Laura Kolbach on November 30, 2009 at 1:48pm
happy b-day even from us, Yelly!
Comment by Annie Cheron on December 1, 2009 at 1:39am
OH ma Yelly Joyeux anniversaire ma douce , ma jolie , ma tendre tu sais à quel point je t'aime comme ta copine UNCI et puis tu as donné de tels bébés avec ma préférence à Cheyenn qui m'a donné ce petit titili d'Heaton sans cesse de bonne humeur. Puisse-tu encore passer beaucoup d'années auprès des tiens je le souhaite de tout cœur ma jolie .
Grandes lèches de ALAN, CURDY, ERMES et de ton petit fils HAETON of McBirdy
Bisous de notre part ANNIE et PHILIPPE
et bravo Jean pour ces très belles photos


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