GRRRREAT day fos us .
Only 4 got Excellent , others Very Good or Good . 12 + 4 puppies. Judge: Erja Nummi
Clever Sett Tempore Donna " RONYA " OPEN EXC 1, Best Bitch , BOB , CC
Clever Sett Tennessee Watz " ELIAS " OPEN EXC 1. Best Dog , BOS
Clever Sett Deep Cherry OPEN EXC 2, 2.nd Best Bitch
Most Maroon`s Paparazzi OPEN EXC 2, 2.nd best Dog , CC
BOB Puppy Clever Sett Don Quixote " RAMBO "
BOS Puppy Clever Sett Show Queen " MOA "
BOB CS Tempore Donna & BOS CS Tennessee Waltz
BOB CS Tempore Donna " Ronya"
BOS CS Tennessee Waltz " Elias "
BOS-puppy CS Show Queen & BOB-puppy CS Don Quixote
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