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Catherine Carter's Comments

Comment Wall (500 comments)

At 6:58am on May 31, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
hi Catherine, raining here today and only 5 degrees, yesterday my parents had SNOW!!!! i was at Odin's breeder, it was coolish but sunshine. unbelievable, these weather changes. but Emese managed to take some fab shots again, you can see them in my album.
have a nice weekend - or what is left of it :-)
laura & the red girls

PS: and a special hello from Odin to your Peter :-)

At 3:17am on June 3, 2009, Susan Stone said…
Hi Catherine,
Just back from holidays in Sweden - thanks for missing me:-)))))))))
more later...
At 3:35am on June 4, 2009, Susan Stone said…

a taste of Sweden...
any puppy news over there???
At 12:23pm on June 4, 2009, Nicole Wilson said…
Hi Catherine,
How is your Kim doing and do you know now whether she is in whelp? It can't be that long now to the due date?
Hope you are also enjoying the nice weather.... it's so rare I couldn't believe when it kept getting warmer and warmer!
At 7:06am on June 7, 2009, jim cuddy said…
Hi Cathy,thanks for the welcome to the site,I,m sure there will be lots of hours of fun on it.Sorry that your bitch is not in whelp ,it happens sometimes but do try again as we need your breed lines preserved in the breed.
Best regards
At 2:31pm on June 9, 2009, jim cuddy said…
That means I will have to take some now!
At 2:43pm on June 15, 2009, Cecilia GUIOT said…
Thanks a lot for your kind message for my birthday.
At 3:08pm on June 15, 2009, Cecilia GUIOT said…

Merci de vos messages de soutien. C'est déjà beaucoup.
Lors de la tentative de ré-écriture du standard par le red club, nous avions fait des courriers à la centrale canine ( l'équivalent du kennel club) afin de les informer des dérives et du danger pour notre race. Cela a permis de faire blocage et que les directives de jugement ne soient pas validées , mais malgré tout certains juges les appliquent tout de même. Peut-être faudrait-il aller plus loin et en référer à la FCI ainsi qu'à qu'au kennel club irlandais ?
At 8:57am on June 16, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
hello, was not the meaning to send it 4 times, but i got the error message "not able to send". will continue, but had to send due to character limit :-)
sorry again...
laura & the girls
At 4:48pm on June 16, 2009, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Thank you Catherine for kind comments, and YES I am very proud of my

Best Regards//Kristina
At 4:30pm on June 20, 2009, Jim Hall said…
Thank you for the kind welcome.
At 10:28am on June 21, 2009, Carmel Murphy said…
Hi Catherine!! Glad to be added to your list of friends!! I too forget who I have added!! All friends here anyway in one form or other!;o)
At 2:59pm on June 21, 2009, roland alain said…
Bj Caterine,
Je vois que finalement les discussions par internet ont été inutiles a propos de la France et du setter.
Je voulais preciser que tout le monde est pour le standard,mais chacun le fait a sa maniere.Allez par exemple en Allemagne,en Hollande,certains en Belgique,en France(lignée Americaine),en Autriche,qui depassent allégrement les 70cm,donc j'aimerai savoir a quoi sert le standard?
Mon chien fait 66cm,et parfait dans le standard,car son eleveur s'y tiens et avec fiereté.Mais quand je vois un juge irlandais a Monaco,lui a refusé la 1ere place car il le jugeait trop petit,il y a maniére a reflexion.L'eleveur de mon chien a eu le meme tour avec un juge Italien.Quand j'ai lu toutes les reflexions
a ce proposet suis un peu deçu,car les plus critiqueurs sont ceux qui ne viennent pas en France,pour pas que leurs chiens soient toisés et etre disqualifiés,tous les juges ne sont pas tous pourris,il y en a peu,mais il y en a.
Ce qui est il faut arreter ce genres de chiens qui ont ete presentés a Paris,c'est horrible,et je l'ai toujours dit,mais vis-a-vis de certains eleveurs je suis une personne qui n'a rien a dire car je suis pas eleveur.En plus j'ai appris dernierement que des eleveurs Francais avaient des chiens dysplasiques,mais font des pieds et des mains aupres de veterinaires vereux pour obtenir un A pour pouvoir faire passer leurs chiens,ça aussi il faut le denoncer,mais croyez moi c'est bien caché.
A bientot de vous lire
At 2:38pm on June 22, 2009, Dušan Rauški said…
Hello Catherine.
I must admit i wasn't aware of the size of this problem previously. I was under impression they tried to implement this last year with the Irish judge but it failed for them, so this year they had to put their one judge to make sure they will send the message.
Hopefully the vast majority of FCI judges in France have enough common sense to refuse to judge under these directives if FCI sends clear message that this is not acceptable.
Wish you good luck with the fight for this cause.
At 4:24pm on June 24, 2009, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Thank you catherine!
Loosing a dog is very hard, but having you here at ES is a gret comfort, so thank you for kind words
At 4:35pm on June 24, 2009, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Thank`s Catherine,
feels so much better knowing you have the same experience, and you know what I am going thrue,
At 4:13pm on June 27, 2009, Kirsty williamson said…
hi Catherine,
Hope you are well. Is your bitch having puppies?
Best wishes
At 3:02pm on June 28, 2009, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Thank´s for comments on my photos
At 1:50pm on June 29, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Catherine
I will put lots on if I ever find out how again, needed help with the two on the blog, thank goodness for Nicole, she was a big help, well couldn't have done it without her..
Will try my best
Speak soon Dee and the girls and thanks for the comment
At 2:08am on June 30, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Catherine
Didn't see your last comment must have crossed in the ethos. So pleased to see that the post op check-up was fine, it must have been a worrying time for you, I can only imagine how you are feeling, and on top of all of that, no puppies, I will keep everything crossed for the Autumn for you. If you have anyone that won't wait for a puppy, you know where to send them...will try and take lots of pictures, unfortunately she has stopped eating now...
Speak soon Dee and the girls

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