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Ursula wilby's Comments

Comment Wall (693 comments)

At 4:31pm on August 13, 2009, Laura and Ruby said…
What a surprise. How nice. Thank you. You are the first to say me Happy birthday :-)

Kind regards, Laura
At 11:04am on August 14, 2009, lyn hathaway said…
thanks ursula
best wishes from all here at this end
At 3:21am on August 17, 2009, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Tack för födelsedagshälsningen! Det var synd att inte vädret var lika fint på lördagen, men som tur var blev det i alla fall fint på kvällen. Vi hade nämnligen fest på sonens loge, med helgrillad gris och det är inte så kul när det regnar. Hela dagen regnade det, men 1 timme innan gästerna började komma sprack det upp och blev t om lite sol. Vi hade en trevlig kväll, men äkta födelsedagen bestod mest av städning;))
At 4:30pm on August 18, 2009, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Ni har nog bättre väder där ute vid havet, så kanske man kan boka in 60 årsfesten där hos dig, och slippa städningen efteråt ;))
At 2:15am on August 28, 2009, ereni said…
I have no time to take pictures, she is real monster:O))))
I will write later, so tired because of travelling and sleepless nights but she is so funny ( and different from Gordon), that I am begining to be happy.. I am in Slovakia now.
How are you?

Have a super day!!!
At 4:47am on August 28, 2009, Nicole Wilson said…
Thank you Ursula :-)) Here's my cake (coffee cake!) made by Busby with a little help from my husband... :-)) Hope there's no sausages or fish in it!!!

At 4:53am on August 28, 2009, Nicole Wilson said…
Yes, I thought I had to mention the coffee!!! It's yet to be decorated, I think ;-)))
At 5:04am on August 28, 2009, Nicole Wilson said…
British cakes tend to have a lot of icing!!! But given that it was two men baking a cake I have to say I'm quite pleased ;-))
At 12:00pm on August 28, 2009, Carmel Murphy said…
OK Vilda!! We look forward to that and, if she is good you can bring along Ursula!!;o)) Megan and Milo xxx
At 1:08pm on August 28, 2009, Susan Stone said…
Sorry Vilda, but old ladies tend to be a bit impatient with the youngsters - don't let it bother you! and yes, go ahead a steal whatever you can get your teeth into... btw did you know you are being shaped into a obedience winning setter? that won't do, no self respecting setter would put up with that. So go on strike!!!
Shannon (good at emptying rubbish bags...)
At 1:44pm on August 28, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Well Vilda
Perhaps it is time that you put her in her place, a swift nip behind the ear they tell me does it really well, I will soon be taking lessons and tips from anyone skilled like yourself, because these pesky babies keep ripping at me, I need some tips on how to control so many, any help on how to keep them off me will be greatly received??? But do try the nip, they tell me it doesn't have to be hard...Good luck do let me know if it works, and I will try it on mine, they tell me one is staying here too. Love Saffy
At 2:09pm on August 28, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Well as you can see, I sit on the back of the settee, I can still get away from the puppies like that but it is when I want to clear up the food in the box, they just keep hanging off me, I am going to need the foundation garment from hell. This will I hope hold up all the hanging bits, and have I got hanging bits, any tips to get rid of all this loose skin under me...it keeps hitting me on my sides when I am running round the garden. Saffy
At 2:31pm on August 28, 2009, Susan Stone said…
I fear Shannon is deaf on both ears...
At 12:24am on August 29, 2009, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
John is a chef extraordinaire, so I am quite willing to stay out of the kitchen. Quite happy to sample his creations.
The birthday cake baking, certainly could get out of hand in both yours and our households, so I am with you in not setting a precedent! They all know they are loved and always special.
At 3:31am on August 29, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Sorry couldn't reply last night, my mum decided to go to bed, why is it they want you to go to bed when you are wide awake and want to take you for a W.A.L.K when you are sound asleep.
But those hanging bits, I have heard about those Girdles mum said that she was supposed to have them in the 60's but didn't need them then, but now you can't get them well you only have to look at her....saggy....your mum doesn't need them, looking at the pictures.
I have been trying pull ups that entails climbing at the work top in the kitchen its the up and down movement, and all the titbits I can find, found three cooked chickens the other day when mum was cooling them off, strange thing mum was 'screaming' mad when she found them 'trimmed' but it was nice trimming them, even the bones, mum was scared of them. But they all went down well and out. Saffy
At 2:20pm on August 29, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Well who would want to go to a gym. Running on the spot, and not being able to chase something, boring.
Diets, at the moment I am eating everything that I can get my teeth into and some things I can't. but I cant seem to put on weight, perhaps later. When all the kids go to their new forever homes.. Well all but one of them, she likes one of them at the moment, but he is a horror, I hope that she will keep him under control, Mind you I can wrap her around my paw....get away with murder, me..
At 3:17pm on August 30, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Thanks for the comment on the picture, Iam glad that they look good, as I said nothing to compare then to.
At 9:30am on August 31, 2009, Deborah Christopher said…
Thanks for the comment on the puppies, not so great when they are all rolling around in their breakfast!!
At 6:17pm on August 31, 2009, James Martin's said…
Hi Ursula,
Thank you for your comment! You have always the right and pleasant word to all!
At 9:12am on September 3, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I think perhaps Saffy was enjoying the cleaning up, all the books say that the dam will stop cleaning up after they are weaned, not Saffy... poo humm, yummy, and now she can't get in to clean up after them, Am I or am I not cruel, by stopping her. But they could poo for Scotland, if it were an Olympic sport they would get the gold...Dee and the gang

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