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Sammi pease's Comments

Comment Wall (206 comments)

At 3:26pm on October 26, 2009, Jennifer Martin said…
Hi Sammi, Thanks for the welcome, - I am really enjoying looking around the site and reading the exploits and profiles of both dog's and owners! - it's great to find so many people who love these 'charismatic life enhancing characters', - if what is said is true that 'dog's reflect their owners personalities' perhaps that applies to us all as well!. - I use to think that Jinty was the dog equivalent of 'Tigger'!, it was sad to watch her natural exuberance fade as she reached her dotage and I miss her dearly, Rio is a delightful chap but at almost 5 months old I think he could be lulling me into a false sense of security and the Juvenile delinquent stage could be just around the corner.
At 10:21am on October 27, 2009, Jane Mugford said…
Hi Sammi

thanks for the comments, look forward to meeting you sometime

At 10:36am on October 27, 2009, Lesley McRoberts said…
Hi Sammi

Have just managed to upload a picture of Hattie - hope you like it!!

Lesley& Hattie
At 1:29pm on October 27, 2009, Kerstin Thaens said…
Hi Sammy, thanks for your sympathies. I am sure you know what we went through. Hell on earth! we were so lucky. Life without a leash has now abruptly ended :-(( Strict training on the long leash is on the schedule! The problem for me is that Amy (1,5 years) is a pure hunting/working dog that I cannot handle without a leash because she runs like lightning and comes definitely back after doing her job (can take some time:-) So 2 long leashes will end in a chaos! I sometimes longingly remember the untroubled time with our older setters. No stress at all. Cheer up, Kerstin! Best wishes
At 5:46am on October 29, 2009, Kerstin Thaens said…
Indeed, this is the 'famous' forest (about 75 000 ha). Took the photo some minutes before Summer ran away.
At 5:55am on October 29, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Sorry that I didn't answer you previous comment Findlay is doing just fine, now aloud in with the girls all the time, as I still have two that are going to EU countries, but he will be really good I am sure, he is a real sweetheart. Just loves to give 'high fives' and yes Fergal is beautiful I am a little bit prejudice about him though..and the others that are on this site. I personally wouldn't recommend more than one puppy at a time, I don't know how people cope keeping a few of them, they become hooligans, well my three are anyway, I bring them in one at a time just to get them used to living with the older dogs, Jas just wants them to ''go away'' but she will get used to him.. I don't think that people realise that Scotland is as big as it is, perhaps next time??
All the best Dee and the gang
At 1:54pm on October 29, 2009, Lesley McRoberts said…
Hi Sammi
Apologies for not answering your message earlier - Hattie, children & work have kept me busy this week. We live in Dumfries about 12 miles from Dalbeattie Forest, as I said it is one of our favourite walks but don't get there as often as we would like. There are many other walks in this area which we have used over the years - Hattie hasn't seen them all yet as it is only in the last six months that she has been reliable off the lead in wide open spaces - her recall is great now & she has always been super in forests - don't think she likes to lose sight of us!!! So glad you like this area & that you plan to return - not enough Irish around hear!!!!!!
Best wishes
Lesley & Hattie
At 9:01am on October 30, 2009, Susan Stone said…
Hi Sammi, thanks for liking the picture - this one again was only possible thanks to the telephoto lense, giving the background effect...
may get back to you sometime about that scotland address of yours...
best regards
At 1:43am on November 7, 2009, lyn hathaway said…
hi sammi thanks so much for your comments .the seals were a fantastic experience,and it was great seeing layla run free on an empty beach and not bumping into things .we were there a month and didnt want it to end
regards lyn layla and lucy
At 1:10pm on November 7, 2009, Esther Siegrist said…
thank you Sammi for your comments.
hope you have a good time.
Regards Esther
At 5:07am on November 10, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Thank you for the comment on my blog Sammi!
The hardest work was WAITING for a whole day...and then...like two seconds of glory! :-)
At 1:11pm on November 11, 2009, Marta Galuszka said…
Hello Sammi,
Thank you for your nice comment:)
Yes, I am getting lot of cuddles and also bites;)
At 12:48pm on November 13, 2009, Archie&Diane Gilchrist said…
Hi Sammi

Sorry for the delay in answering, I have an Aunt who is going through Chemo just now & it is taking up a lot of time going back and forward to the Hospital, but she just loves to see Murphy, it just makes her day!!
Thank you for making us feel so welcome on the site, we just love it, Murphy has been attending a puppy foundation class on a Tuesday night, so far so good, I have to say, he is the best looking pup there!! He still gets up to no good at home, just puppy like.
I'm sure he will realize who is boss eventually!!

Love to you all from Diane,Archie & Murphy xxxx
At 2:02pm on November 16, 2009, Dee Rance said…
He isn't far off his mothers size , getting a really big boy, not a baby any more. Thanks for the comment all the best Dee and the gang
At 3:40pm on November 20, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
haha, danka would not step on wet grass either to pee (still wouldn't). but she would jump into the river or lake like a retriever or take loooong walks in the fields in pouring rain or even show herself to BOBs/BOGs on wet grass. aren't they strange? :))
At 12:38pm on November 28, 2009, Mariana Åhnberg said…
I have been here all the time=) But lately I havent been in so often... thankyou for your comment on Facebook, and yes hes getting a very nice and thick coat also the three others.. They so far look very promesing.. but you never know..=)) Glad to be your friend, Thankyou!!
At 3:38am on December 5, 2009, Johanna Blacklake said…
Sammi, just a brief question... Has Lola already had her first season? When did Abbi has her first? I'm just wondering if Saimi is having PMS or is it something else... :-)) She is acting more sophisticated these days... More like a lady. Not at all what she really is... LOL
At 12:49pm on December 9, 2009, Johanna Blacklake said…
Thanks! I will...
Still all the grooming to be done before the show... Have had so many other things to do this week. But hey, I've finally managed to do some "baby shopping"!!!!! :D
At 1:28pm on December 13, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Thank you so much for your kind words about Ivy...she was a great horse and so big and powerful its still almost impossible to understand.
At 9:14am on December 22, 2009, Lesley McRoberts said…
Hattie & I would like to wish you & your girls a very Happy Christmas. Things are very festive up here with lots of snow which Hattie is enjoying very much - have tried to get a Christmas photo of her but she isn't still for a moment in the snow!!!
Have a great Christmas & a peaceful New Year.

Lesley & Hattie

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