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Ursula wilby's Comments

Comment Wall (693 comments)

At 9:44am on April 9, 2008, Dušanka Božič said…
Hi, Ursula!
Thank you for the comment on the photo "leason in see"
Best regards
At 3:01am on April 10, 2008, nicola manduca said…
it's true in south italy the sun is very hot !!!!! and the summer is very long.
best regards ursula.
ciao nicola
At 3:47am on April 10, 2008, nicola manduca said…
scandinavia is very beautiful every place has same problems.
for you in italy is very hot for me scandinavia is very cold.
At 8:23am on April 10, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Well I have just got back from seeing my friends puppies I have a friend coming to stay with me for a week from Jersey and she will be bringing 5 of her 6 setters and I have to bath the two girls today and clean the house etc etc etc. I think that this retirement thing is just a joke, when did I have the time to do anything before retirement??? now its worse I have grandchildren but hey it takes up the spare time in your day!!!!!!! the beauty is that you can give the grandchildren back!!!!!!!!!! Dee
At 9:44am on April 10, 2008, nicola manduca said…
this is the place where my dog run in the field.
is very wonderful and is the place of the movie "the passion " by mel gibson.
At 2:10pm on April 10, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there. Well she is on her way, on the boat!!! Yes she is on the site Ro Cox, she has 'Tiron' setters there are some pictures on Monica's site, she also, handled Miller at the South of England Champ Show. Ro's puppies are by Miller, his first litter, I am sure that there will be many more, I gave him B.O.B. when I last judged, over some very nice dogs, I think that he has everything that a dog should have, he reminds me of one of Janice Roberts dogs Cornevon Stargem, a beautiful dog of the '70's
The truth is that although you have worked full time and fitted everything around this work whatever it was when you retire you just seem to fill the gaps with, in our case, DOGS, and it takes over, well it has in my case. Speak soon Dee
At 10:05am on April 11, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Oh I think that we all think that.(that we will die in harness).....As for the work (cleaning) well it is done after a fashion, it seems that when I start one task I seem to create more, i.e. I do the washing and the washing machine starts spewing water out the bottom, you wash the bathroom and the dog hair seems to spread from top to bottom. Because you bathed the dog the day before, Oh well no peace for the wicked. I have always said that the devil looks after his own and only the good die young so I will live to be 100...... I have stopped the horses cats even chickens but the fox kept taking them darned thing used to sit and bark at me with one of my hens in his mouth, and then there were the rabbits hundreds of rabbits, I used to dream about rabbits, if only I could have killed them but they kept multiplying as rabbits do, still don't have any of them now and quit honestly I do miss them ALL including the ***rabbits.
My friend is just coming over the Forth Bridge as we email so she will be with me in moments, All the best Dee
At 2:55pm on April 11, 2008, Dee Rance said…
I think that life can take you in many directions, some of us seem to take the same lines. I too miss my sheep I only had about 50 ewes but like you I really miss this time of year I loved lambing, although sometimes it seemed like I was waring ewes as gloves trying to sought out triplets inside one ewe or another, what sought of sheep did you have?? I had Texals and Grey-face.
We didn't have ferrets I had a pair of Stoats move in but my Llama's killed the female and he went off somewhere else, my hens were Frizzle, Bantams, and Welsumer, hens, the Welsumers (I think that they are Dutch) layed a lovely big brown egg, and when you have your own hens, as you know, they are much bigger and darker yokes than you get in the shop bought 'things', going to bed early got our Scottish Irish Setter Champ show tomorrow, Dee
At 7:19am on April 18, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Hi Ursula,
hows life up your way??? Seems a bit quiet - I bet you have joined the Exclusively Borders and are giving ES a miss...
I had a look at the Corrie Dhu site again recently and was stuck in lambing for well over an hour! Have a look, puppies expected there soon....
At 9:18am on April 18, 2008, Susan Stone said…
I know the feeling 'do I really want a different breed'. I once said I'd have a Golden Retriever from working lines instead of always Irish Setters...they seem so keen and intelligent (and maybe a bit settery...) but when Amber died in 1995 there was no question of a different breed!!!
At 9:42am on April 18, 2008, Susan Stone said…
Can't agree with you on that one:-)))
At 2:17pm on April 24, 2008, Dee Rance said…
I will reply to this later am at my daughters my Internet is down Dee
At 4:57pm on May 6, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Ursula, Well I am back.... oh how I lives have been the same, I just love the Oxfords I love the 'top nots' they have, I don't suppose that you spin the fleeces???? I have been making shawls etc from my friends Icelandic X grey face ewe's and I spun it with Alpaca (Llama) and another friend who is from Shetland makes the most beautiful shawls. They took something like 80-90 hours to make and we couldn't give them away so I still have about 6 of them left still it was fun making them, not sure if my arthritis will let me do any more spinning, that's why I had to give up on ALL the animals etc. My last chickens were 'Frizzells' bantams cute little things they always looked as if they were having a 'bad hair day'. I too had to stop with the sheep mainly for the same reason, I just couldn't cope with them going to slaughter, I have only just started to eat lamb again, must say it was difficult to start eating them again, though I didn't know them personally that's what hurt. I have had such withdrawals from this site. will speak soon Dee and the girls
At 12:07pm on May 7, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Oh believe me its nice to be back!!!! I think the word you are looking for if 'felting' I never found out how to do it, except when I was washing some of my hats, scarfs and gloves, I managed to achieve it then but STILL don't know how it happened, I knitted a hat, in the round and with a traditional Shetland design and I miss calculated the size, you and me could get into it so I washed it in very hot water and rubbed it hard, it felted and it is so worm now I can only use it when it is sub zero, no wind gets through it. But that was on a knitted garment. Not just plain wool.
I have had one or two cockerels in my time some very nice and some you had to take a very large stick out with you because it would attack anything that moved, cars, horses, llamas and most of all me.
This weather is absolutely fabulous, unfortunately I have too many lumps and bumps to wear shorts and T shirts but I have bought a new outfit for showing it will be christened tomorrow, at Birmingham, well got to do something to make me feel better when I am chucked out.....
I must admit I too love the spring and summer it stops me feeling depressed after the long winter. Speak soon Dee
At 6:54am on May 11, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi just a quick note (my head is thumping not with celebrations) my older girl Jas is now IRISH SHOW CHAMPION CASPIANS MODESTY J.W. I am so proud of her, have just got to tell the world. Dee and the girls
At 3:10pm on May 11, 2008, Dee Rance said…
I would if I could but I can't, I don't know how, there will be pictures on Collin's site well he is the web-master on the Irish Setter UK and Ireland Website so watch this space, there were dozens of photos taken, unfortunately with me in them, I find that I don't stand her that well when I have won. I couldn't stop shaking her tail was shaking terribly, Thank you so much for your kind words. Dee
At 4:30am on May 12, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Thanks I have duly done it but I will try and add a photo later can't over tax the brain............ what brain dah!!!! It actually took me two stabs at it. thanks again Dee
At 11:05am on May 12, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Well what a surprise when I came on line to find Jas's picture on the front cover as it were and thanks for you comment as well Dee and the girls
At 7:19am on May 13, 2008, Catherine Carter said…
Hi Ursula,
I am answering here as I found most of my comments on the main forum seemed to be taken out of context and then misunderstood. I mostly agree with what you are saying about pure field trial bred dogs. That on the whole they are so energetic and so keen to be out there hunting that they make very difficult pets. By the way I never said that the forebear of my dogs was not a good worker simply that his main achievements were in the ring!But I am sure you got this if you re-read my posts and we all know what the word 'abusive' was meant for! In any case my dogs are still a source of joy and happyness on a daily basis. Best regards.C.
At 3:26pm on May 14, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Ursula, was just looking through your pictures again, still love them, I was wondering how the foals are getting on? I would imagine you are very busy at the moment. So will keep it short. Speak soon Dee and the girls

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