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Barbara Simpson's Comments

Comment Wall (32 comments)

At 9:24am on August 21, 2007, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Hi Barbara!

Thank´s for your message. If we hadn´t this farmarea I wouldn´t be able to keep all my setters. Maybe I would have two of them at most. Your setter is very cute, how old is she? Think that they look so cute with this white hair in the face.

Best Regards/Kristina
At 9:32am on August 21, 2007, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Hmm, I forgot to say, TTYL!
At 11:12am on August 21, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
This portrait of Magic was taken on her 12th Birthday. Unfortunately, I lost her at 13 1/2 years of age in January of 2003. The photos of Erica on my photo page is her daughter, now also 12 years of age. The only Irish I have right now is Garnett who is 4. There's a side view stacked photo of her and a front view looking up at me outside a dog show ring. I also have a 12 year old English Setter rescue dog named Ranger and a 2 year old Borzoi girl named Traveler. There's a photo of Traveler also with my neighbors son Travis. All 3 keep me busy and laughing all the time. Until I got Traveler, I hadn't realized that Borzoi also have a quirky sense of humor and can be extremely funny dogs. She's quite a character and keeps both setters on their proverbial toes.
At 11:14am on August 21, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
VBG back at ya! LOL!!!!
At 1:57am on August 22, 2007, Ulrike Reder-Marko said…

Yes I know Debbie Kerlinko. She was entering the showring in Austria with her Chance many years ago. That was the first Irish Setter of the american style I have seen. As I showed my own dog Harry in the same class, I can very good remember, that Debbie was very shocked about the result of her first show in Austria. Chance got only a "Very good". The jugde also did not know this type of Setter and so he thought Chance is not typical for this breed.
But later at other shows she won the class and also BOB.
Chance is the father of one litter in Austria. I sometimes meet one bitch out of this litter and she looks very american. But one dog (Huntin Wind´s Benjamin) does not look american at all. He is a very good hunting dog, passed all hunting tests with very good results.
I don´t know, what happend with Debbie Kerlinko. She was not on shows the last years, I also heared that she moved back to Canada or USA.
At 8:07am on August 22, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Debbie quit showing Chance because judges and some exhibitors felt that he had too much hair (American style) and she refused to cut off any of his beautiful coat. I'm not sure when she moved back to Canada, had just heard from an American friend that she had. I thiink the co-owner of Chance didn't like the European style of setter and refused to allow Chance to be used for breeding except for one litter. He did earn his Int'l Field Title in one try, 3 Internatinal Field Judges were there and gave him passes. Debbie nor Chance had ever run in the field before that day either. She had gone just to see what it was all about and the Judges convinced her that she should run him. I think she was shocked at how well he did with no training at all. His dam, Magic, was an excellent hunting dog, also with no training. She had a lot of intensity, only time she would allow herself to get wet in the rain too. She hated getting wet. I've never actually met Debbie, she was a good friend of the lady I sold Chance to in Indiana. Liz Fleming bred and owned Chance's sire, she wanted 2 males from the litter and the other boy died of bloat when he was barely 2 years of age. Their sire died of bloat also but he was 5 years old when he died. Chance looked more like his dam than his sire too except for the amount of coat that he carried as an adult. His structure and movement was a nice combination of both parents, temperament was also excellent.

At 6:44am on August 31, 2007, Henk ten Klooster said…
Thats a classic head Barbara!
At 6:46am on August 31, 2007, Henk ten Klooster said…
Thats a classic head Barbara! Knew a few earlie seventies classics like that !
At 9:00am on August 31, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Thank you Henk, she's one of my own bred by girls. Her dam was from Draherin, old, old bloodline, her sire was from Australia but was 3/4's Thenderin, again from the old, old Thenderin lines too. She was whelped in August, 1989 and crossed over the Bridge in Jan. 2003 at 13 1/2 years of age. She bloated and torsioned at the age of 7 1/2, survived surgery quite well and was the grande dame here for her entire lifetime. She hated to get wet, including the bottoms of her feet. The only time she didn't notice rain or muck and mud was at a field trial! She was relentless in the field, found birds in pouring rain too. I didn't get her out into the field until she was 5 years of age, took her to a field training day with the local Irish Setter Club. Boy, it only took about 2 minutes to get her turned on to birds in a big way! Had to drag her out of the field after 2 hours of hunting. She was also the dam of Can. Am. Ch. Rustwoods Even Chance who was shown in Austria and other European countries by Debbie Kerlinko. Chance earned his Int'l Field WC in one day under 3 Int'l Field Judges. He had never been run in the field, Debbie had never been to a field trial before, they had a blast! He was a natural hunter just like his dam had been. That litter was whelped in 1995, they were 12 years young last April. Several of Magic's offspring were very birdy when given the opportunity to show their stuff.
At 4:30pm on September 1, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Hi Glo, good to see you and John are still hanging in there after your recent loss. I'm on the verge of losing my old ES Ranger, he's been failing slowly but surely the last couple of months now. Being a rescue, we have never known for sure just how old he really is, but well over 12 at least. he's been blind since before coming here but has always hung out with his redheads and found his way around the house and yard with them safely. After losing my own Annie last Feb., I'm not looking forward to another loss this year. Hopefully, Ranger will rally and stay with us for a while longer.

At 8:41am on September 3, 2007, Ann Mussinan said…
Thanks for the invite. I know how difficult it was for you to loose Annie. We'll all keep our paws crossed and hope that Ranger rallies.
Ann M.
At 2:04pm on September 3, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Thanks Ann, I sure hope so too. He's such a gentle soul and had a tough couple of months after losing his family before he came here for fostering. I didn't bond with Daisy like I did with Ranger, she was just so undisciplined and didn't want to cooperate with me in any fashion at all. Was soooo starved for attention, I was happy to place her in her forever home in just a couple of weeks. She's working out very well there which is wonderful.
At 2:17pm on September 8, 2007, Ann Millington said…
Hi Barbara
Nice to meet you here
At 2:22pm on September 8, 2007, Ann Millington said…
Hmmm, that's at ricky one, Barbara. If Charm was registered with the Kennel Club in the 1980s there will be a record of it. The KC is the only registry in the UK and also records transfers of ownership. If she was not registered, I don't think there's any chance of tracking her down now.
I'll give it a whirl.
At 2:31pm on September 8, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Thanks Ann, I'd appreciate any help I can get. Her AKC number would have been SD416446 or SD416550, owner who took her to the UK was Marion Bonham, their address while in the UK was 6 Church St., Clifton, Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5ES England. She was whelped on March 14, 1982. Sire was Briarwood's Future Indeed, AKC Reg. SC817834 out of Robalee Jubilee of Rustwood, AKC Reg. SB634403. I have the registration numbers for her 3 littermates and the numbers are sequential, so she's at either end of their numbers as I noted above. Barb
At 10:34pm on September 18, 2007, Jill Acord said…
Hi Barbara.
Finally getting a chance to get on explore...
At 10:58pm on September 18, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
It's not like Setters-L where you receive messages when someone else posts to the list. You have to log in and check the forums for discussions. Only if someone posts directly to your page will you receive a private message. It's fun to interract with the international set tho and learn how things are done differently than they are here and in Canada. They also have some very lovely dogs. Check out Henk's photo of his male Irish in a window frame. He's the son of my Can. Am. Ch. Rustwoods Even Chance Intl FC, who went to Austria with his co-owner when he was about 4 1/2 years of age. I bred him, the photo here is of his dam, Rustwood Drum Magic.
At 8:34pm on October 1, 2007, kathy ormsby said…
Barb, My name is Kathy Ormsby and I used to live in San Jose CA. and I believe you introduced me to the world of Irish Setters.(1988-89??) I tagged along with you to a show in Pebble Beach once. Anyway, I now live in Texas and purchased my first Irish. A male pup for conformation and companionship from Herihunda Setters ( Maggie and Wayne Ford) of Lucas , Tx. I contacted Cindy Sanford? of San Jose to see if were still in the area and she said you had moved to Texas---small world.... I fell in love with a dog of yours named BANNER and twenty years later bought my first pup. His name is Darby and he is currently 5 months old. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi , and see if you remembered me???? Do you have any old photos of Banner from the 80's? Kind regards, Kathy Ormsby (817) 251-1898
At 11:30am on October 2, 2007, kathy ormsby said…
Barb, Great to hear from you!!!!!! I'd sign up for a show but I'd don't want look like a fool. I need a lot of work first: stacking, gaiting, grooming etc. etc. I don't even know how to do a show groom. Anyway, do you know anyone that could teach me a show cut ??? Again, great hearing from you... Kathy Ormsby
At 10:39am on December 16, 2007, Zepplin said…
Barbara, my goo friend Gene who hosts this site told me to reach you for my haircut. Can you reach my human dad at 972-467-0742 I'm all Scragg-aly! His name is Heath by the way

Happy Hoildays

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