Exclusively Setters

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This was Tallulah before her structural problems occured. She had a good weekend at Empingham show 2006 winning out of grade 1 and coming 10th in the Olympia ABC. She went on to have more wins and high placings. She was trained to hit the ring by the time she was 18 months. There is far too much emphasis on getting them out into the ring for 18 months, long before the bone plates have matured. I am hearing of too many agility dogs who are finished by the time they are 7 or 8 years of age. Will the KC review all this? I hardly think so. I now want my dogs to be 2 years + before they reach the competition arena.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 112

Comment by martina mckeag on July 2, 2012 at 8:19am

Lovely video I know there is an agility school near me but he wont let the dogs start until they are 2 year old I love to watch them doing it  

Comment by Fran Griffin on July 2, 2012 at 1:05pm

Good on the trainer not allowing them to start until they are 2 years old Martina.  In future any dog I have will be over 2 before they hit the ring. This year is going to be DaisyMae's first go at a proper show. She is now 2 1/2. I wont spend so much time on training her either. Once they learn what they have to do, I really don't think weekly of twice weekly training is necessary, except perhaps in small doses.  It does put a lot of strain on the dogs physical  structure, especially the heavier breeds. Most collies are lightweights compared to Setters, many of the regularly winning dogs around the 18kg mark.

Comment by Ellen Turberfield on July 2, 2012 at 3:49pm

Lovely video of Tally, i've never seen setters doing agility, looks like she loved it (",)



Comment by Fran Griffin on July 2, 2012 at 3:57pm

Tally lived for agility and was also totally obsessed by flyball, so much so that I had to keep her away from flyball because it drove her crazy lol.  Its so sad to see her now.  I still allow her to go over some lower jumps, down the weaves, and over the A frame, but she can no longer do dogwalks in case she looses her balance, or long jumps or hoops. I also have to be careful about how much she does, otherwise she struggles with her breathing.

Comment by Carmel Murphy on July 2, 2012 at 6:12pm

Fabulous round;o) Megan didnt compete until 2+ years, but that was my decision! We only competed about 6 or 7 times though as it was tough trying to beat the collies! We dont have ABC competition at Ch.Shows!? Megan did manage a 2nd at intermediate  level;o)


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