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There may have been a previous discussion of this but where do the dogs sleep @ your house?

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Hi Kimberly, The reason for my marriage break-up was because of my love for my animal children, but in saying this, I should never have married him in the first place. Maybe one day I will meet a lovely man who loves animals the way I do and he won't mind having 2 or 3 slobbery English Setters in the bed and horses who bang on the back door for their carrots, and eat car windscreen wipers, etc.

Hear! Hear! Susan :)

Well, I'm guessing Pitanga and Romã feel like they allow me to sleep on their bed! :)
They have two doggie beds - not too big because they prefer to curl up: if the bed is too big, they just share it :)
The beds are in our living room during the day, and at night I bring them into my room. They lay down in their beds for a max of 3 seconds and then join me in me bed, one on each side, as as close as they can get!
Wouldn't have it any other way, in fact, if I have to sleep away from them, I take ages to fall asleep :)

Teresa, we haul our dog beds up and down the stairs also! During day, its beside the fireplace this time of year. Then I lug it back upstairs and plump it before dropping it beside our bed!

Monique and Dawn look very comfy!

One of mine...Saffy sleeps on the bed with me....Fin sleeps on the floor next to the bed....(and sometimes creeps up on the bed in the night) and Cia....well she is in her cage...(we wouldn't get any sleep if she was outside free to do her own thing.) When she gets older and more reliable she will probably we up on the bed two...

People have asked me in the past......What kind of kennel do you have.....well my answer to that is....I have a Detached four bed-roomed kennel....its my house...

Personally I can't see the point in having a dog if it isn't in your house with you...just my humble opinion....;o)

Dee, the breeder with whom I'm getting my pup, has only "house dogs" also. She said the pups will be welped and raised in the family room. She raises conformation with many champions in obedience and agility also.

I agree with you Dee...none of the dogs I have ever owned have lived in a kennel either and none ever will :)

I have refused to let people have puppies if I know that they are going to keep them outside in a kennel all the time....(it is OK if you go out, and leave your dog in a kennel,) but for me, I just use a cage in the kitchen....perhaps some may think that the kitchen isn't the rite place for a dog...but hey hoe that is me, and it is only my opinion...(have to keep saying that because some people may think that I speak for others) but no just for myself...have always kept them in the house...although not always on the bed...

That all started when my lines were lost....I felt that I should keep them very close, 24/7, so if they bloated I would know about it immediately, so I could deal with it without delay...so the bed it was, and still is...and I love having them so close....

A definite 'no' to kennels.

Our dogs sleep downstairs now .After having four setters who all used to lie on our bed   we were ,eventually,down to one and she became arthritic and couldn't make the stairs any more.I decided enough was enough,so all newbies didn't go upstairs.After all Joan did get fed up with sleeping on the floor!

PS When we use a cage I no longer call it that as people got horrified at the idea but call it a crate and that,apparantly ,is  acceptable.Crazy!

Ah so that is where I am going wrong...Crate.....perhaps ''dogs bedroom???'' might be more acceptable....well its still the same thing....a rose by any other name????....lol...;-)

Howard that made me laugh, poor Joan on the floor, like Dee i wanted to keep Finlay close when vet told me he was ill, so he sleeps on my bed and it's always a race to see who gets the best spot first (",)




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