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adult dog starts peeing and pooping inside ?

Hi all

this is not for me (luckily!!) and also i apologize is not about a setter.. but maybe there are lots of people with experience who may help here..   my brother has an italian bracco 6yrs old and extremely well trained. Suddenly, and every day, the dog started to peeing and pooping inside house, and this happened almost every day since the last month.. He's beeing tested for diabetis and he's negative.

Now, is true that my brother -who is the dog much loved owner- a real God for him!-  has changed routine and works more hours this year, but still the rest of the family has the normal hours and the dog is in his usual  company most of the time.. So, it looks a bit strange that this change in my brother working time is enough to induce such a dramatic change of behavior in an otherwise well settled and stable dog..

has anyone an idea of what may be an underlying cause or if there are some obvious tests we need to ask to the vet? The dog is intact.





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Btw, the dog I am talking about is Sheick, here he's on holiday with Oberon in summer 2011:)


just an update.. i have been told we likely need to check for hernias and/or tumors at the spinal cord... any advise is appreciated since we are a bit in the dark, and the current vet is not much helpful....

We've got 10 in the house.   It took and is taking us time to get them clean.   One thing I did find was that I have to check cleaners because it seems to me that anything with amonia in it triggers them to wee.   I was told by the vet to use bicarbonate of soda because it is neutral, when I clean up after them and it works.   Some of the strong smelling disinfectants make the smell worse and Humper tries to get rid of it.  He sneezes a lot if it's used.  I stick to bicarb.  It's very cheap and worth a try.  What about prostate test?  That could cause him to feel uncomfortable and want to wee too.

We are new to the site 

Good suggestions for preventing a "return" to the area by eliminating the smell. Thank you Mr. Thomas

Hope it works as well for you as it does for us.

A full vet check is advisable - I've got a feeling someone had this problem on another forum and that it was thyroid related?

thanks trish, I will research on this! thanks also to the others, but i dont think in our case is a matter of change in cleaning habits, and the dog is already adult, so I am more prone to look for underlying medical conditions (and/or stress...) thanks!!!!




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