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I think it may be time. Lucy, 14, has breast cancer. The lump is fairly large and has numerous openings. Vet says she's too old for treatment which I wouldn't do. Drinking lots of water-too much. Panting a lot-sign of pain? Not really interested in anything and looks sad to me. Blind and deaf. She had trouble getting up off the tiled floor this morning. This is so hard. Eating ok-giving her wet food. Anyone with a similar experience?

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Hi Claire-let me first say how sorry I am I know how hard it is, but deep down you will know and feel what the right decision is. If you are not sure or not ready yet than I would suggest you speak with your vet and go and collect some strong pain killers to make sure she is for sure pain- free. That will give you time and your girl won't have to suffer. Those things can suddenly take a turn to the worst and often in the middle of the night- I have always painkillers for the dogs at home. Wish you lots if strength.
Thank you Eva. Lucy went to sleep at 4 this afternoon. It was her time. I know that in my heart. And Lucy knew too. Heartbroken.

Joan and I feel so much for you.We have experienced a similar thing and had to make the decision that enought was enough.We couldn't see Lady suffer any longer in that way.

Joan and I will be thinking of you,with our love,and you know you will be doing the right thing.

So very sorry to read your news, you must be realy heart broken. It can never be easy even if you know the time is right for your beautiful companion. Thinking of you, take care X,

Dear Claire I am so sorry and I haven't words to help, I know how it hurts...she is and was loved ...
Thank you everyone. The right decision was made but how do you co e to terms with the 'missing' factor?? Heartbroken
:0(( I'm so very sorry Claire you are in my thoughts and prayers. Your Lucy has her angel wings now, I wish I knew what to say to lessen the loss your feeling. Take care X

Hi Claire, i am so sorry to hear your sad news and my thoughts are with you.Try and think of all the good times and happy moments that you and Lucy have shared.My heart goes out to you.Jenny xx

Can't stop crying. Going to sleep on her sofa tonight. That may be a bit too much but it needs to be done. Missing.com

Hi Claire, so very sorry to hear about Lucy, you made the right decision and knew instinctively that it was what she needed....it is a year this sunday that we lost Jack.....i can only say that it does get easier over time, not a day goes by that we don't speak of him or think about his funny ways, you need this time to grieve...we have loads of photos and videos of Jack as we knew he wouldn't live that long  and they have been a great source of comfort. Many many tears will be shed and the pain can be physical but you have wonderful memories I'm sure, take care xxx

Hi Claire

So very sorry to hear about Lucy,its heartbreaking when we have to make such a tough decision.Sending you a big hug. 

So sorry to hear about Lucy, we just love our dogs so much they leave a big hole in our hearts when they leave us, take care xxx




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