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Rest In Peace My Carly - (12/21/2000 -11/13/2013) My Heart is breaking, but my Soul is at peace knowing we shared such a precious life together. I Love You Girl.

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Tom Carly was a very beautiful girl she is running the fields with my Radley on the other side of the rainbow bridge. Did you get another setter yet? I haven't I know that there never a boy that can replace my boy. Someday I'll get another.

Terrie Stauffer

Hi Terrie ~ Thanks for the support, and kind words about Carly.  She is a real beauty, and I miss her very much, it seems so vacant and empty without her here, as you know.  Like you, I think it will be quite some time before I think about another Setter, as our relationship really set a high water mark that I don't think can ever be matched.  I understand that subsequent dogs bring their own unique attributes, however this bond was very deep in heart & soul, and I need a lot of time to heal from the loss.  She lived a very full life, ran thousands of miles in her time, and wanted to leave in the end, I could tell, and so I honored that wish instead of watching her suffer just to keep her going on my behalf.  At this time everything is still raw, yet balanced by the incredible blessing of having her for almost 13 years, so I keep her alive by honoring that reality. Thanks again, and I hope you are well! 

Tom those footprints in your heart only grow more precious. Aas time goes by. I know it took us a year and a half after losing our Shiloh to even think of another dog.....and the "purse puppy" I was supposed to find accidently fell into my lap...a female Irish Setter needing a home in a city you see few Irish Setters in! Miss Molly is our first female after having male Irish Setters...and our first rescue. We are blessed each day by the joy and love she has brought into our home.I did not think a year old Irish would bond as she did with all of us.....and for my husband it is like "his first Irish who is as devoted to him as my lads were to me. Treasure your pictures and memories but perhaps someday just as happened to us you will be blind sided by another Irish Setter as wonderful in her own way as Carly. I am sorry for your loss and know all too well that"missing part of yourself feeling".

dear Tom sometime if you would get another setter it will help you ( not get over but ) help soften the hurt you feel for Carly!!!!! I know that I lost Radley on April 5th and it still hurts me so much I do feel if we can talk about our great setters this helps get over the hurt a little. I don't really get over because I will never get over losing Radley but if I had another setter I could put my love int another but my health is not really good enough to take on another setter but boy when I'm ready I weill get one. Tom I once had 3 setters in my life. don't think that wasn't fun in my house, I never had a male it was always females.I love the setters. well it is great to talk to you.

Terrie Stauffer

Beautiful words you have all wrote...truly beautiful.

Tom, your right, there's a serene look in there eyes that they need us to help them on there journey. It's the end when we can return all that loyalty and affection they have given us by been there for them. I have one of our furkids suffering cancer, we have exhausted all options and I knew in her eyes last week that she was telling us enough is enough! I want her to gain her strength and have quality now not quantity and enjoy us, her surroundings and time she has. I pray I have your strengh Tom to know when to send her on that journey too. X




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