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Has any member been advised by their vet that the blood test results for their dog revealed Chronic Inflammation? If so, what was the health diagnosis of the dog at the time? How was the diagnosis of Chronic Inflammation explained by the vet? And what treatment was recommended by the vet?  

For those members who have never heard of Chronic Inflammation this is a link to an article in Dogs Naturally magazine http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/nsaids-inflammation-and-a-caut...

I will wait to see if I receive any answers to this question before I explain why I have asked it.

For those members who care about my English Setter, Hobson unfortunately I have to tell you that he is holding onto his life by a thread. I cannot even take one day at a time. When we go to bed at night or when we wake up in the morning, Hobson might appear to be alright. This can change in a matter of hours. Hobson is still fighting and I am beside him 24/7 doing everything I can to help him continue to live. Unfortunately I know only too well that the final outcome is completely out of my hands. It's not over yet though!!

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I have obviously spoken out of turn, no offence was ment although obviously taken, for that I am very sorry.

I shall remove myself from your friends list as it is clear this would suit. Take care Susan.

It was your decision and your choice to remove yourself as one of my friends, Angela. I would never have requested this.

I do not take kindly to anyone telling me to kill my dog!! 

Hobson will be 11 years old on 10 June if he continues to keep living. He is certainly not out of danger yet. I have to take one day at a time. His skin is only one of his problems. The vet specialist is more worried about his neck and his spine. Hobson's kidneys can still fail. The time may come when "euthanasia" has to be considered, but this time is certainly not now.

The reason I do everything in my power right to the very "end" to help Hobson (and all my animal children) even though this disadvantages me financially and in other ways is because in every sense they mean more to me than "just a dog". I give to Hobson (and all my animal children) what I would give to my human child. I love Hobson (and all my animal children) unconditionally. This is the way I have been all my life and no other human being will ever change me.

Many human beings say to me you should look after yourself meaning you should not jeopardise your home or lose your home to pay for expensive vet bills, particularly for an old dog. My response is that if I am not prepared to do this, I should never have purchased the dog in the first place.

Hobson has been my devoted boy for almost 11 years and he does not want to die. He has made this very clear. He is very stubborn. The last 3 months have been a nightmare but I am so grateful that Hobson is still alive and every second I have spent helping Hobson has been worth it. I treasure every moment I can hold him in my arms. I feel proud of myself that I have been prepared and able to help Hobson survive the horrific time when every vet I contacted turned his back on him. 

I lost many "friends" when I would not give up my search for Beau. They told me I was stupid and that I would never see Beau again. The truth is that they would not have done the same so they could not understand my behaviour so they tried to force me to be like them. It did not work. Beau did not choose to get stolen just as Hobson did not choose to get misdiagnosed. Because I had been lucky to have the same vet from 1976-2008 and obviously he was an excellent vet because Hobson is named after him, I had no idea of what other vets were like until Beau was stolen. The majority, i.e. 90% ignored me. I received nasty emails from some vets and one vet said to me: "I don't care about you and I don't care about your dog. If he comes in here I am going to treat him and how are you going to find out!". I was horrified by these words and I have never forgotten them.

To this day I still receive emails from my website for Beau, either for help about a stolen pet or because of my pet grief web page. I know and meet many responsible dog owners on our walks. What is going on in the vet industry in Australia is frightening, and I am not exaggerating. Susan

Hello Susan, how is Hobson doing? don't let negative comments stop you letting us know, I'm like you and would never give up on my dog if there was a possibility of recovery, I watched the film Seabiscuit on the TV again recently and that line from the film You don't throw a whole life away just because it's banged up a little bit.” made me think of you and Hobson. If you or I had a dog that had an incurable cancer we would not let him suffer on and would know when the time arrives to do the kindest thing. This is not Hobsons case, please let us know how both of you are doing. Rosie

Dear Rosie

Firstly I love the movie Sea Biscuit too, and I’ve watched it several times. I had forgotten those wise words though. Thank you very much for thinking of Hobson and me. These words remind me of what a vet said to me 14 years ago. This vet worked at the University of Queensland vet hospital too. He was providing fortnightly treatment to my English Setter, Bandit who had been diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease. A symptom of this disease was gradual weight loss. The first thing Bandit used to do after we arrived at the vet centre was to sit on the scales and look over at me as if to say: “Have I put on any weight, mum?” As time went on Bandit looked terrible on the outside but the vet said to me: Bandit does not care how he looks on the outside. It’s only human beings who worry about this. Bandit only cares how much he is loved and how happy he is on the inside. 

To be honest I was extremely upset by the negative comments and I was not going to give any more updates about Hobson for a while but seeing you have asked, and that you care, I will.

This is a photo of Hobson taken at the veterinary hospital at his first checkup after discharge on 28 May 2014 (please note his “scrawny” tail is wagging furiously). What really comes across when we visit this vet centre is how much the staff care. Hobson received so many hugs. The staff have nicknamed him “Handsome”. Hobson is doing amazingly well. He has put on weight, his appetite is good, his bowels are normal, his temperature remains normal, he can lift his head higher, his walk is much steadier and his energy has improved significantly. The vet specialist was concerned about Hobson’s skin though. This has improved but not to the extent she would like. Hobson’s skin has not deteriorated because of his long-term misdiagnosed and mismanaged skin problem. Because Hobson’s own vet turned his back on him and other vets ignored him, Hobson has developed a very serious infection which has targeted his skin as well as his neck and spine, which are the weakest areas of his body. Hobson has now developed Discospondylitis. If this infection is not stopped, Hobson will become paralysed and die. So far the vet specialist has been unable to obtain a positive culture to determine exactly the type of “bug” that Hobson has. We spent half the day at the vet hospital yesterday so that more culture samples could be taken including a deep skin biopsy from Hobson’s front legs. They were able to take this biopsy with a sedation ointment. I am praying the vets will be successful this time with a positive culture because the next step is to place Hobson under an anaesthetic and perform an invasive procedure to take a sample from his spine. Because Hobson has become emaciated, again only because his own vet turned his back on him and other vets ignored him, Hobson may not survive the anaesthetic and there is also a slight risk of further damage to the spine. Hopefully I will not need to make this decision.

This is a photo of Hobson taken on 20 April 2014. There is no puss coming out of his skin and his skin is not bleeding. This is the highest Hobson had been able to hold his neck since 11 April 2014. He was in immense pain. He almost died over the Easter weekend. I phoned his vet practice prior to Easter and Hobson's neck injury, loss of appetite and weight loss were dismissed. Hobson’s life was saved on Good Friday by a biodynamic animal therapist, later described as a “non vet illegal practitioner”.

Hobson’s vet did not return from leave until 23 April 2014. He refused to recognise that Hobson had a neck problem and was in extreme pain. He dismissed Hobson’s weight loss. Hobson only weighed 26.2kg!! This is the day I insisted that blood tests be taken. In the past this vet had not been interested in taking blood tests because he said these would not tell him anything he did not already know!! (The big problem is that he did not really know anything at all). Despite Hobson’s serious condition, his vet would not even speak to me about his pathology results. When Hobson developed diarrhoea and was unable to eat, his vet would not recognise that Hobson could have an infection. The only treatment he gave to Hobson was an ear drop. In hindsight Hobson’s vet had already turned his back on him but I did not realise this because it was beyond my comprehension that any vet could behave so appallingly. Understandably I did not want to change vets at this critical time for Hobson. I was left to watch my beautiful boy, Hobson literally die before my eyes, watching his skin deteriorate, watching puss come out of his ears, his eyes and his legs, and no GP vet would help me. The reason I continued this forum topic is to highlight that too many GP vets in Australia are placing their arrogance before the welfare of the dog. They do not want to communicate with owners. Look what has happened to Hobson because I persevered with my questions and I did not do what I was told and give Hobson the immune-suppressant drug Atopica. I was well and truly put in my place. 

I will let you know how Hobson’s treatment progresses and please keep everything crossed that the culture result is positive next week. Hobson really deserves for something to go right for him. He is an amazing dog. He is a proud, stubborn, intelligent English Setter. 

Thank you so much for caring about my precious boy, Hobson. Only 10 days to go until his 11th Birthday. Susan xxxxxxx

Hi Susan,

I read about the mites and also about Discospondylitis on the internet. I do hope the vets at the clinic can obtain a positive culture and give Hobson the right treatment, that will stop the infection! So fingers crossed for the diagnosis. Warmest wishes, C & J xxx

Thank you Cornelia and Joy, No results have been received yet. I am very stressed at the moment, particularly with Misty's health problem now too. Sending hugs to you and Joyful. Susan xxxxxx

we must have been posting at the same time Susan,ive just pm'd you

thats great news

Hobson is doing amazingly well. He has put on weight, his appetite is good, his bowels are normal, his temperature remains normal, he can lift his head higher, his walk is much steadier and his energy has improved significantly.Hobson is doing amazingly well. He has put on weight, his appetite is good, his bowels are normal, his temperature remains normal, he can lift his head higher, his walk is much steadier and his energy has improved significantly.

Hobson obviously is still very ill and a long way to go,but im so happy to read the above.

Big hugs to you both

Dear Karen

I've just read your message. You've always cared about Hobson. You've always been a good friend. This is why ES is such a special community.

Seeing that it was feared on 15 May 2014 that Hobson may not live another 24 hours and at that time he could not even walk, it is a miracle Hobson is even still alive. As well as the infection, the mite has to be killed. I am worried about the Ivomectin but it is too late for anything else now and the vet specialists are monitoring the dosage very carefully. The damage Hobson has suffered from his undiagnosed and untreated neck and spinal injuries is irreversible but in saying this, when we were ready to drive home after Hobson's checkup on 28 May 2014, Hobson decided he wanted to go for a walk with Misty. I had to remind him that he was not well enough yet for walks!! 

I cannot wait to see more photos of your beautiful baby girl, Orla. Please write another blog about her very soon.

Sending big hugs back to you and Orla from Susan, Hobson and his devoted sister, Misty xxxxxx

This is a photo of Hobson making his own way to the reception area of the University of Queensland veterinary hospital on 25 June 2014. Misty was undergoing major surgery on this day. This was her second operation in 7 days. Hobson and I spent another anxious day at the hospital. His sister, Misty was now at more risk of dying than Hobson even though Misty is only 2 years old. 

Hobson has made amazing progress. Every veterinary staff member at the hospital knows him. Even the veterinarian who looks after the reptiles and the wild birds came over to me last week and said it is fantastic the turnaround Hobson has made. Hobson still has a long way to go but he is going in the right direction.

A positive culture result was achieved from the skin biopsy taken on 30 May 2014. The correct antibiotic had been chosen for Hobson to treat the bacterial infection. His skin is no longer bleeding. He still has mites in his skin but these are nowhere near as prevalent. It will take months for the mites to be eradicated. 

Hobson's pain medication is working well. Even though he would like to resume his walks, he is still not able to do this but he can make his own way around our home and spend some time outside now without my having to help him to walk. He is due to have another x-ray of his neck and spine very soon.

Hobson still has proteinuria which is a concern but the hospital vets continue to monitor him very closely.

Hobson is slowly putting on weight and his digestive system is normal.

Because of my concern about a possible thyroid problem, the hospital vet organised a Free T4 by Equilibrium Dialysis test the day he was admitted on 14 May 2014. Hobson's result was 23.2. The range is (9 – 47.4). This was an excellent result and shows that Hobson does not have a thyroid problem. This has also been confirmed with Dr Jean Dodds, Hemopet.

I feel extremely grateful to the veterinary team at this hospital for saving Hobson's life. Hobson celebrated his 11th Birthday on 10 June 2014. It proves yet again that one should never give up.

Thank you everyone for caring about my English Setter boy. I will let you know about Misty very soon.

Warmest Wishes from Susan xxxxx

I am so pleased that Hobson has responded so well and hope he goes from strength to strength.

I do hope Misty is getting over her ordeal too. Thinking of you.

soo nice to see Hobson walking on his own legs and with such a better skin! such a great news! 


 I'm so pleased for you with the positive news on Hobson and i too hope he continues with the amazing progress he has made,ive got everything crossed for you that Misty also responds as well to her treatment.Please give them both a big love and kiss from me.





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