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Do you know anybody who has got a bitch to sell ?
We already own a male-Vicary´s line (Portugal Champion) of 5 years and we would like to have a couple to breed.

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We have a litter at the moment 3 weeks old. One of the bitches may stil be available (was reserved, but they may want a male instead). They are based on Vicarys lines (linebred on Vicarys Pumpkin, full sister to Pipepiper and Peachy).

Hello Alenka
Thanks for your prompt reply.
Can you send us (villadocastelejo@sapo.pt) her pedigree and at the same time let us know how much do you want including transportation to Lisbon?
After receiving these data we will give you our decision
Best Regards
Ana e Carlos Neves
Mr Carlos Neves
Vicary's Line ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
or its only sun of US Dollar in outcross with nothing consequent?
Like i tell your wife at Lisbon Show ,In my opinion breed from your dog will be a disaster for a future litter,
Are you check the Hips Score,or other deseseas,are you REALLY lesson what the judges tell you about your dog (is constrution,size,balance,etc...).
Theres a problem in Portugal
People call himself breeders but jump the rules and ignore the standarts...
Its sad

Pedro Completo
Mr. Completo

Knowing you in person for such a long time, your comments -unpolite, unrude and incorrect ....- are usual in people like you ...........

Our dogs are the best of the world, as you feel of yours..... but there is a large difference : we respect the others and you do never!

For whom who may concern these are the classifications Moulin Rouge has got:
Winner of Irish Setter Monographic in 2006 - 2 QC´s - 1 CACIB - 1 RCACIB - 2 The Best Irish Setter - 5 CAC´s - 2 RCAC´S- 15 Excellent always with foreigner judges....
Who Does Know more about Irish Setters? You... or about 30 judges of all world who gave Excellent to our dog....?

Your behaviour, very well known in this context, does not give a good image of Portugal as well as of Clube Portugues de Canicultura (Official Representative Organization in our country) which ratified the above results.
I feel that all this discussion is perhaps you are afraid of us competing with your valuable and pretty dogs... There is always room for all.....but the respect and the education (lactus sensus) will be always a MUST...
In this dogs` World, the best indeed are the dogs...
It's sad
Carlos Neves
Villa do Castelejo

Mr Completo

First I would like to thank you for the marketing of myself and my Champion of Portugal.

Second...this foto was put in the blog without my premission/Knowledge...do you know this is a crime according to International law?

Be ashaimed of your dirty methods.

It´s sad
Carlos Neves
Hallo Camilla
I agree with you
this site should be for setter lovers
not for comercial issues
best regards
Its virtually impossible to buy a puppy suitable for future breeding.
I think that would-be-breeders should understand that there is a very long way to go from a puppy to a dog suitable for breeding.
If you care about the breed, there are health-checks, x-raying and all other important questions to be answered first.
THEN, you may have a suitable dog to breed from, if you are lucky.

I totally agree with Camilla that you should go about things the way she describes, but perhaps this particular discussion stems from not knowing the language and knowing how to go about things the correct way.
Dear friends
I completely agree with your opinion.
This is not the right site to have such a discussion but the offensive comments of Mr Completo cannot be left alone.
We just wanted to know good Irish Setter breeders.
Best Regards
Carlos Neves
"Do you know anybody who has got a bitch to sell ?
We already own a male-Vicary´s line (Portugal Champion) of 5 years and we would like to have a couple to breed."

No more coments!!!!
Obvious question here is, if you already own a male from the Vicary's line who is a 5 yr old Portugese Champion and you want a bitch as well, why not go back to the breeder of your Vicary dog? To advertise on a public forum to acquire a bitch is NOT the right way to achieve what you want. No caring, reputable breeder would be happy to sell a puppy this way. ES is NOT the place to buy and sell puppies, nor to have public feuds. I would politely suggest that you stop this behaviour, it is not wanted on this site.
Thanks for your kind advice.
We appologize for this miseunderstanding.
We just wanted to contact people with the same caring for Irish Setters as we are, in order to find a puppy.
Don´t worry...Be Happy
Ana e Carlos




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