Exclusively Setters

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spaying/neutering  an Irish leads on the whole to a less than desirable coat. In the English Setter does the same thing happen?



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Hi Tracy - Questions for you.  If someone called you a 'nobody', how would you feel about it?  Do you think that is an acceptable level of decorum for an Internet forum like this?  Look, I am all for discussion and debate as long as it civil but we are not going to put up with people you are rude and basically jerks to other members.  I would hope that the majority of members on this site would agree with this.

Well written, Gene. Thank you for posting the above...it was time you said it!

Sara, please don't only blame the breeders.  If you have read through many discussions you would have noted the same from some non-breeder contributors on this site. 

Actually, looking at the wealth and manner of comments on all Forum discussions, it isn't the norm and since the exit of a couple of non-breeder members a few months ago this site has noticeably settled down.  However it is good to have robust discussion on topics.....it shows members have passionate views and want to share them.

How sad that someone can upset or insult others and expect no redress yet when the tables are turned on them the first thing they do is complain. 

Pat I have read and re-read your comments and cannot for the life of me see what there is to complain about.  It would be very sad for ES to lose someone of your knowledge, sense and experience over this.  Please re-consider. 

We should encourage robust debate not stifle it.  How else would we learn from others.



I can only speak of my experiences, having owned, shown and bred English Setters for for over 20 years, all of mine have been show strain. 

The three bitches that I had neutered, (for medical reasons only), could not continue to be shown as the coats all turned to candy floss and had to be kept stripped with just some feathering underneath to keep them looking nice and settery. 

The two boys that I had neutered, again for medical reasons,  one was a 9 year old who never really carried much coat and didn't look any different other than he finally bodied up and looked healthy after being a skinny ribs all his life.  The other boy had a problem with a retained testicle that did drop at 5 months but there was a problem with it so he was neutered.  He has a lovely coat but it isn't as long and glamorous as his litter brother that wasn't neutered.

I hope this information may help x




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