Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

The older I get, and the more interested I have become in dogs and what makes them tick, the more tolerant have I grown as far as other breeds are concerned. I have ended up with a breed (had you asked me when I was in my early 20s) I could have sworn I would never ever have. I used to think sighthounds was definatly a "no-way"-breed for me, now I can think of quite a few breeds in that group I would like to at least try. Who (but elderly ladies) would possibly want a toy-dog? Not me!
(And I dont feel Im as old as I thought you had to be to own one!)
Im now in to my third.
My first encounter with bordercollies was in the early 70s in England. I thought they were bloody awful! OK if you had sheep, but otherwise...a very definite NO!
Now I am very seriously considering one and have got as far as to study pedigrees and check out differant breeders.
Yes I know that this is a site for Irish setter lovers...but what if you had to choose another breed, what would it be?

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I think as long as I was still in my own home that I would look for an older Irish Setter that needed a home if I could not handle an Irish puppy.  I am so used to larger dogs that I am afraid I might trip over a itsy bitsy dog though I did see a cute scrappy looking terrier on a rescue site last week that caught my eye.....but being a dutiful wife I just emailed his picture to someone I knew was looking for one just like him! 

had a laugh here at your last comment Cornelia...almost sounds like you are thinking about that lap sized Koojkerhondge.....like I was that terrier until I decided to behave ( little terrier has found his forever home).

Heheh really laughed about border collies :) I think they are cute :)

Other breeds that I could have are various: first place gordon, ginat schanuzer, english and american cocker, springer spaniel,and that littler ugly monster--I'll try to find the name of the breed on english, in croatian is called litterally "monkey pinch" :) - ok,found it on Google-Affenpinscher :) I saw one this summer on Cacib Bled,he is so ugly and cute :))))

Oh, just remembered -Brissel Griffon !! :))

For me I'd love to have a Lagotto Romagnolo as we have issues in the household with allergies etc.  The only issue is trying to find a litter when you want one.

As I cannot imagine ever living with any other breed I guess i will grow old, infirm, miserable, grumpy etc etc all on my own, well without a furry companion to cuddle!! In my past life I have had wire haired terriers, standard poodles, rough collies, doberman, cocker spaniel, and then along came my first IS and it was 'love at first sight' despite all the warnings now living with no 6 and 7 long live my 2 'boys' 

We've had Cavaliers & Goldens before and I would consider having both again (although like Margaret - I would want a healthy Cavie). 

I love the Irish - because despite being the most beautiful and striking dog on the outside they are even more beautiful on the inside with personalities and temprements to die for.  My only concern is health as our lovely girl has been so unlucky and from the age of 2 has had a catalogue of health problems that paid for our vets children to both go through private school!

We have 3 R & W's now and I wouldn't be without one (until I'm too old to manage the walking). I would love another red but I'm waiting until I can really research and find the healthiest lines.

Others I would consider - Large Munsterlander, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Irish Water Spaniel, working bred spaniels (not a fan of the show ones).

I also have a soft spot for Tibetan Terriers - the only terrier I'd own

I would never, ever consider a border collie, all the ones I have met were absolute loonies with loads of temperament problems!

I don't particularly like many breeds outside the gundog group.

I noticed a lot of members like the idea of a Border Terrier, they might go off the idea if they met my neighbours.  These four little horrors fight with each other until the owner separates them. They have a go at every dog in the neighbourhood and rip apart any poor creature they can sink their teeth into if they get the chance.

I will keep to my Irish, as far as I am concerned there is not a breed to touch them!

Like Susie, I would quite like to have a working spaniel again, having  owned working springers in the past. I was visiting a family of gamekeepers yesterday (one of the sons  has a working IRWS) but all the rest of the family dogs are working cockers and springers. And I would happily have gone home with one of their cockers or a springer. Such cheerful, active,  willing and sociable dogs . Not only great workers but such good companions too

Before I had setters my ex and I had staffies.  I know a lot of people give them a bad name but they were utterly gorgeous, bundles of energy and wonderful with kids.  We also had a boxer - I loved them very much.  Setters though are my utter favourite because they are what got me over my fear of dogs once and for all.  I'd love one day to have a labrador and a boxer - not at the same time!! But I do have a special place for the setters and whether I would have anything else remains to be seen and we will see what the future throws at us.

i cant imagine another breed at the moment.. but, if it's not going to be a setter (IS first choice, gordon a good second!) then is probably to be a boxer (wonderful, Irish-like temperament with kids etc) or a great dane.. Oh well, we just love big paws:)

great danes have a totally different temperament and, despite their big size, I think they are much less demanding then setters in terms of exercise.. bad point is their short life.. and they are much less suitable with our lifestyle (travelling, being active, swimming, etc..).. but still is a breed i would love ! Today Oberon was playing a lot with a 1-year old great dane and came home exausted... they are very pawsy dogs, as our belowed IS!!

If you seriously want a setter cross, there are quite a lot of them that turn up in Irish dog pounds. The pure setters in the pounds usually get picked up and rehomed , many of them over here in the UK through the breed rescues. But not the crosses, who are more likely to be put down in the pounds. One rescue that does pick up crosses is Jemima Harrison's Black Retriever X rescue

They take mainly retriever crosses, but if they see a setter cross in an Irish pound, Jemima will often e Mail me to check what I think the dog is, and they have brought some really nice setter crosses over to the UK for rehoming. Last year they had a whole litter of English Setter/springer crosses and their setter dam. The pups were very attractive, Many Tears also recently rehomed a little red and white bitch from an Irish pound , not sure if she was a cross or pure IRWS, but such a pretty little bitch. Had a nice E mail today from the woman who had fostered her temporarily




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