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2008 UK Pointer & Setter Championship Video

15 minutes of footage - held in Scotland. 50 qualified dogs in the Championship ran in one morning, 12 were called back for the afternoon second series; there is some commentary; the William Tell Overture is prominently featured; and an Irish Setter WON!

APOLOGIES FROM LONDA - the Pointer Forum to which the previously-posted link took us has very politely requested that the link be removed as it is causing their own members to not be able to access it. It seems so many of us have gone to look at it, from this list as well as Setters-L, that we have consumed their available bandwidth. Please refrain from further attempts to either watch the video on that site, which is now blocked to non-members anyway, and do not forward that to anyone.

But the GOOD NEWS is that the winner of the trial has the video on her own personal website, it is placed there by permission of Red Mills Dog Food, and the link to that is:



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how wonderful grounds, i agree. and such a strong wind.
proud of the irish setter of course :-)
Very interesting video/in my opinion/
I, too, was surprised at the number of dogs run in such a limited time! So I took out my trusty calculator, gave 4 hours for the "morning" series and divided that by the 50 dogs (25 braces) entered and came up with an average of just under ten minutes per brace! Can that be really be true? Of course, I do understand about disqualifying and being picked up early for infractions, but even so, that still seems like a very short period of competition.

No mention is made, however, of how much time the "callback" dogs were given for the second series. So, giving them another total of 4 hours, and dividing by the 12 dogs (6 braces) called back, that's a respectable 40 minutes per brace.

Does anyone from the UK know if that's how it works?

Hi Gennadi, The Scottish Champion Stake usually takes place on the 11th August, the day before the shooting season begins. When the champion stake occurs in England which it does every other year (as it alternates with Scotland) it is held around the 31st July .
In fact a dog over here gets more credit on a find with a single bird than a big covey as it shows a greater nose .
Fantastic video! Thank you so much for putting it up on this site.
I smiled at the mentino of 'hares and things like that...' I wonder what the 'things like that' entail... I'm sure my Glen would love to have a go at them;-))
Hi Londa,
Many thanks for the link.
The video was fantastic. The scenery magnificent and the dogs were wonderful. It is excellent for anyone who has never been to a Field Trial, to see what our dogs are all about.
I really enjoyed watching this video.The beauty of the scenery with the heather in bloom,and as wilson says the panoramic view so that the spectators can see the action,lots of what appeared to be fairly large coveys of grouse plus a running commentary,what more could you possibly want apart from to have been there.Thanks for a superb video.This year it will be a 2day affair in the North of England.
It was lovely to see our dogs doing what they are supposed to be doing, it was also nice to see Peter, as one of the judges, he can be seen hanging on to Saffy as she did her first official point, he didn't dismisses her completely, I was pleased at that, but great scenery and great dogs, quite envious...
who is saffy
My Kirkavagh bitch Just read what I said, it reads like she was there, at the championships, no she wasn't, we went to Peters place in Kelso to do a days training, he is on my pictures...sorry for any misunderstanding, I have had another foot in mouth moment...he is really good at training, and lets face it Saffy is a little mad....he did a good job with her....
Hello Londa, In answer to your question about how long the 2nd round 6 brace of dogs would have worked, your calculations would have been way out.I was not there this year but the usual form is, that the second round dogs would usually be run until one or other would have a find.Depending how quick this would occur the judges may cast the brace off again or they may even pick up if the pointing animal has had a good run and good game production.(Most dogs would have already been shot over in the first round).Each brace is unlikely to get more than 15minutes .Therefore 6 brace would be expected to take around 1 and a half hours. In reality , some of the dogs are going to make mistakes as shown in the video.ie One of the early points show that the flushed covey did not fly away but dropped in a little further away,this makes it very difficult for the dogs, which will cover the ground where they have just dropped in,which just possibly could have been the 5th brace,(it is hard to judge just looking at a video i would have needed to be there)as the scent would have been much less than if they had been there a while. As it is the champion Stake, if the judges have perhaps 4 special dogs to sort the placements out, they may even have a 3rd round,where the dogs will be run for about 10 mins or until one or other dog has a find.The trial is usually over by 4 30.If lunch is between 1 to 2 the second and third round would have to be completed from 2 till 4.30.In England/Scotland you would almost never be on a moor after 5pm. After all, the country landlords want good well developed grouse for the shooting season and many game keepers do not like their birds getting disturbed as many of the birds are young ,and if the conditions are a little windy the young can get separated from the covey. I hope this gives you a little insight into the British system. At some trials you can be in and out within 1 minute if you are unlucky!!!!,
Thank you, Londa, for that video. Nice to watch it, very interesting and instructive;}}}}




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