As in the topic about FT in South Africa we have jumped to the matter of working setters in Poland, I suggest moving the discussion to another topic. Let's talk about working setters in your countries: how numerous they are, what kind of trials have, does differ a lot from show dogs, etc.
When I was going to make a list of working IS in Poland, I stated it would be very short, as most of best dogs are not alive or retired and they don’t have many succesors. But it’s worth to tell about them, so I’ll start from the two most important:
Sharon and Sunshine Tramperus, sister and brother, owned and trained by Darek Spisak (Harpol kennel).
Ch.Pl, Hunting Champion Sharon Tramperus (Jun Rysi Wykrot x Chestnut’s Gavin), pedigree you can find here:
Main Sharon’s achievements: several 1st prize diplomas from autumn trials in Poland (including field and water work, retrieving, tracking) , 1st prize diploma and 1st place from autumn trial with work in the forest (field, water plus some tasks in the forest: blood tracking, retrieving fox etc.), 1st price diplomas from trials in Czech Republic, inlcuding Karl’s Podhajsky Memorial and prize for best dog in water work.
Ch. Pl Sunshine had similar achievements, a bit less from versatile trials, more from traditional FT (searching + pointing) in Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Sharon had litters with Regalaire Strike up The Band -1997 r (import from USA), Orstone of Redweed -1998 r, Orstone Country Gentleman of Westerhuy – 1999 r and Arlet-Kaj Terapia. Dogs with Harpol kennel name from those combinations were the best and almost only dogs, which appeared, with good results, on field trials and autumn trials in Poland. Some examples: bitches
Agni, Peruna, Barta, dogs:
Ambit, Pat.
Photos of Harpol dogs you can find on
There were also two dogs not connected with Harpol kennel, which got diplomas from autumn trials. It was already mentioned
Arlet-Kaj Terapia (Megan Zoo-Eden x Stormbelt vd Westerhuy) – 3rd prize diplomas from autumn trial and FT. And my
Bim Wzgórze Wiatrów (Elani z Tęczowej Doliny x Izan Rysi Wykrot), better known as ‘
Fokker’ – 1st prize diploma, 3rd place on autumn trials.
That’s what I know about the past. Unfortunately there were no IS litters in Harpol from several years and now IS rarely appears on autumn trials. I know about three dogs which have diplomas from autumn trials, are alive and hunting:
Brustus z Jezioran Biernackich (Atima Jeziorańska Łąka x Love Letters in the Sand
z Arislandu) – 1 st prize diploma, 2nd place

Muminek Rude Ziółko (Breza Harpol x Erinade Extinguished) – 1st prize diploma

Jager-Jacht Rude Ziółko (Breza Harpol x Bim Wzgórze Wiatrów ‘Fokker’) – 2x 1 st prize diploma in Czech Republic, 3rd prize diploma in Poland. Jager is my dog, I hoped he would be like his grand-mother Sharon, but serious car accident shattered my dreams. Now he can only go for short hunting when his legs are in better condition and make puppies – I hope they will continue their father’s work.

Hunting bitch, with 3x 1st prize diploma from traditional FT is
Innocence Girl for Vexillum Terapia (Megan Zoo-Eden x Vexillum Armagh), Arlet’s grand-daughter.
There is also a group of dogs with FT diplomas, owned by people interested mostly in showing, who needs working certificate for obtaining Int.Ch title or champion titles in countries where such certificate is demanded. Such dogs are for example:
Shandwick Topaz, Between Heaven and Hell Zambi; bitches:
Vicary’s Xuni, Lutnia Rude Ziółko, Nie Płacz Kiedy Odjadę z Arislandu, This Magic Moment z Arislandu, Błękitne Bolero z Arislandu, Gipy Flower z Arislandu, Gina Girl Abra Irlandy z Bajkowego, Georgia Glossy Irlandy z Bajkowego.
Descendants of working dogs usually goes to non-hunters, but if their owners allow them to develop their abilities, they achieve very good results on field tests for young pointing dogs (tests obligatory for breeding qualification). Such examples are:
Ohar Rude Ziółko (Breza Harpol x Clonageera Limited Edition) – 1st prize diploma, 1 st place
Irys Rude Ziółko ( Annais Rauhbaard x Jager-Jacht Rude Ziółko) - 1 st prize diploma, 1st place
Palisander Rude Ziółko (Breza Harpol x Wisper vd Osterpforte)- 1st prize diploma, 1 st place
Jasman Rude Ziółko (Breza Harpol x Bim Wzgórze Wiatrów) – 1 st prize diploma, 2nd place
Cykada z Morka Stawów ( Samba z Kępna x Bim Wzgórze Wiatrów) – 1 st prize diploma, 2nd place
Lukrecjusz Rude Ziółko (Breza Harpol x Bim Wzgórze Wiatrów) – 3 x1st prize diploma, 3 x 3rd place
Jager-Jacht Rude Ziółko (Breza Harpol x Bim Wzgórze Wiatrów) – 2 x 1 st prize diploma, 3rd place
Artist of the month Zambi-(Roma Zambi x Arlet-Kaj Terapia) -1 st prize diploma, 3 rd place
Lutnia Rude Ziółko (Breza Harpol x Bim Wzgórze Wiatrów) 1st prize diploma, 4th place
Between heaven and hell Zambi- (Ally Chocolate Queen Zambi x Shandwick Topaz) -1 st prize diploma, 5th place
That's what I know about working IS in Poland. Now I'm waiting for news from another countries.