Did anyone listen to going out with alan carr on bbc radio2 last saturday nite?
He has just got a new IS puppy bitch and he asked callers to call in with their comments on the breed.
listen to it on bbc i player it was funny.
Again it always makes me laugh how people who dont know the breed and knock it always refer to them as red setters Uuuuurgh x
I hate that comment that always seems to come up "My________(insert Grandpa, Uncle, Cousin, Aunt etc. here) used to own one when I was a kid, craziest damn dog I ever saw. And yet everyone who knew any setter I had loved them. No more goofy than any other sporting breed, I felt less so than most I know. Anyway I am sure he will enjoy his new baby!
That must be true the world over Susan....heheheh happens down this way also...crazy Irish was always owned by some relation, but they were always loved....;-))))