Exclusively Setters

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My setter has just started chasing bikes and barks furiously at them and the owners.  He does look quite fierce when doing this and most people get angry and try and kick him.  There have been a couple of people who have just said hello and stroked him and then he has stopped barking. When one man was kicking out at him he got his trrainer in his mouth. I think his reaction to the bike and owner depends on how the owner reacts to him.  This is becoming a problem because everywhere I go there are bikes even when I tried to go to a remote wood there was a bike.   I did get my bike out the weekend to do some training with him and at first he went mad but gradually calmed down with treats. But when I try and call him and give him treats when out he takes no notice just carries on.  Any tips?

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I am sorry you have this problem and ,as it has just started,do you know what has triggered it?

I would suggest that you sit with him where bikes are and reassure him as one passes by.I stopped Arthur by asking friendly bike riders if he could examine the bike (and them)and asked them to ride past him.Most agreed and he is fine with bikes now.

I strongly feel that as he will appear aggressive to bike riders that you keep him on a lead until you cure the problem.It only wants one person to complain that he had been attacked and your dog could be at risk.


I have been getting my bike out and so has my sister and we have been riding around the garden  to get him used to bikes and he starts off barking then calms down. I am finding that  a lot of people will not accomodate and help me out by talking to him because this does help.  This is a new thing as he was fine before and don't know what has triggered it. Thanks for your suggestion.


this is an unusual one - have you checked the dogs eyes recently? He may not be seeing (percption and depth) as well and a bike and rider might look odd.

However you may try a little out of the box thinking. If you know someoen who cycles that the dog doesnt know pre arrange this person to cycle past you on a wide pathway. Have the dog on a long but loose line and as he lunges forward throw the long line at the cyclist who should make every effort then to cycle off with the dog.

The element of surprise should allow the cyclist to go forward a good thirty feet before the dog realises what is happening and then he can let the dog go.


cyclist should wear sensible trousers incase the dog does make contact initially.  ths one works as I have seen a persistent "chaser" who now sits down whenever he sees a bike as much as to say "no way you are not stealing me"

I have always called "stand in" to mine and they step off the path! joggers, cyclists, prams, horse and carriage one time (was very proud of them with that)
 It might be worthwhile getting professional training. I ride my bike in the same wood that I walk my Irish girls and have been chased several times - I tried to gently 'kick' (more a push with my leg) a king charles spaniel as I did not want his head getting trapped in the wheel. I was biten on the leg and boy did it hurt, bruise and bleed - that was just small jaws!  You will not settle untill you have solved the problem so spend money on a professional and it will pay off in the long run.
My husband is a biker so know both sides to this story..he bikes while I walk Molly on same bike/walking paths here.  The only thing I wish bikers would do is to announce they are coming up behind you by using a bell or even annouce by voice they are there....some bikes so silent you just do not hear them approaching.  Most bikers are out for a certain mileage and time so can understand why they do not want to help you train your dog..  I would consider training thru a professional and also if you need bikers to ride past her to enlist your personal friends.  Never Ever should your dog be off lead under these conditions...just asking for trouble for your Irish, the bike rider involved and yourself.
Sue understand your point completely...is one of things I fear here is getting knocked off feet by either a biker or group of runners who I do not know are coming up behind me.  People need to think before coming up quickly on any dog from behind...natural instinct is to defend in that circumstance...and also a fear thing for me as a woman to have someone come up quickly behind me.  My husband has a little bell just for the purpose of announcing his prescence to not only walkers, but to deer he meets on his favorite routes.  I try my best to be a courteous walker and to have Molly always behave during our walks so she does not cause problems for others ever but just wish others would also remember they are sharing that path with dog walkers and sometimes families with small children...it does not say bike path only!
I'm a cyclist and I own an Irish Setter. As a cyclist I think it's proper to announce myself to walkers and other cyclists and ring a bell. I'm concerned about dogs chasing me for their safety and mine. Interestingly, my Dudley, who grew up in a 'cycling family,' loves cyclists but does not bark or chase. He licks the salt off their legs when they greet him. I think it would help to get your dog accustomed to cyclists. The Setters I know here don't bother cyclists at all. They respond to them in the same way as to a pedestrian.
Yay to Dudley...I think Molly and he would be great walking buddies as they behave pretty much the same with those bikers....and bless you for annoucing your arrival to walkers ....I know my husband does and I never allow Molly to chase anyone or even rush at them when we are out walking...if I know you are coming ...or you announce it I usually have her sit and watch you go by...telling her how wonderful she is. She loves to greet any who stop with her paw raised for her famous shake....one guy even gave her a special treat one day after meeting her everyday for a week...a new tennis ball ....good thing she was leashed or she might have followed that young man home.
There's a huge (110 pound)  Setter in town who loves to "high five' everyone in his path with a raised paw. A marathon route once went by his once. He sat by the curve with paw raised for 3 hours and most runners paused to greet him. Best day of the dog's life!
how cute..  I made the mistake again of teaching her to shake and high five and say her prayers ....why do I keep forgetting that I swore three Irish Setters ago to never teach them to shake or high five?  :)  Molly would love watching that marathon but might be tempted to be the chase rabbit for it.....would be her dream come true to have all those runners chasing her! 
This Irish Setter, Keegan, is blind so chasing isn't a problem when he high fives. It's a quite brilliant maneuver as he gains attention and lots of human contact.




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