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Oscar was diagnosed with cushings  about 15 months ago, he is treated with Vetryol and its under control from a blood point of view, but the panting is out of control, three different vet practices  have looked  at this but with no answers, chest x-rays, blood tests , heart tests, looked down his throat , pills to keep him calm, poor lad only moves from one room to another and he will be panting, for a dog that loved to be out running its heartbreaking to watch.

Is this how cushings takes over?. we don't know the vets don't know, could it be anything else?, could it be asthma ? how is this diagnosed ?

any help would be appreciated. Oscar is 11.

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Hi Neil, I am so sorry to hear about Oscar. I do not have any experience of this but if you click on the forum tab and type Cushings disease into the search box, it brings up previous posts and information on the subject. I hope you find some help and information in there of help to you. There is also a wealth of other posts and information in there on everything you could wish to know on Setter issues. My sincerest regards and best wishes.

I’m not sure if this will come up but it’s a very good article . Have to google it to get it all. 

Cheers Rose 





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