Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

As an interim measure until the official register provided by the Kennel Club is fully up and running, the SEISC has decided to offer an opportunity for owners to post their recent PRA rcd4 DNA test results.
This will be on our PRA rcd4 page.
This is available to all owners worldwide not just SEISC members and will be in a similar format to that already used by the Kennel Club.

For further details please see the Club website www.seisc.co.uk.


Listing will be available sometime today - slight kink in my "html"  !!

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June, Fantastic results for your girls, Abbi and Belle!!  So glad your girls are clear!!  Good result for your two pups. 
WELL DONE all    the  clears    and of course  the carriers    you  can all  move  forward
Helen,    you  can still move forward, I know   you  may be slightly  dissapointed but  it  should  not  be a problem, we must all be positive,   and move forward,,,,as we have done before with other problems...
Great news for you all this week with your clear and carrier results.  Good to see!!
although many of you already know my layla was diagnosed with lopra some 5years ago and as been totally blind now for 2 an 1/2 years
i felt i owed it to layla to have her tested for the rcd4 pra then we maybe could get an answer to what caused my girls blindness at such a young age .
i recieved her results yesterday and she IS AFFECTED from this form of pra
im relieved personally that we now know whats caused the blindness and some kind of closure can now be made into all the soul searchin whys and therefores over the last 5years. and to raise peoples awareness that this disease can have such a devastatin effect on dogs from an early age as some of you already know
How old was she when she was diagnosed, Lyn?
she was 2and1/2 years old when diagnosed margaret and it was said shed probably had it some 12 to 18 months before at her eye examination although it was not noticable.
she went to stay with my daughter and it was noticed with her been in different surroundings

thanks a lot for sharing this.. must be a relief to know the cause.. 

En passant: it is just my server or the list of affected disappeared from the seisc web side ?

yes it is a relief silvia at least we know now.
the page with the affected dogs is not on mine apart from the ones used in the research programme.

is there a reason for this gillian ?

i also noticed on kennel club site theres a pdf for clears and one for carriers but not for affected dogs.maybe someone can explain why affected dogs are not been published ( unlike the gordons ) on the kc site ?, when the owners of afflicted dogs have volanteered to have their dogs name published on the seisc site
Lynn, I asked the kennel club the same thing and was advised that there would be a list for affecteds as well as the rest for Irish setters.
colette there is a pdf for carriers but not for affected.i personally think if there should be one as some people are willing to disclose the names of their dogs which have been affected.and furthermore it highlights the severity of the problem there is in the breed instead of some .people thinking its been blown out of porportion.
sorry colette my mistake i thought youd written there would be a list for carriers my apologies




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