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Four years ago my little 11 month old was taken far too soon from us.  In the morning she had been off her food and very sluggish.  I took her for a walk and she was dragging along behind me.  I called the vets and by the time I got her there she couldn't even stand.  The vet took one look at her and said 'we have got trouble here'.  He looked at her gums and told us she was severely anaemic.  He took some bloods, gave her a steroid injection and told me to get her home but warned me that things were very serious.  He told me to get her to rest for a few hours.  Upon returning home I lay on my sofa and cried.  She lay in my arms, her muzzle growing cold, her breathing starting to falter.  I had to wait for my husband to get home before I could make the most painful of decisions.  As he walked through the door, she tried desperately to stand up and just collapsed on the floor.  We cradled her in our arms and as soon as we got to the vets he took us straight through as an emergency.  She was diagnosed with Auto Immune Himolytic Anaemia.  He told us her chances of survival even with blood transfusion was 10%, and given that her health had deteriorated in those few hours he said the kindest thing to do was to put her to sleep.  I looked her in the eyes, tears streaming down my face, and told her how much I loved her and that I hope she would forgive me.  I walked out of the vets and collapsed on the ground outside, the grief of losing my beloved Eva too much to bear.  Four years on and the tears still flow at this time of year because I miss her so much.  We have our wonderful Ollie who we are truly blessed with - I only wish there could have been the two of them here because they were such good friends.

As part of her memory I urge you all, please - check your dogs gums on a daily basis.  If they are pale or brown in colour please get them to the vets.  For our girl nothing we could have done could have saved her - but regular anaemia can be picked up and treated. 

I know she is up at the bridge running freely as she should be, and we are so so happy with our boy - but little Eva, this is for you to know we haven't forgotten you and we love you just as much as we did when you were with us. xxxxxx

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Oh what a heartbreaking time .. I so truly sorry for you all .. And yes your Eva will be running around at Rainbow Bridge .. No doubt I won't be the last to shed tears reading your blog .. But thank you for sharing . It's very good advice and doesn't take more than a few seconds to do .. Thank you again ..

Thank you for being so brave, and to tell your story of Eva. I was unable to reply straight away as I could not see the words through my tears. Bless you for sharing this, and maybe saving  other dogs and their humans the heartache you have had take care X

I am also crying now. We will always miss our beloved Reds! Love from me, Ari and Rhett

Ps; Read my blog " In memory of Ruby"........

I am so sorry Nicky for the loss of little Eva, my heart goes out to you. Our daughter lost a little 11 month old on 27/6/10. Pebble has left paw prints on our hearts forever just like your little Eva has. These are special fur friends sent to be with special people. Take care. X
This is such a sad story.....tears running down my face......it is so courageous of you to write this blog.....thank you for the warning.....my thoughts are with you tonight xxxxx

Another one in tears here...so sad to lose such a baby...Thank you for the advice and I will think of Eva every time I check. 

I am crying too (. Beautiful Eva. XXX

Tears flowing here too, so young to leave you xxx

I am crying also ... Thinking of you and Eva ...

Such a tragic loss for you Nicky, and your sorrow will take a long while to abate and be manageable. I agree that these precious ones that we lose early are given to special people and her memory will live on in your heart forever xx 

Nicky, so sorry for your loss. Your story really touched me (maybe because I'm the mother of an Eva too) Thank you for the advice I never checked her gums before I will do this regularly from now on.. Take care X




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