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  • Sue Hebel
  • Jane Turner
  • Kimberly Simmons
  • Eileen Olivares
  • Sandra Jepson
  • Jeanette Ball
  • Andrea Owen
  • zoe furini
  • Janette erskine
  • Suzanne Davies
  • Angela Clarke
  • karen chesher
  • Ellen Turberfield
  • claire Rabaiotti
  • Julia Grace

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Anyone on Exclusively Setters related to my Bailey (Henneldale Super Trouper)??...

Started Jul 31, 2013 0 Replies

                     He came from a lovely breeder in Chorley and was born on 23rd Feb 2012 and one of five. Two males..the other male is called Brody and three were bitches Ruby Teanna and Ellie.The…Continue

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Welcome to Baileys' Page!

Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
1 boy!
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 23 feb 2012
About Me:
I'm so pleased to become a member.Here is a little about us.Our setter boy Bailey(Henneldale Super Trouper) is big bouncy beautiful and bonkers!.He's out of the lovely Gwendariff Miss Moneypenny and by Sh.ch Bardonhill Ginger Whinger.He's our first setter and boy what a joy he is!.Bailey is our family dog together with me my partner Nick and our beautiful baby boy. Not to mention the pussy cats as well!. Looking forward to sharing our experiences with you al!. Tina,Nick and baby Matty X
Why are you applying for membership?
A. I am a human wanting to contribute to the community

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Comment Wall (20 comments)

At 9:31am on July 25, 2013, Suzanne Davies said…

I am pleased to be your friend.  Lovely pictures of Bailey too, especially the one of him laid back in the chair.  My Finn does that too! :)

At 12:04pm on July 25, 2013, Andrea Owen said…


Love to be friends, we are in Haslingden.  Two setters, Merlin 

Clywidian Ruffus, and Fergal Bardonhill Wizard of Oz. Know the breaders of you boy from walks in Roddlesden woods.

At 4:21am on July 26, 2013, Angela Clarke said…

Hi Tina, Bailey realy is a hansom guy, three is good but not sure with a baby as well? I do get tied up somethimes when one sees a friend, another wants a poo and the pup wants to chase a bike !!!!!!!!!!! all in the fun of setter ownership. 12 feet to keep trim in this grass seed season is not so easy, but my girls are cooperative with this task. Anyway enjoy this site, look forward to reading your input and stories. A

At 11:17am on July 27, 2013, Sandra Jepson said…

Hi - were between Blackburn and Bolton (Darwen)

At 1:58pm on July 27, 2013, Sandra Jepson said…

amazing only a spit away

At 6:54am on July 31, 2013, Ellen Turberfield said…

Pleased to accept your friends request (",)

At 7:35am on July 31, 2013, Eileen Olivares said…

Hi Tina, I'm also very happy to be your friend on Exclusively Setters! We live in the Mexican highlands, in the middle of a forest up on a hill overlooking a village of copper workers and we have three dogs, nearly 9-year-old English Setter Lucas, 15-months-old Irish Setter Molly and roughly 1-year-old Labrador/Golden Retriever/Sheepdog-mix Fiona. Greetings from Mexico!

At 7:36am on July 31, 2013, Eileen Olivares said…

P.S. Your Bailey is gorgeous!

At 1:14am on August 1, 2013, Barbara said…

Hi! Thank you for your kind comment on my Tiny´s pic and your friends request - pleased to accept. Your Bailey is a lovely Boy. Greetings from Austria Barbara + Tiny

At 10:31am on August 1, 2013, karen chesher said…

Hi Tina

Thankyou for your friendship request,your Bailey is a very Handsome Boy.I love looking at this site its become my Red setter fix to look at all the gorgeous dogs and read all the stories of what they get up too.

Unfortunatly im not in the position to have another Red just yet,we want to move my husband is job hunting (has been for over 2 years) its so difficult as he wants the next step up in his career and this wont happen where he is at presently.Sadly the positions that interest him are few and far between so i just have to be very patient,my other setter fix is to have Lucy to visit now and again which we love.You may have read my last blog on her holiday last year but i havnt done one this year out of respect to another ES member whose dog also called Lucy has recently died.  

I look forward to seeing more pictures of your handsome boy,oh and just wanted to let you know my boy Karl loved the photo of Bailey where you had put the comment 'hes sexy and he knows it'-he thought that was so funny-he's  another setter lover too.

At 4:34am on August 2, 2013, Baileys' Page! said…

Hello and good morning Karen and thankyou for your lovely comment on my page ). I have been trying to find Lucys story on your page its obvious you love her very much! and shes a very pretty girl!. My boy Bailey looks after my little son Matty too-he's always fussing round him.frisking him for crumbs with his big nose AND he washes behind his ears!! Matty giggles at him so much ). You seem like a lovely person and everyone on here is so nice!. You deserve a beautiful red in your life. I have some more pictures of Bailey from when he was only a few weeks old but they are on my other pc thats gathering dust in the loft. I will have to dig them out. Hope you both have a lovely weekend. Tina and Bailey x

At 1:29pm on August 3, 2013, Dawn Riddell said…

Hi Bailey thanks for the friend request. Your namesake was my absolute heart dog, the one in a lifetime. My Bailey died in February 2010 aged 13 years and 8 months, I miss him every day....still.

Nowadays I have Rory and Milo to love and keep me fit and busy.

Dawn R.

At 1:55pm on August 3, 2013, Dawn Riddell said…

Thanks Tina, no dog shows this weekend so just a nice quiet one enjoying the dogs. Hmmm, the beach maybe :)

Be safe in the sunshine Bailey x

Dawn R.

At 10:49am on August 8, 2013, Suzanne Davies said…

Finn will be getting a brush in the morning ready for his play date with Bails.  There will be lots of excitement in our house tomorrow!

At 12:00pm on August 8, 2013, Kimberly Simmons said…

Yep, you have described Dougal very well! lol He's very nosey! And when he lies on his back like the pic of Bailey, my daughter says he looks like an orangatan! (sp?) lol But I just love him!

At 4:35pm on August 17, 2013, karen chesher said…

Hi Tina

I love your tale of Bailey on the Bowling green and i can just imagine the scene too,so funny as my mum is a very keen bowler and woo betide those who interupt a bowling game -this is serious stuff!! lol.

A little tale of my own to share when Lucy came to stay in june,one day it was very hot and we were sat in the front room and i was eating a dish of icecream.The window cleaner knocked on my window and asked if he could have a cold drink,while getting his drink and having a little chat about the lovely weather i completley forgot ...icecream ..Lucy...yep i turned round and madam was in the dish finishing it off for me.......and it was hagen daz too ...lol dont you just love em...   

At 9:21am on August 27, 2013, rob winemaker said…

Thanks Bailey. Have an extra treat on me today.

At 9:34am on August 27, 2013, rob winemaker said…

Hi Tina and Baily.

The boys will be 3 in early October. For brothers, they couldn't be more different and yes, if there is trouble around, they know how to find it. You can check the post on changing their names to see what I mean. Thanks again.

At 10:02am on August 27, 2013, rob winemaker said…

They came from an unusually small litter and were the only males. Rooker was quite a bit smaller and he remains about 5 pounds less in weight although they are the same height. Keba has a wavy, curly coat and a more narrow head where Rooker has a flat and darker red coat with a broader head. The real differences are in temperament where I suspect it is because Rooker is the more dominant. He is very confident and brave and curious and patrols the yard.  He sleeps at the foot of the stairs. Keba is more nervous and timid and stays at my side. He is also much more vocal whether it's barking, whining or arroooing.

At 10:25am on October 5, 2013, Michelle Webster said…

Love your profile photo!

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