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Basically, do you have any tips that you can pass on to a novice that will make my little darling stand out from the rest.   

Alternatively, have you had any disasters just before a Breed Championship Show that still brings you out in a cold sweat.  Have you learned the right time to put down the thinning scissors or are you still battling the urge to take just a bit more off the top.  We've all been there...and then you hear that voice in the back of your head,

"you shouldn't have done that!" 

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My Riley is just my baby I do not show him ( would not know how) to be honest.

But I do want to know how to trim the correct way (with my old girls I would just tidy them up with soooo may mis-aps).....which is where I am very lucky that he came from a fantastic breeder who will always advise.

Thank-you Eva for offering to come for a visit and to teach me the tricks of the trade it is great to have bought Riley from someone with such knowledge and wants to stay in touch. Look forward to your visit. Enjoy crufts.

Hope you are good at wrestling lol.x


Firstly,thanks for the kind comment concerning Bliss, she has just won her second CC at only 14 months. I would think the 'untidy hair' you refer to is probably old puppy fluff with perhaps the new Spring coat emerging thus losing winter undercoat. Either way use the fine toothed comb to "pluck" it out (gently) or the wire brush. Eva's suggestion to use a latex thimble (also called a bankers thimble as used to count bank notes) is a good idea.  A  bath with lots of massage also helps.  Best of Luck in the showring!


Thanks Bridget and congratulations on the CC.  We were at a show on Sunday but we haven't got anywhere close to that yet.  He's great at Ringcraft but it all goes pear-shaped when we are somewhere new.  It's a lot to take in but he is moving a lot better and by our second class, he had really settled down.  

I think it's old winter coat as it comes out very easily.

I'm going to get some Thingey Bobs when I go to Crufts.  The flexible friend is going to take a bashing.


Hi Bridget, it is a good name for the latex thingies.....thimbles.....certainly one that you can print! They have been called something else but I am too much of a lady to mention that!!!

Thanks Jennie, I have been practicing a few moves and I do have my stab vest....LOL!!!

Lesley you are right, you do end up just using your favourite tools, despite the chewed handles.  Some of my combes have no handles left at all......

Does anyone use "Plush Puppy" products?  I was thinking of the leave in coat conditioners or there is a product that sets the coat during the blow dry.  I was just wondering whether it was worth a go.  They've been recommended but are expensive compared to other products on the market.  

I generally use "Groomers" Evening Primrose Oil shampoos and conditioners which seems to suit both Rigsby and Benson's coats and leaves them shiney and soft.  I tried the shampoo designed for red coats but it left it feeling tacky although I had thoroughly rinsed the coat.




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