Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Having fostered hundreds of Setters over the years, it is rare that one really stands out. TONY is one such Setter.

I received a call from a shelter in Arkansas, advising me that they "may" have an Irish Setter for SOS to take. Of course, I had to ask, and was stunned by the response, "If he makes it..." I was then told that he was en route to the clinic in an ambulance.

I called Melissa at the clinic, and TONY had not yet arrived. I reminded her of the Irish spirit, and how these wonderful dogs manage to pull through against all odds. She remembered! I also pledged financial backing since he still legally belonged to the shelter, and it was unclear whether they would be able to release him to rescue since they were pursuing criminal charges against the owners.

It was days later when TONY arrived at my home. He had gained 3.2 pounds by this time, though I suspect that some of the weight was from fluid accumulating under his skin.

His skin is starting to respond to the antibiotics, and he is gaining muscle in his rear legs. He has claimed his padded doggy bed, and spends most of his time snoozing. He now wags his tail readily, and has some bounce to his step, too! Life is good!!!

His eyes are troublesome. Initial testing indicated KCS, and he is receiving cyclosporin in both eyes twice daily. One eye has responded, but the other is still producing significant amounts of yucky stuff. Because the condition went untreated for so long, he has permanent visual deficits. Continued treatment for the remainder of his life will serve to prevent further damage which would render him totally blind.

We also aspirated a mass on the inside of one of his legs, and were relieved to find no evidence of cancer cells. One foot has significant scarring and inflammation, and we will likely take x-rays to determine what, if anything, should be done.

In spite of all that he has been through and the pain he must suffer due to the skin infection and KCS, TONY has a winsome personality. He openly seeks out affection, and now only flinches occasionally when we reach to pet him. He anxiously awaits the arrival of his bowl (smaller meals several times a day until his body gets used to digesting again), and eagerly cleans the bowl. He has not yet come to understand that he will not go without ever again, but that will come in time.

I should warn you that the pictures are somewhat graphic, so if you have a weak stomach, you should not go to this link.


Of course, TONY is doing most of the hard work, but SOS has to pay the bills. That is where sponsors like you can help! When making a tax deductible donation, please indicate that you are sponsoring TONY, and also tell us how you would like for the acknowledgement on the website to read.

Don't forget to check in on the website in about a week for an update!!

Alissa Thomas
Lucky to be the foster mom to BONY TONY MALONEY!

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Poor Tony. I saw the photo's. How can people treat an animal that way?! I hope he will find a good home in the future.
That is horrific. That poor boy. Shame on the owners of that dog. What goes around comes around as they say. Thank you for saving him.
Can't get Tony out of my head. There are too many dogs who are not that lucky. I wish Tony the best second start into a wonderful, happy, long and healthy life.

I had a look at saveoursetters (not too closely at the pictures) and my first reaction was "shame on these people". However, maybe I am a bit naive, but all I can think of is desperation. It happens, especially as we are globally going through hard times.

I don't know the background, and it's not my place to judge. Maybe they were in financial hardship?
I often thought it must be hard to get into so much trouble that you have to give away your dog. Yet it happenes. I personally would rather starve myself or move to a caravan place with my dogs. But then you never walk in other people's shoes, do you?

It really makes me think. Isn't there anything were people in hardship can go to make sure their dogs are taken care of? Maybe a place to help people in hardship to rehome their dogs would rescue a lot more dogs?
Guess I have to follow up on this. First I wanted to retract that answer, but it was too late. Please don't get me wrong. I find the way to just leave a dog to rot in an empty house absolutely horrible. You will always find a solution. People who do that deserve severe punishment in my eyes. It's just that I do not want to think of human beings being so cruel. I just can't believe it. These people must feel cornered and don't have the capacity to work through it. Maybe that's my naive part.




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