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Many IRWS around the world attend Field trials. Here you can post your results, and the judges critics.

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Pallas Green Harriet won 3 times open trails after each other In Ierland. Jim Sheridan from Craigrua kennel dit a great job running her in the Wicklow mountains and Slieve Bloom mountains She will be a Fieldtrail Champion. But only she need a showtitel.But that will comes true
This is for the first time in the history of Pallas Green Kennel.
Harriet is born out Craigrua Goldie X Harry.
Pallas Green is a Kennel in Holland and the owner is Gerard Mirck
Also this is never happend in history that a Ducth Kennel helps there motherland for new blood and champions.
I am very proud on Jim Sheridan and will give him my support for what he believes in Red and White's.
Groet Gerard Mirck
Nice :)

Did Harriet get 3xCacit (fci) in a row? In Norway one needs 3xCacit to becom FT Champion (pluss at least a first in show)
Yes Harriet took the first place in the Wicklow Montains and 2 first places in a weekend in Slieve Bloom Montains.
She is quit young to get that titel. Now here show titel she must get.
She is in very good hands
Gerard Mirck

Are you intrested for puppies from the secound litter ?
2 males 1 bitch left
Fiorella's United Spots O'Healy(Pollina) has won her second CACIT at an International Field trial, making her up as an International Working Ch
Pollina is a daughter of Pepperstown Polly, and is trained and handled by Carlo Sardone. I'm hoping to have another litter from Polly before the end of this year
I correct my self, we only need 1 FT cacit, but 25 points to become FT Champion in Norway. In addition to a first in show.
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Last Saturday United Spots O'Healy (United Spots Night Wish x Pepperstown Polly) got her INTERNATIONAL WORKING CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE (Field trials) in Poland.
.She has 2 CACIT in 2 different countries and with different judges plus
1 CACIB (beauty) at the International Dog Show in San Marino. She
could have had the title also with just a Very Good at any
International show...but she wanted to show off and got CAC and CACIB-
and she wasn't the only IRWS at the show
As for the Field Trial they all were Setters and Pointers.
This brings to 3 the Working Champions in my kennel (as for the others they all have the field trial qualification). United Spots Irish Pride has been the first Dual (working and beauty) champion in the breed, Pepperstown Polly (under my name) got her Italian and International Working Championship and third United Spots O'Healy followed her mother's footsteps at just 3 years old. I guess we don't really need all this new blood, do we?
Fiorella Mathis
United Spots Kennel
Rome, Italy
Well don !
The IRWS Confined Breed Stake was held on Sunday the14Sept.It was judged by Timmy Fox an A judge from Ireland and Christiane Lohmann an A judge from Germany.I won the FT with Deargban Bella who was awarded First Excellent.Christiane will be reporting on the FT and on the dogs which ran in it,so I will leave her to comment on it. Terry
Congratulations Terry! I heard that it was many good dogs attending this year. It's a shame that we could not be there to join you all.
Christiane will give you a full report, as she was judging she saw a lot more than the rest of us!
It was a good day, all the dogs ran well, there really wasnt a bad one among them. They were all fast, covered a lot of ground, just unlucky that there were so few birds.
As well as judging the trial, Christiane also went over all the dogs afterwards and did a critique of each one for construction and type
That is great! Congratulations :)
How do they conduct the FT in Poland, is it more or less the same as in Ireland?




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