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Setters in the South East


Setters in the South East

A group for Setter owners in the South East of England.

Location: South East of England
Members: 18
Latest Activity: Aug 28, 2014

Discussion Forum

'Boys' holiday home

Started by Lois McCullough Jan 31, 2012. 0 Replies

We have just returned from Australia after 6 weeks away and our 'boys' always go to the same holiday home (kennels) and have been for the past 3/4 years. For anyone in the South East we would highly…Continue

Comment Wall

Comment by KC and the boys on April 4, 2012 at 6:12am

Silvia - our message crossed. I do hope it's only a minor injury and Oberon will be fine in a few days. Do keep us in the loop! And please keep the 15th in the diary if poss. Best Wishes, KC

Comment by Lois McCullough on April 4, 2012 at 6:46am
Not sure we can make mon 9 april as Hamilton has just come home from the vet after an overnight stay. He has been diagnosed with Pancreatitist has been on a drip and is now on painkillers. His diet will need to be changed for the rest of his lfe no more cheese, shin of beef etc etc Poor Hamilton!!
Comment by KC and the boys on April 4, 2012 at 7:02am

Geez - what's happening to our dogs?! They are all falling to pieces!!!

Shall we keep Sun 15th in the diaries? Hopefully the boys will have recovered until then...

All the best to Oberon and Hamilton!

Comment by silvia on April 4, 2012 at 8:57am

Lois, I am so sorry for this!!!!!! His diet will need to be changed with absolutely no fats, but I am pretty sure he'll get used soon and, hopefully, the disease can be under control with just diet, so do not despair ! I really hope he can recover very soon from the drip  experience.

I think is a good idea to keep the 15th then, hopefully also  the weather will be more stable by then. We'll see if we can join (i will be back from germany the 13th late night and Marco is supposed to travel the monday after so is a very crazy week end, but let's see what we can do... ) 

Oberon has nothing visible so I hope is just a strain.. started limping after he went  for a bit of exploration in the brushes but I can't see anything below the paw, so who knows..  finger crossed ;)

Comment by Lois McCullough on April 4, 2012 at 9:32am

Thank you Silvia and do hope Oberon picks up quickly. I have researched Pancreatitist and apart from what the vet said have found raw game, cooked veggies, brown or white rice, low fat cottage cheese, fish, chicken are OK so he should be fine on the no fat diet. I've always cooked their meals for them and chicken, fish and shin of beef were the basis with added potatoes and veggies.  Hopefully by removing the shin and his favourite cheese it will help to stabilise him. Poor Hamilton,he was in a lot of pain and I was concerned when he appeared to be dragging his left rear leg and on laying him down he gave a yelp when I tried to gently move his leg and touch his tummy. Blood tests confirmed his enzyme levels were high so the vet hospitalized him 

Comment by Charlotte Beeney on April 4, 2012 at 2:54pm

I'll keep the 15th free then.

Wishing the two poorly pups a speedy recovery! :(

Comment by silvia on April 10, 2012 at 3:15am

Hi all, I hope you had a nice Easter break and that Hamilton is feeling better! Oberon's paw is  fine now, he had some pain for 3 days but now he's back in shape and jumping, probably it was a little strain.. so, we confirm that we can do sunday 15th and we would love to do the  Camber beach if this is ok for you :) .. we start getting a bit curious of such lovely sand dunes that you described:) 

Comment by Charlotte Beeney on April 10, 2012 at 3:40pm

15th is still good for me - anyone else have any more of an idea if they can do it or not yet?

Comment by KC and the boys on April 11, 2012 at 5:56am

Yup I'm still up for the 15th. Went for a day trip to Rye yesterday but as we went sans Errol we didn't go all the way to Camber. The drive back to Brighton was a right pain but hopefully on a Sunday the coastal route will be less congested. Let's hope for dry-ish weather and that Hamilton will be fit enough to join us!


Comment by Charlotte Beeney on April 11, 2012 at 1:17pm

I'm really hoping for a dry day because Finn gets really cold in wet weather and it aggravates his cough :( the weather forecast isn't looking that good but hey ho


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