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Els Kersten-van Hoorn
  • Female
  • Haren (Ems)
  • Germany
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Els Kersten-van Hoorn's Friends

  • Wim Dokter
  • Astrid Landsaat

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Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Two adults and four pups at the moment
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
25 years
About Me:
Hello everyone, it feels nice to join you on E S.
I was born in The Netherlands and my late husband Rembrandt Kersten and I moved to Germany (just across the border) in 2003 for the obvious reasons: gaining more life quality for ourselves including having better training facilities for our working setters. We left our children and grandchildren behind but a 2 1/2 hour drive is peanuts. In comparison with the Netherlands this part of Germany (Emsland in Niedersachsen) is far from overcrowded and offers one space, clean air, hugh fields for the setters and enough game.
Being a dog lover at very young age, my first dog arrived when I was ten years old, against the will of my parents but he was allowed to stay. Since then there hasn't been a day in my life without dogs. Having a working pointer bitch myself in the nineties I then met my husband (setter man and FT judge) at a field trial course. Since that day my life was coloured red. In 2005 we imported Drumrue Kerry (Kristin Jameson). My husband died in 2007, in that same year he finished his book 'Hond Staat' (..Dogs on point..). In 2008 I started breeding with Kerry after she performed EXC in Derby's. Some pups of her 3rd litter are to be seen on Henk ten Kloosters blog: Caesar arrives..
Wanna know more.., feel free.

Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 6:46am on November 29, 2012, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…

Welcome to ES Els!!!  so you are Ceasar's breeder!!!  what a fabulous fabulous dog he is! glad you are joining ES and hope to see plenty of pictures!!!

At 1:55pm on April 21, 2013, Wim Dokter said…

Geachte mevrouw Kersten,


Jammer dat u er niet was gisteren (20-04) in Ijzendijke. Had het leuk gevonden weer een andere setter te zien in het veld.

Wellicht tot snel?

At 3:08am on October 14, 2018, Jos Knoops said…


Johnny heeft last van de nek. Stijf, pijnlijk. Heb je enig idee ervaring?



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