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Paul Nowack
  • 68, Male
  • Cleveland, OH
  • United States
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Paul Nowack's Friends

  • Sandra Zivanovic
  • Mojca Novak
  • Michelle Webster

Gifts Received (1)

Red Ribbon From Patricia G. Conley

Paul Nowack's Page

Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
35 years
Greetings! I am so glad to have found this site. The photos are of my dear Maggie Mae. She is an 8 year old Irish Setter. She is from the Fleetwod Farm's bloodline. I do not know if this kennel is known outside of the United States. I found this site accidently, last night while researching the association between osteosarcomas and Irish setters. On May 10th, I found a hard mass on Maggie's front right ankle joint. X-Rays have shown that it is a mass growing over the joint. She is having a biospy done right now. Please keep us in your prayers. I lost my previous setter, Brandy, to bone cancer in 2000. If I lose my sweet Maggie to this terrible disease, it will devastate me. Sincerely, Paul

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Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 3:41am on May 29, 2009, Michelle Webster said…
Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy it here. I just love your photos.
Best wishes,
At 8:21am on May 29, 2009, Mojca Novak said…
Welcome to this site.The photos is so nice.
Mojca from Slovenia
At 6:56pm on May 31, 2009, Anna Kazimierowicz said…
Hello Paul,
I've read your site, hope everyting with Maggie will br all right, cross fingers.
Once more greetings
At 8:49am on June 4, 2009, Paul Nowack said…
Greetings Friends! I want to thank everyone for their kind welcome and their good wishes concerning my Maggie. The Vet called me late last night with the biospy results. The tumor is not cancerous. It is a benign Fibroma. We are so relieved! But now we have to decide on what course of action to take with the growth. Surgery is an option, but the growth is directly over the " ankle" joint and the Vet is concerned that in removing it, a tendon could possibly be cut. This would leave Maggie lame in that leg. The Vet is consulting with an Ortho. Surgeon today and will get back with us. Thank you all again for your kind thoughts and prayers. I'm sure that they helped. You all have such BEAUTIFUL setters. I see that some of you have more than one red head beauty. What a joy that must be to see 2, 3, or 4 setters running together in a field or splashing playfully in a pond. The one thing that I've always loved about Irish setters is that they know how to have fun. You can actually see it in their faces. Sincerely, Paul
At 2:21pm on June 27, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Happy birthday to you Paul, welcome to the site and having read you profile I will keep everything crossed for you and Maggie Mae. We will be thinking of you both
Dee and the girls
At 6:25pm on June 27, 2009, Paul Nowack said…
What a pleasant surprise! Thank you so very much for the kind Birthday Wishes. I truly appreciate it. Good News......That benign growth is actually starting to shrink. I guess that the body might be reabsorbing it. My dear Mags is back to her crazy, fun loving self. I feel so blessed. Her continued good health is the BEST present that I could ever have hoped to receive. I do want to sincerely thank everyone that kept Maggie in their prayers. Please take care, Paul & Maggie Mae
At 8:55am on July 28, 2009, Leonor Ferreira said…
Dear Paul,

I hope everything turns out ok with your lovely Maggie, but whatever results are always keep positive. My cat Ziggy had two cosecutive surgeries to remove a mastocytoma level III( cancer) last October, considered fatal on cats and so rare that there are no studies about it. I’ve looked for help everywhere and an angel fell from the sky (from the UK:-) ) and helped me finding an oncologist vet in Portugal. Against all odds and after 2 surgeries and 8 chemotherapy sessions Ziggy is very much alive, naughty, beautiful and in a great mood. I also had the help of my vet that advised me to find an oncologist. Most of the times our vets are not specialized in certain areas and the best is to find someone dedicated to a specific area.
But I sure that your Maggie is Ok and you won’t have anything to worry about.
Best of luck to booth of you.
At 9:36am on June 27, 2010, Sandra Zivanovic said…
Happy birthday Paul. Kisses

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