Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Yves Peeraer
  • 65, Male
  • Aragon
  • Spain
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Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
Nowadays, just one, but I enjoyed 6 of this breed in the past
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
I have owned this lovely breed since 1969
About Me:
I'm from Belgium, but I've been living for more than 20 years in Spain.
When I was nine years old I had my first Irish Setter.
Since then, I have always been in love with this breed. Our Irish Setters are a part of the family and live with us in the house.
I enjoy showing this breed.
I met my wife at a dog show. She had an Irish Setter, male, called Niko, and I was there with my Irish Setter, female, Lola.
Now, we have been married since 2001, and we live with our three children and our Setter, called Cuper de Ainalba, in a small village in Aragon - Spain.

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Yves Peeraer's Blog

My first Setter

Posted on November 30, 2009 at 7:04am 4 Comments

Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 10:59am on November 30, 2009, Esther Siegrist said…
Welcome on this side, Yves. I hope, you will enjoy it :-)
Lovely photo from the past with your first Setter
Regards from Switzerland, Esther and boys
At 1:53pm on December 3, 2009, Susan Mogony said…
Hello Yves, You can find all shows in Holland on the Irish Setter Club site; www.iersesetterclub.nl and on the belgium irish setter club; www.irishsetterclub.be
Hope to see you in Holland or Belgium or maybe Germany with your irish setters! Good luck
At 6:47am on December 7, 2009, Pamela Anne Sawyer said…
Thank you for your comment. Where abouts in Aragon do u live we actually drove quite near to you when we moved out here 3yrs ago. We by-passed Zaragoza, are u near the French border or more in Spain. It's lovely to see that u show your dogs, I used to when we lived in UK, but no more. I found getting hold of Kennel Club here a bit difficult.We were also thinking of breeding our 2 but it never happened, my Nina wouldn't let Shannon near her, proably because they have been too close, more like brother & sister, so if u have any contacts here then please let me know as our vet would like a puppy also a few other contacts we have
At 3:34pm on December 8, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Hi Yves,
Your story is very nice. Since you had your first Irish setter when you were a young boy and later when you met your wife at a dog show.
After all this time, you saw also how much the breed changed.
Great and very nice photos.
At 3:05am on May 25, 2011, maria jesus escolano llerena said…

Holaaaaaaaaaaa, qué tal? te encontré!!! oye, echa un vistazo a las fotos de mi cachorro, hijo de Lulo y de Dacota de Termes, nació el 3 de Abril, es una pasada, mira a ver si conoces a alguien y me dices, me gustaría que estuviese en buenas manos, y luego recordarte que viene una camada en camino para el 12 de junio, hijos de Lulo y de Neftis de Lauranca, te paso mi móvil, 649 72 12 49 chus. besitos.

Por cierto, vas a la monográfica? a ver si alguna vez conseguimos el obligatorio pq esto es insufrible!!!

At 3:26am on December 25, 2011, Mertens-Marcelis said…

hallo Yves zalig kerstfeest en een gelukkig 2012 gewenst van de of Funny Home kennel, ons Haike is beste teef van het jaar geworden en ons Jaclyn is beste jeugdteef geworden  van de Belgische Ierse Setter Club, en nu word het druk wand ons Duchess verwacht rond 2 januari puppy's

Welgemeende groeten van Jos en Maria

At 3:44am on December 8, 2012, willy duijnkerke said…

hi yves ik dacht die krijgt mijn mails niet met al de fotos van de pups. ik hoop dat je een super puppy gaat krijgen dat in de ring het goed gaat doen voor je. het is niet makkelijk om iets speciaals te krijgen tegenwoordig . ik hoop je te zien in zaragosa met olé en smart step. fijne dagen,  gr willy

At 12:35pm on November 23, 2013, Yves Peeraer said…

Last weekend ( 15nov) Cuper de Ainalba got 1st excellent in Talavera De La Reina.

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