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Charlotte Godart - Riverwood
  • 44, Female
  • Belgium
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Charlotte Godart - Riverwood's Discussions

Chickadee Tribute - Thank you

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sara Gerrard Nov 4, 2011. 32 Replies



Welcome, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood Kennel!

Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
2 girls & 1 Boy
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
Since 2003
About Me:
Since several years Irish Setters have been part of my life. The love and complicity that we share has been transformed into a true passion.

First Chickadee makes her entry into my life, she was supposed to be a dog, but destiny decided otherwise, and it was not such a bad thing after all, pure joy of which I didn't quite realise the enormity. With her came the discovery of the dog world: shows, obedience and even hunting. The show virus was quickly acquired as at her first show Chickadee was best puppy in show. Enough to say that I didn't have to be pushed into becoming passionately addicted. I have enjoyed some great moments at the shows with Chickadee. In 2006, she was Europasiegerin at Dortmund, consecreted best bitch in Belgium by the Belgian Irish Setter club and third best bitch in Holland. Beginning of 2007 she became German Champion.

The 4th April she had her first pups in the kennel where she was born and one of her daughters Girly Girl came to live with us. Girly don't needs to prove her worth in the show ring. She is not only already a German Champion but also Belgian Junior Winner 08, Dutch Junior champion and in 2008 she won Best in Show at the Junior Day of the Belgian Irish Setter Club at just 17months with an entry of some 80 junior Irish. Lately at Bath at only 25 months show in England she wins her entry into the English Kennel Club Studbook and a life qualification for Crufts, a great achievement which can only make me even more proud of choosing Girly.

26.05.2010 My dream come true, my first litter and the 2nd for Chickadee ! She give birth to 12 puppies (10 boys & 2 girls). From this litter a boy stayed with us, he is named "Scott" Riverwood Jungle Rock" He is the son of Multi & Int Sh Ch Sametsuz Sunset. He has already did a great impression on show by winning a lovely 3th best baby in show and 5th best baby in show . . . he just grow up like I want, the future will tell us if I have reason to believe in him ! ! ! Way to go Scott . . .


Ch. Chickadee DOB:26.12.2003 - 14.10.2011

International show champion - VDH German Champion - Best bitch of the year 2006 ISCB Belgium - Europasiegerin 2006 - Saarlansiergerin 2006 - Rheinlandsiegerin 2007)

Ch.Girly Girl DOB 08.04.2007
International show champion - KC Stud Book Qualified - VDH German champion - Dutch Junior Champion - Brussels Junior Winner - BEST IN SHOW "Junior day" ISCB 08 - Bundessiegerin 2009 - Landessieger 2009

Riverwood Jungle Rock "Scott" 26.05.2010

By Multi & Int Sh Ch Sametsuz Sunset & Int Sh Ch Chickadee of McBirdy

Kortrijk Euro dog show 2011 Best in Show Junior

Jr. Ch Riverwood Kymbayah "Penny" 29.10.2011

The daughter of our beloved Girly & Multi Ch & Int Sh Ch Houston of The Trav'Lin Star

Luxembourg Junior Champion - Bundesjugendsiegerin 2012 - BIS puppy at Dutch club show 2012 - BIS Junior "Junior day" ISC Belgium - Windsor 2nd in minor puppy & Richmond 2nd in puppy

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Charlotte Godart - Riverwood's Blog

CAC National dog show Maubeuge (fr)

Posted on April 16, 2013 at 6:20am 9 Comments

14 April 2013 : A super wonderful day for the Riverwoods @ the national dog show Maubeuge (fr)

Under the Belgian judge Mr J De Cuyper my Scotty boy was back in show ring and he did it with style by winning 1st ex + CAC best male

Miss Penny…


Riverwood Kazatchok with Porschet JW (subject to Kennel Club Confirmation)

Posted on November 22, 2012 at 10:39am 12 Comments

The Riverwood kennel made history this sunday 19 november in becoming the 1st Belgian kennel to breed a Junior Warrant winner in England.
I wish to…

New Website

Posted on October 24, 2012 at 6:15am 3 Comments

5 longs and tiring but oh such enjoyable days

Posted on July 4, 2012 at 1:13pm 7 Comments

All started at the end of Thursday morning, meeting place at Yvonne's house, then off in the direction of England for Windsor show; We had an easy trip and arrived at our B & B at 5.30pm, where we took possession of our rooms and then quickly off in the…


Riverwood Kumbayah @ 6 months

Posted on May 4, 2012 at 5:09am 1 Comment

This is the result when a Riverwood meet for the 1st time the River in the Wood ! ! !

Miss Penny seems to be in her element :-) LOL

Presenting my new boy Mr. Haute Couture at Riverwood aka J-P Gaultier

Posted on January 26, 2012 at 5:58am 12 Comments

Since our local television visted us to film a portrait of the Irish Setter, Scott thinks he's a star and has all the caprice of a starlet; Last Sunday Scott wanted to see if the grass was truly greener on the other side of the fence, and I don't know how, as our fence is rather solid and high. But pass to the neighbours he did;  Once I'd recuperated Scott I of course inspected him to see there was no damage, and I discovered a huge hole on his side where he'd ripped a large piece of skin…


Comment Wall (358 comments)

At 2:23pm on July 10, 2007, Alenka Pokorn said…
Hi Charlotte, glad to see you here as well. Should be lots of fun. I like your new puppy. Very pretty head. Love Alenka
At 8:55am on July 11, 2007, Susan Stone said…
Bonjour Charlotte! There is no better way to learn a language... I'm working hard on my nederlaans...
At 1:36am on July 12, 2007, Mirjam said…
Hi Charlotte,
How is Chickadee and Girly Girl doing? Thank you for inviting me!
Send you lots of love from Jolly & Blossom
Kind Regards, Mirjam
At 8:02am on July 12, 2007, Kasia Czapla said…
Hi Charlotte,
Perhaps I come to the Junior Day - Malinka is still in the good age, so I could bring her and Toffee. But it will be also good opportunity to see your Girly Girl in real ;-))))))). She looks sooooooo sweet on the photos!!!!
At 1:27pm on July 12, 2007, Kati Mäkelä said…
Hi Charlotte!

I´m glad to see you here.
Hugs and kisses to your lovely girls :o)

At 8:13am on July 17, 2007, Redword said…
Hi Charlotte,
Lovely girls and what a great web site you have - had a look and enjoyed what I saw!
At 11:31am on July 27, 2007, Gaynor said…
Thanx for inviting me,
At 11:44am on July 27, 2007, Gaynor said…
Pleased you like my boy, it was a great thrill when he gained his title in March at the ISBC, then went on to beat the bitch and go Best In Show out of an entry of 357 Irish Setters.

Love your web site and your impressive dogs.
At 8:07am on July 28, 2007, Elena Nagornaya said…
Hi Charlotte

Your dogs are charming! Very pleasant for me to be here and to see you :)
At 5:42am on July 30, 2007, Susan Stone said…
Many thanks! I can't make Luxb but am thinking hard about the junior day - but Glen is such a handful to show that I might just take the easy way out and work on him quietly at home... it is not that he doesn't enjoy himself, but my nerves are in bits & pieces at the end of it!
At 6:41am on July 30, 2007, Agnieszka Dufrat 'Neiven' said…
Hi Charlotte,
You have really lovely girls. Big kisses for them and good luck for the future.
Best Greetings
At 8:33am on August 10, 2007, watergirl0153226 said…
Your girls are real beauties! I really enjoyed looking at your pictures.
Barb Janicek
At 2:45am on August 16, 2007, Nadine Bonjean said…
Salut Charlotte,
comment se fait-il que mes commentaires soient accompagnés d'une croix rouge? C'est ainsi que par mégarde j'ai effacé le tien...
At 6:20am on August 16, 2007, Kasia Czapla said…
Hi Charlotte, All our puppies left last Thuesday/ Wednesday. All to very very nice homes, so I am very happy. One is living now in Holland, 3 in Germany and one stayed in Poland. Tomorrow I drive to Holland to have a look at Aylien's puppies and to make some photos of them. I am very curious how they look. They will be half brothers and half sister to your Girly, so hope they will be also as sweet :)))))
At 9:47am on September 1, 2007, Mirjam said…
Hi Charlotte, Chickadee and Girly Girl,
What a beautiful pictures on your website of Chickadee and Girly Girl when they are playing (august). Good luck next week at the young dog show!!! I do not go to it but I go to a little show here in the Netherlands with Blossom.
Kind Regards, Mirjam
At 11:53am on September 3, 2007, Cecilia GUIOT said…
Bonjour Charlotte,

Vos 2 filles sont vraiment magnifiques.
Bonne chances pour vos prochaines expos.
Peut-être aurons nous la chance de nous y rencontrer.

At 1:11pm on September 3, 2007, Monique VIRY said…
Bonjour Charlotte,
Girly Girl suit les traces de sa maman, félicitations !!!
Si vous donnez des cours de présentation et de photo, je m'inscris.
Vous avez l'air bilingue français-anglais, venez nous rejoindre sur Frenchy pour dépanner les pauvres francophones.
At 2:19pm on September 10, 2007, harriet said…
thanks looking forward to see them.
At 3:31am on September 11, 2007, Susan Stone said…
Bonjour Charlotte,
un grand merci pour tous ces photos du Junior Day - enfin je sais qui a gagné le BIS. Félicitations à tous les petits de Chickadee et Dooley pour leur succès!
At 2:53pm on September 22, 2007, Monique VIRY said…
Bonjour Charlotte,
J'ai déjà rencontré les maîtres de Gypsie qui habitent à Belfort : ils m'avaient réservé une chienne. Je leur ai souhaité beaucoup de bonheur avec Gypsie mais ils n'ont pas donné suite.
Attention !!! Je vais te prendre au mot pour les cours de présentation : tu vas devoir animer une cession pour nous qui ne savons pas présenter nos chiens !!!

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