Just to inform you all that the entry to the Club show after the european on 2nd October has been extended until 31/8/2010. More informations with link to the entry form, judges etc can be found under Events. If by any chance you have sent us an e-mail entry and have not recieved an answer contact me on following mail address pticarji.cac.2010@gmail.com
Written confirmations will be sent by "snail mail" about 2 weeks…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on August 24, 2010 at 8:16am —
1 Comment

photo M'Eudail Vanilla Sky at the Maribor show by Eva Černohoubova
Last Saturday Pika's daughters M'Eudail Valentine Kiss and our own M'Eudail Vanilla Sky went to a Field Trial for young dogs (all pointing breeds from 9 months - 2 years old). At this trial natural abilities of the dogs are tested - nose, quartering, pointing,…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on April 30, 2010 at 4:39am —

Ch Yesterday's Hero Red Roses in Diamond, 2 x BIS Veteran, BOB Sunday

Slo J Ch M'Eudail Apollo, 2 years in April, CAC, CACIB, BOB on Saturday (only shown one day)…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on April 18, 2010 at 3:30pm —

Yesterday in Graz under a well known judge Mr Rui Olivera from Portugal our "old girl" Ch Yesterday's Hero Red Roses in Diamond was shown first time in veteran class and was Veteran Winner. Her grandson Slo J Ch M'Eudail Apollo (Ch M'Eudail Take That ex Ch Free Minds Esa) was 1st in Intermediate class and won CAC, RCACIB while his sister Slo J Ch…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on March 7, 2010 at 9:00am —

M'Eudail Vanilla Sky (Ch Free Minds Darling ex Multi Ch Yesterday's Hero Red Roses in Diamond)
our beautiful little girl

Added by Alenka Pokorn on November 21, 2009 at 2:33am —

Our 18 months old "Polo" aka Slo J Ch M'Eudail Apollo (Ch M'Eudail Take That ex Ch Free Minds Esa) got CAC, CACIB and BOB yesterday in Vrtojba under judge Dorothea Hanlon-Carrol from Ireland. Polo is co-owned by Andreja Janša. His brother Ars was 2nd in Intermediate class. Sorry for the bad quality of the photo. The halls were rather dark.
Added by Alenka Pokorn on November 9, 2009 at 1:52pm —

M'Eudail Vino Rosso
M'Eudail Vanilla Sky
Ross and Touch are stil looking for a good home while little Sky is a real mama's girl and has decided to stay.
More photos to be found at…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on October 31, 2009 at 5:25am —
No Comments

Could not resist to post this. First "official" duty for Vana as a hunting dog was to greet kindergarten children who came to learn about hunters and animals.
Added by Alenka Pokorn on October 14, 2009 at 11:18am —
How time flies. Our babies are already 11 weeks old and due for second vaccination on Monday.

M'Eudail Victor Victoria growing up into a gorgeus boy
Photos of all the pups taken today can be found at
Added by Alenka Pokorn on October 3, 2009 at 10:45am —

photo by
We had an excellent day at the show yesterday. Judge was Mr Zlatko Kraljić from Croatia.
M'Eudail Ars, BOB Junior
M'Eudail Aura, 1st Junior bitch
M'Eudail Apollo 1st Intermediate, CAC, RCACIB - became
Slovene Junior Champion
Multi Ch M'Eudail The Temptation CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG II
Thanks to the owners for taking the time…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on September 27, 2009 at 1:58pm —

M'Eudail Victor Victoria, the sweetest boy you can imagine.
We had another photo session today. 7 pups stil remaining with us had so much fun playing, that it was a struggle to get them to stand on the table or took any head shots as they were all the time looking around…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on September 19, 2009 at 2:24pm —

Just got these adorable photos of one of our girls M'Eudail Vanity Fair on her first day with her new owners. Vana is going to be a working hunting dog and we are very pleased she found such loving home.
All photos to be found at the following link…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on September 13, 2009 at 1:40pm —
Now the official photos at 8,5 weeks old. Can't believe they will be 2 months soon.

M'Eudail Vanilla Sky - my beautiful little girl

M'Eudail Vino Rosso - lovely and oh so fat
Photos of all the pups are available…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on September 10, 2009 at 2:32pm —

At 16 months old and after attending only 3 shows
M'Eudail Ahil (Ch M'Eudail Take That ex Ch Free Minds Esa) became Serbian Junior Champion winning 2 x BOB along the way. Congratulations to his owners
Mr Bosko Prica and family and thanks for taking such good care of him.…

Added by Alenka Pokorn on September 6, 2009 at 4:53pm —
New puppy photos available at

M'Eudail Vivace Allegro - this boy really loves to show

M'Eudail Vie en Rose - our crazy Rosie who never sits still
Added by Alenka Pokorn on September 4, 2009 at 2:16am —
Somehow time just flies by and our babies are growing at an alarming rate. In 3 weeks they will start leaving our home. Photos of all the pups to be found at http://www.moj-album.com/album/16836470/

M'Eudail V.I.P. - my brilliant gorgeus boy

M'Eudail Valentine Kiss - getting the hang of this show…
Added by Alenka Pokorn on August 28, 2009 at 1:00pm —

M'Eudail Vivace Allegro

M'Eudail Voodoo Doll
Standing photos of all the pups and some fun photos available on
Added by Alenka Pokorn on August 18, 2009 at 4:04pm —
Pika and Dar's pups are 4 weeks old today. They weigh around 2,5 kg and are spoiled rotten. Since we had some extra time yesterday we did some standing photos just for fun and learned we have some talented and some very stubburn pups. Here are the photos of my two favourites at this moment. Photos of all the pups can be found at
http://www.moj-album.com/album/16605994/I will try to post them every week, will be fun to compare how they change. …
Added by Alenka Pokorn on August 10, 2009 at 12:07pm —
These were taken on Saturday 1/8/2009 when they "tried" to have their first meal. As you can imagine the food was everywhere but inside the pups. Doing better though after a few tries. Must say their mum enjoyed licking them clean.

Added by Alenka Pokorn on August 3, 2009 at 5:23am —

Slo Ch Free Minds Darling (Ch Dubliner Hole In One ex Multi Ch Zennith Ankaranska)
Multi Ch Yesterday's Hero Red Roses in Diamond (Ch Meadowlark's Midas Touch ex Ch Tiffany Ankaranska)
Born on 13/7/2009, 6 boys and 5 girls…

Added by Alenka Pokorn on July 20, 2009 at 4:46am —