Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Often I hear comments arround the ring about judges - and the critics are hard many times! But I was thinking about us!? You know people at dog shows. I think dogs are easy to deal with and to understand - but people? After many years on shows I reflected over how to behave on our shows.

In Sweden - now also in Finland- everybody got their own tent on shows, very close to ringside. Just to get into the ring is complicated and to see what´s happening in the ring is hardly impossible. That is not very polite - and we have all paid to be there...

Then the behaviour! The dogs are fantastic - it doesn´t matter if it´s raining, sun is shining if it´s cold or muddy. But their handlers seems to have all nervs outside with plenty of diva mannors. Is it necessary? I acctually feel sorry for the dogs - they surtanly allways try to do their best!

So - what I want is more smiling, happy people at our shows!!! After all it´s our hobby - not war... Remember that it´s allways the best dog in show that follow you home!!! Also - if you cannot accept the judges decitions - mybe you find something better to do with your red friend?

Have a nice day and give your dog a big hug!


Views: 34

Comment by Kasia Czapla on July 18, 2007 at 8:48am
Hi Carina,
I think we still have it not so bad here in Poland. I like specially summer shows (many of the indoor CAC show have not the bst conditions for the dogs, they are too crowdy). But when we have a show in the open air, normally all setter people are sitting together, dogs are on the blankets or in the soft crates. Sometimes people come with a tent, but then its a tent with all walls open to make the shadow. Ofcourse there are some "less friendly" people or some groups that do not like each other so much. But not too many and for sure not as many as in some other breeds ;)
But my opinion is exactly the same as yours - dog showing is a great hobby and a very good way of spending your weekend. With people that are having different lifes and careers in the "week time" and then change the daily routine into just "setter freak" in the weekend. Its nice to sit together, exchange opinions, listen and give advices and help each other with taking care of the dogs during the show. Mostly we all come by car to the shows, so we can not have a beer together ;)
And regarding judges - there is no perfect dog and no judge that likes all the dogs. So you just have to accept the decissions and try to go to the judges that are possibly the best specialists in the breed. And if you loose - well there will be another show where your dog will be more appreciated.
It is up to us to treat the dog shows as fun not only fulfilling own's ambitions.
I am also sometimes on the shows in Germany, Belgium and Holland and I must say the atmosphere is also very nice there. I always feel very welcome and like to go there not only because of the dogs, but also to meet again all setter friends there.......... and to make thousands of photos ;))))))))))
Comment by Carina Eriksson on July 18, 2007 at 10:04am
You obviously got the right relaxed attitude! I hope our nice hobby will stay nice and that we setter-people will be a good example for others...
Well said comment! Thanks,
Comment by Carmel Murphy on July 18, 2007 at 2:57pm
Most of the setter people here in Ireland get on very well together at shows and we all chat to each other ring side! I believe in enjoying the show even if I am sometimes a bit nervous(I have only been showing for 5 years) I always praise my dog after judging has finished even if she is last!!! There are only one or two people who feel they should win all the time!! I usually stay away from them as they are too serious and can spoil the day for others!!! When I started showing I got a lot of help from other exhibitors, which I needed very much!!!! I would say for the most part our shows are quite relaxed! I also found Crufts very relaxing and friendly too, which surprised me! :o))
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on July 19, 2007 at 5:45am
Here in Slovenia shows are also quite relaxed. In general most of Setter people here are very nice and we usually all stay together at shows, travel together, go for a meal afterwards etc. But every now and then you get someone who is not so nice, who can't see the faults of their dog and thinks he/she knows all about the breed after owning one for a few months. This kind of people then talk that all shows are fixed - only breeders winnning, yet keep going and making trouble, spreading rumors etc. They can't seem to understand that after being in the breed for 10, 20 or even more years, showing several dogs, breeding a few litters etc you have experience. You know when and what to feed the dog, when to excercise, how to keep the coat in condition, how to show the dog to the best advantage etc Of course you also know what judges will most likely like your dog, so you enter shows where you have most chance of winning - makes sense also financially.
As for the comments about judges - there are many judges who like different type of dogs. Standard is open to interpretation, it is not exact as some people would like it to be. And not to forget dogs look very different when you are standing in the middle of the ring than from the ringside. As a judge you have just a few minutes to go over the dog so it is impossible to see all the faults the dog has and exhibitors notice after seeing that same dog every weekend.



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