This lovely picture of Glen (and me...) appeared in the local newspaper last saturday. During a training session in the woods for 'search and rescue' I found an old coin or amulett with an engraving of St. George on one side and Jesus in a sailing ship on the other. The inscription said 'In Tempestate Securitas' (roughly: safety in the storm) Not knowing what to do with it I sent it to the local press. They did some research and said it was a 'St. Georg's Amulett' possibly made in Kemnitz, then Hungary and now Slovakia, dating from sometime between 17th and 19th century... and should keep me safe and sound! OK, 19th century does not sound that interesting so I've now sent it to the historical museum to see if they can tell me more... The paper wanted a picture of me in the woods together with my dog. I only took Glen - didn't want to scare the photographer;-))
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