Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Dear all,

I cannot find the words to describe how much I did NOT want to have to write this blog....but we recently read some very ugly & serious allegations here about ''copyright infringement" from one of the ES members. For myself I am not bothered as I am nothing to do with Discover Dogs & any any claims that I "stole" & published someone else's images are defammatary at best & spurious at least. However the lady actually concerned, my good friend, who gives her time voluntarily to decorate the stand at Crufts has been caused untold distress over this affair.

I had hoped the ES member concerned would have publicly acknowledged that the bargain struck had been honoured.
Sadly that has not proven to be the case.... so I would like to inform everyone that Jarno has, as promised by her, received his favourite image, blown up to A1 size & mounted on canvas & that all other of his images displayed on the Crufts stand, all of which acknowledged him as the photographer, have also been received by him.

How do I know this?
Because the member concerned has acknowledged receipt of them in a private email to Mr George Stephenson earlier this week.

I have therefore waited to see a public acknowledgement from him that the bargain struck has been fulfilled....it seems regrettably that I have waited in vain. Therefore let me be clear that 'Lady D' has done what she always promised she would & despatched all his published images back to him as per their original agreement.

Matter now closed I hope.

Let us hope that this site can now go back to celebrating our beautiful breed as Gene intended when he created it.
The breed standard calls for the dogs to be "demonstrably affectionate" it would be nice if all their owners emulated such a quality

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